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Seeks Corporate Executive Administrative Position within versatile professional settings which strive for cooperation between education, people at large, and industry via upbit innovative research and appreciative of people with innovative smartness, talent, energy and also workforce which empowers and embraces team challenge, development vested in enhanced advancement.
· Project Chair (2009 - 2010), INTERNATIONAL POLICY AND PRACTICE RESEARCH GROUP & COUNCIL (IHRRG & IHRRC): STANDARD OF EDUCATION PIECEMEAL, K-TERTIARY BY SPECIFIC COURSE PROGRAM - Designer of the research project and led scholars internationally to research and investigate Standard of Individual Course Program. Separated course program by course program contrary to the traditional method which merged lump sum courses under the state and federal departments of education, in process erroneously styled as search for standard of education in the United States . Under my chairship, we found that each course program must be separated to find the standard of each course. Henceforth the track for finding standard of education is to localize and find standard of each course program. For example, standards of mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, history, human anatomy, economics, psychology, political science, environmental science, sociology, etc, must be reviewed separately to find low, medium and high standard of the course program under contest. Recent lead Collaborating Educational Corporation: LIMPT, INC. (INTERNATIONAL & USA EDUCATION PROJECT)
· Co-ordinator and lead researcher, LIMPT, INC. (2008 - present): Specialized study of
Socio-economic strain on relationships between Gross National Product and Working Parents/Guardians and how the burden of the Care and Protection of the Child in school has reduced retention/assiduity of the Child and productivity of the working parents/guardians at home and workplace, and escalated children disengagement from school with multi-billion dollars costs on government, parents/guardians and other taxpayers. This one of the investigative social policy/practice researches that led to the birth of LIMPT, INC.
· Co-ordinator (2006 - 2009) 0IL AND CHEMICAL WATCH INTERNATIONAL & LIMPT, INC. (EDUCATION PROJECT): Regaining learning ground after dropout and verge of dropout from school. Responsible and lead designer of an alternative and interactive multi-linear classroom. Some troubled children/students were adopted partially in former formal school and informally home schooled and partially schooled in vocational education center. During the process, some students were reintegrated to their former formal school and graduated. Others graduated by multilinear interactive plan which is formal and informal collaboration.
· Alternative schooling and reconstruction plan for the inner-city or urban communities. In collaboration, responsible for finding that some people want crime, spoiled urban conditions, inner city and its conditions to remain and grow from worst to worst...because the conditions create jobs and other opportunities for some people. Responsible for finding that education of victims is key to correction, reduction of crimes, emergence of decent and crime free communities. (ASIR) - Anti-Refugee Slavery International Inc. (Principal Researcher 2000- 2001). LIMPT, INC. reopened the project in 200and on-going.
· Internationally, praised for being Responsible for the specialized work which found one of the best law courses called "JURISDICTION". See detail at captioned as OFUME v. HARVARD UNIVERSITY - LAW SCHOOL .
· In addition to this globally acclaimed tertiary impact, responsible for researching, investigating and developing k-12 school curricula to raise course program by course program standards, designed interactive formal and informal learning curricula to prevent disengagement or dropout from school and if allowed capable of reducing close to zero over $650billion costs on government, institution, parents /guardians and other taxpayer P0ST-DOCTORAL POLICY RESEARCH AND INVESTIGATION UNDER INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION AND PARTNERSHIP (updated: March 2011 & on-going)
· National/Provincial Competitive Policy/Practice Project (Canada) : Winner of the Project and Responsible for Research and Investigation based on Assessment, Evaluation, Review, Recommendation and Report on NEEDS and BARRIERS of Immigrants in Canada. Amount Awarded: $200,000.00 Host: Department of Education and Culture, Nova Scotia (1998 - 1999).
· Developer of the background policy for the development of Corporate Affairs Program in the Minorities Child Care Program in Canada and United States (Principal Development Consultant –1999-2004).
