Thursday, August 4, 2011



August 4, 2011

New credit companies and ancient (A) credit companies, birth of America (“United States”) in part to present time, hard and hard for the Blacks and other non-whites to get ancient and modern (M) credit cards, credit approval for education, business, rental, mortgage and other credit facilities.
This foundation of the hardship and poverty of the Blacks and other non-whites.

Lay and unlearned people may wrongfully blame them. Major blames are apportioned and in conviction granted against the governments and leaders of America. (See Dr. Phillip Chukwuma Ofume’s  “ Hereditary Poverty and Role Players and Victims”).

Without the assistance of some philanthropist and Good Samaritans like Rev. Run and others, racist service delivery conditions imposed by the US past and present credit companies, again restated that it would have been difficult to see plastic credit cards in the hands of the Blacks and other non-whites.

 In both A and M times, these companies are  major prong to the poverty and related conditions of non-white communities. Professors and other scholars of economics and related social sciences continue to sleep and dream NOTHING to repair harmful policies and practices in America and continue to write petit and empty books to increase large meals on table.  Worst across the United States, Civil Liberty organizations are swiftly disappearing because of the chameleon and physical dictatorships in the United States birth to Patriot Act era.

Government of President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joseph Biden cannot immediately or within short period in office stop this longstanding anarchy because of the obstacle of the CIVIL SERVICES rule, regulations, policies and practices and federal system strongly armed with  independent state and local system where respect for federal authority is in greater part  AT WILL with limited or no sanction consequence of lawlessness. In this present government, under these clusters of opposition, time is required to realize some amount of change. Because majority of ex-President George W. Bush and other Patriot Act actors and ancient racist laws are still in-force, credit companies have escalated their discriminatory service delivery and must be reviewed or totally eliminated because they are disruptive to the performance of the COMMONWEALTH OF AMERICA.

 Under the work of LIMPT, INC. (EDUCATION & WORKFORCE PROJECT) several physical test cases were  applied to discover the INNER CYCLE of these modern credit companies. Individuals and families volunteered and these credit companies ran red light.

This article is created from reports written from research and investigation in North America and Europe. It is posted to advice onlookers directing unsure attention on poverty and wealth in America between whites and non-whites.

Before this article americans and non-americans may have read propaganda relating to the outrage that welfare and poverty are choice of the Blacks and other non-whites. This claim is highhanded fallacy to cloud history of poverty and welfare and how they started in America and embedded in the time to time lifeline of certain of people in Africa. Several others who became rich, is there any proof that they had worked harder than other americans who are poor. The answer is No.

US Lecturers, researchers and other scholars failed to do serious work to discover and disclose policies and practices which developed and expanded non-white poverty/welfare, and the role of the credit companies in implementing this ugly action and solution  in  American society. In reviewing the poverty of able men and women in America, first touch of an eye would point at education, employment, housing, banks, credit companies (plastic cards) and related providers in office to grant economic empowerment sources and resources.

Without hiding truth, in majority of the incidents of poverty and welfare in these communities, the incident  are hereditary and created instantly to expand the whites’ access to right to education, jobs, better housing, credit facilities and other better services for the whites.

The credits companies referenced, are in major part of the operating tools  and creators to realize welfare and poverty in these communities. These credit companies are heartless in scoring and awarding credit scores to non-whites because more poverty and welfare are automatically more better life for the whites.

More poverty and welfare are more chances for better life for the whites to the extent that mere telephonic hearsay of hate person  is used to establish bad credit for non-whites to block victims access to right to intended services, retrievably such recovered services becomes surplus for whites.

Secretly, these companies have used secret imposition of bad credit on these non-white communities to deny them services (education, jobs, urban, mixed and suburban housing, etc.).

Hereditary conditions (poor and rich) have deeply found place in the lives of families, men, women and children to the extent, that white men , families, women and children have inherited  parents good credits scored with/without merit and they (whites) use the credits to revamp any sudden bad credit that may occur in their lives.

For example, starting business, buying homes, renting apartment, securing education and business loan/bursary,  etc are pointers to this horror in the United States. Publishers have advised the government of America to create community by community commonwealth to close this  wide poverty and welfare cartel. program is best chance to close this gap including creating better urban and mixed urban schools, jobs, housing, etc. Suburban or better schools are for the majority of whites and applicants must be white or have good credit and jobs to attend these schools. Worst part is that suburban schools are secured for the whites by denying non-whites rights to rent apartment and buy home in these communities.  Majority of the new and old urban, suburban and mixed urban housing (including purported section 8) is owned and managed by the whites. Without good credits which are created or manufactured by these credit companies, renting or buying of these houses/apartments is impossible. .After the credit score battle, another battle is landlords’ conditions which are based on color and race. To rent to non-whites in suburban community, some white landlords requested for over 42 pages of different documents and other conditions which extreme few non-whites would provide.

Careful review of the credit target by these companies inside and outside the United States focuses on politics and controlled by “senior” political bloc to impoverish “minor” political bloc. In both ancient and modern times, these companies are created to destroy and impoverish non-whites.

Take careful reflection back prior to the sitting of these new credit companies and another look on whites and black slave trades and abolition of the two versions of slavery (12/05/1864) in the United States; Re. 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The weight of the “Emancipation Proclamation” of President Lincoln 1863 did what for the Blacks and other people of color?  Expert below said NOTHING. Majority of the presidents of America inside and outside the abolition and emancipation era did nothing to create desegregated and equitable economies where all the peoples in the nation of America have unrestricted right to education, employment, housing, etc.

21st Century  in the United States the large disparity between WHITE and BLACK Slaves (15TH , 16TH 17TH , 18TH, etc centuries,) time to time started before and after the abolition of slavery to the extent that 13th amendment and “emancipation proclamation.” Free whites turned their faces heaven and earth and back to them for themselves (slave and free whites) and they (whites) accepted white slaves and closed and destroyed slavery records (including sanction to teach, discuss, publish, etc records on the whites slave trade and slavery, and  gave them (freed white slaves)  agro-seeds, fertile farm land, money, etc. Now the highest disclosure of white slaves is replacement of the word “slave” with “indentured Servant”. They (free and slave whites) came together and established strong and waterproof theory of exclusion and marginality of the people they called  “OTHERS.”

The conditions of the white slaves and slavery are over 98% opposite to conditions of the black slaves and slavery.  Extreme majority of the black slaves and free blacks were rejected and placed in conditions worst than real time slaves including branding them delinquent, insolvent being, disable and unintelligent men/women/children to engage in post slavery  economic activities. These ancient credit companies approved same flow of  money and other services for former white slaves and free whites.  


Phillip Ofume, Ph.D. Chair, National & International Policy Research
Council; Head, Law Reform and Litigation and Security Policy Council;
Candidate in Exile - Nigeria's Presidential Election 2015; National
Chair, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association -Anti-Racism
Committee (p)

Godson Etiebet, Ph.D. Researcher, (Policy/Good Government) National
and International Policy Research Council Coordinator, Europe Section,

Cynthia H. Taylor, Ph.D./Alh. (Dr.) Farruk Mohammad Strategic
Development Researchers - International Policy Research Council,
Middle East Project

Tan Ochollu, D.Lit. Principal Researcher, (Strategic Development)
National and International Policy Research Council Director of Asia

Reid MacDonald, Ph.D. Coordinator, North America Section

Kris Kifindi Bunkheti, Ph.D. - Sept 2007 - present continued to be
detained/imprisoned by the PM of Canada Stephen Harper Researcher
(Language/Culture), National and International Policy Research Council
York University (Department of History) Toronto, Ontario Canada (p)

Jerome Tesfai, D. Min/Div Principal Researcher, Policy and Practice in
Government and Foreign Interveners - Africa Project

Francois Bourgeois/Pierre Bushel

International Human Rights Watch and Democracy - St. Etienne, France

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