· 1981 - 1985 Lecturer/Associate Researcher , University of Ibadan, Department of Political Science(Faculty of Social Sciences), Nigeria and Institute of African Studies University of Ibadan Duties: Researched, Criminalistics; Political Anthropology of Abuja; Co-taught Politics I Africa and African Politics; Military Rule and Arm Struggle in Africa; Political Theory/Ideology, Africa in pre and post-Diaspora and Africa in Globalization.
· 1982 Lecturer, Ogun State University , Department of Philosophy Duties: Taught Philosophy of Science, Ethics, Selected Ancient Philosophers, Marxism, Modern Capitalism, Communism and Socialism.
· Responsible for using U.S. NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT and related education legislations to investigate huge national imbalance in U.S. Education and/or access to right to education between different color and racial group. Urban schools or predominantly non-whites schools are not example of United States claimed schools and system of government.
· Responsible for conducting peacemeal research and investigation and widely separated all learners K - tertiary on color and racial lines to sort out the barriers and needs route to right to education.
NS Habour Solution Treatment Plant Project: risk and danger on the biocommunities and extra-biocommunities ($5000.00 –self-sponsored by two NGOs) African Canadian Human Rights Association Inc. and Oil and Chemical Watch International (22) (Chair)
· $200,000.00 Needs and barriers evaluation and assessment policy research project –Department of Education and Culture , Nova Scotia Canada . Federal Grant. 1998 – 1999 (Project Officer and Principal Researcher)
· A.G. Brook Research/Publication Company USA/Gambond/Phonex Companies, Nigeria Topic: Research Product Commercialization in illegal market in Third World Countries 1989-1995 Grant: $34,000.00 (General Man
Gambond/Phonex Nigeria Companies Director of Research and Training (1986 - 1996) Duties: Training of internal and external Managers and Entrepreneurs in the following:
· Workplace Negotiation and Conflict Resolution - Managers, Assistant Managers and Entrepreneurs; International Business Research and Formation of Cooperants -Managers; Research Methods and Research product Commercialization - Managers; Project Proposal and Management - Research Project Directors; Mechanism for Recovery of Business Debts -Accountants/Manager Trainees; Recovery of Pension and Gratuity - Junior Arbitrators; Methods for Recovery of Oversea Debts - Foreign Partnership Managers; Recovery of Death/Accident Debts - Senior Arbitrators; Recovery of House/Property Rents - Junior Real Estate Managers; Project Financing and Management - Research Project Officers; Loan Defection and Piracy - Bankers/Finance Company Managers; Breach of Contract and Agreement - Senior Arbitrators; Feasibility Study and Project Management -Manager Trainees; Formation of International Partnership between Institution of High Education and Business Sector.
· National Chair, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association(CSAA – Anti-racism Committee) – 2001 - present Member,
· International Pen(Canada Section) 1999-present
· Director/ Chair of Research Council, African Canadian Human Rights Association(ACHRA -Human Rights Canada ). 1998 - present
National Administrator, Anti-Refugee Slavery International (ARSI - Canada Section). 1998 - present.
· Ofume and six Human Rights NGOs v. Government of Canada. Decision located at the United Nations Charter Document version at: Ref E/CN.4/2001/21http://>documents>charterbased<file:///C:/Users/keynesonyenro/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Templates/>bodies- >commission on human rights-> UNITED NATIONS Economic and Social Council Fifty-seventh session Item 6 of the provisional agenda.
· Independent African Canadian Immigrant Settlement Program in Nova Scotia Co-author: Prof.(Dr.) Agnes Calliste, Prof.(Dr.) Raphael M. Nyiti, Dr. Phillip Ofume(Principal Researcher/Author) and Mr. Charlse Njoku). 38 Pages. Halifax Canada , 1999.
· Globalization and Ethnicity in Nigeria . St. Francis Xavier University , Antigonish, N.S. 1998.
· An Immigrant Anthropography: Voluntary and Involuntary displacement as a result of the outrage of war, economic problems, famine and political persecution. A position paper presented to Anti-Refugee Slavery International - ARSI Canada Section Halifax 1998.
· Development of interactive communication web site in cross cultural workplace. Paper presented during a race relation symposium organized by African Canadian Human Rights Association, Halifax 1998.
· Survival of Refugees in Country of repatriation: A pattern of Pre-repatriation micro-project for post - repatriation adjustment. A paper presented to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Headquarters, Geneva Switzerland . Lome , Togo 1997.
· Obligation of the IMF/World Bank: Under-writing the indebtedness emanating from the structural adjustment programme 1985 -1995. Presented to the National Research Council of Ika Awareness Movement, Agbor , Nigeria 199
· Responsible for NGOs base bridge building in Halifax N.S. School System 1998 - 2005. This project identified the new roles of parents and elders in the school system to reduce Learners school dropout.
· K – 12 responsible for designing community base two-way learning curriculum. Under LIMPT, INC. (EDUCATION PROJECT) this project was referenced and re-mastered. All students under this program are smart/talented/honor/high honor/A/A+/B+
· Responsible for designing a Small Business Plan (SBP) Converting Refugee Adjustment Assistance to repatriation self-reliance program in country of repatriation.
· Counselor, Sunday School, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints, Halifax Ward
· Teaching and Formation of Home Church in France , UK , Italy , Belgium , etc. Unification Church .
- English
- French
- Nigerian Languages
· Doctorat du 3e Cycle (Ph.D.) - DEA, D.E.Phil. - Ethics, Universite Catholique, Lyon II France, 1982
· Doctorat du 3e Cycle(Ph.D.) - DEA - Panafricanism: Politics in Africa and African Politics, Universite Jean Moulin Lyon III France 1981
· S.Dr. - Scolarite au Doctorat du 3e Cycle - Comparative Philosophy/Philosophy of Science
· M.Sc. - (Labour Science - Completed one year) major/minor formal and informal concentrations - International Labour Law; Introduction to Ergonomy; Noise Pollution/Therapy;Labour and Unionism; Workplace accident/claims, Universite Jean Moulin Lyon III France 1981
· M.Phil. - Anthropological and Ethnological Research and Investigation with specific research in Social Anthropology; Cultural Ethnology; Comparative Social Organization; Gender Anthropology and Social Mobility, Universite Catholique, Lyon II France 1979
· B.Phil. Bachelor of Philosophy - General Philosophy with specific formal and informal interests in innovative contemporary Philosophy of Law (post –study research and investigation) - Universite Catholique, Lyon France 1977
· Ph.D. (Min.) - Christian Leadership University , New York USA (on-going)
· Juris-doctor (on-going with over 35 years law study, research, investigation and practice. In the United States certified by the Massachusetts Board of Bar Examiner to do completion courses to seat Bar Examination but in Canada and United States my presidential rivals for the President of Nigeria influenced Harvard University (Law School), Abraham Lincoln University (Law School) and McGill University (Law School) to deny my application for admission to completion courses. Denial became best scholarly blessing or enabling force to stabilize my focus midway as super pro se and advocate-at-Law to wrrite merit brief and do small/large cases (up to $2.5 billion) and most published, translated, read, contested and contentious court and other cases which draws storm of several billions of regional and international public and other interests audience, thus lower courts through supreme courts of Canada and United States and upward at United Nations.
· NCMP - Mediation Negotiation and Conflict Management Programme Dalhousie University ,Law School/Henson College Halifax , N.S. Canada . 1998.
· NCMP - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Dalhousie University , Law School/Henson College. Halifax , N.S. 1998.
· NCMP -Advanced Mediation (inter-governmental and large corporate body mediation and conflict management and resolution, Dalhousie University , Law School/Henson College Halifax, N.S. 1998.
· Dr. Peter C. Nwaonicha 6359 64th Avenue P. O. Box 1450 Alexandra , VA 22513
· Dr. Victor Okoye, Sr.Attorney & Counselor At Law 23 Central Avenue Suites 405 -407 Lynn , MA 01901
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