Friday, July 15, 2011


DEMAGOGIC OUTRAGE TO COLLECT MORE RECOVERY.GOV MONEY: “Teens landing more Lynn summer jobs” (Daily Item) - Mayor et al of the City of Lynn, MA 

July 7, 2011

The article posted in one of the racist daily district, county, states and national  media (CNN, FOX News, WBZ, Daily Item, etc) and referenced in this article was created directly and indirectly by the authority of the City of Lynn, conservative/republican party and other opposition (including chameleon democrats) used politically to cover and distort racist activities in the United States and added system secretive activities which hamper integrated effective human development and designed to block enhanced promotion of  economic growth and job creation for non-whites. Further and further to deceive the target and mass peoples, this article was posted on social media, google and other news and information sources.

Particularly, this fallacious article emerged with fear mongering to cover severe forms of high secret government with engraved racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, heartlessly  put in place with impunity by the present Mayor and hereditarily copied from ex-incumbent. Under highhanded exclusion and marginality, the city of Lynn is severely reserved, secretively ruled and bona fide property of the whites who are few resident and massively imported to unemploy resident non-whites and their communities.

Because of  LIMPT, INC’s call that employment austerity, poverty and low standard of education to non-whites are  harmful and swiftly creating extensive school drop out, forced exodus of non-white from the City of Lynn, solution to job creation and school drop out,  the Mayor and City Council members  who are 100% whites and Public Schools (over 98% whites) had several secret meetings in March/April 2011. Thereafter the Northeast Housing Court, Lawrence, MA (Lynn Session) and the landlord of the property where LIMPT, INC. and National Coordinator reside and do business  was placed in xfast track proceedings and only one month proceedings in case with maximum contest or opposition, eviction was forced and entered and they commanded all landlords within the district and over 20miles to deny rental and purchase applications. Some landlords off record said, “ the city authority is in control, what’s going on here…”, “ I was warned not to approve you”, “what’s happening I was forced to say that my property is leaded and not good for under 6-year children”, etc.

 Demographically, the City of Lynn maintains a sizeable profiled demography of over 65% non-whites whereas the secretive city of Lynn demographic study awarded 67% to whites and deceitfully to apportion revenue and services per racial group. The authors of this population enumeration called Hispanics and Arabs whites. In the schools majority (0ver 99%) of the teachers and administrators are more of imported real whites than domicile real whites without Hispanics and Arabs.

Now the public is in dark. The word, TEENS is deliberately used without classification by race, nationality, color and gender. During different interviews and orientations we entered the venues  inside and outside Mayor’s office. In Mayor’s office hiring center  which has largest numbers of hired students, one black and one Asian were hired and whites majority with/without the background to the eliminated non-white students. Several poor and highly talented/gifted/smart/ nonwhite students were not hired. Actual meaning of this article is that several white students “landing more Lynn summer jobs.”

Since LIMPT, INC. entered these centers, the Major of the city of Lynn tried to pretend over the longstanding inequity in employment and on students summer jobs, the Mayor applied cosmetic style to post some of her nonwhite errand runners to stores and factories to abort the word of external investigators. On the teachers and administrators inside and outside the mayor’s office, schools, factories, etc. external media and other observers are invited to visit these places soon as the summer holidays is over.

With high ego, one of the hiring director, in her unprofessional job denial letter written without the name of the recipient (who is one of the talented/gifted/smart/honor nonwhite students), claimed denial phrase, “we have interviewed and selected better candidates.” Based on this boastful denial letter, LIMPT, INC. sent further copies of trhe cover letter and resume of one of these students to the Mayor and Director of Employment, Mr. John Kosian and requested for meeting to enable her office disclose the resume and cover letter  of the candidates called “better candidates” but the Mayor and her director did not reply.

The telephone calls which Publishers including LIMPT, INC.  received show that the article posted in Daily Item may have angered the students because the City of Lynn and businesses within the district have ample of chance to develop employment sources to hire over 1000 students but failed to do so and stocked in the old and uncivilized ideology of race and color. US Chief Financial Officer (Recovery.Gov) is given free money under race and color because hiring only 150 students of over 1000 students in dare search for vacation job is not sufficient to overload this district and state with public money. In the same state (MA), over 17 public schools have been closed in Boston.

The North Shore Career Center (181 Union Street, Lynn, MA ) refused to train their staff on major areas such as Client/Employer Cluster program; lack of the knowledge of employment search follow up with industries; lack of self-employment project; Profile/Resume/CV development/design to match conditional job search; focus career development with disorientation problems; Job search and hiring difficulties; etc. LIMPT, INC. and Associates have attended the center’s career development workshops and they scored the center 2.7%. Over seven months,  the LIMPT, INC. continually requested the center to publish or show their sample of merit profile/resume/CV for corporate and non-corporate jobs and clients without effort to show anything. During special investigation, research and discovery examination, LIMPT, INC. found that over 95% of the jobs are issued based on color, race and personal relationships. In this center, qualification and experience are in greater part not required or immaterial.  

 Article opposed by the Publishers shows that, the Mayor of the City of Lynn who is the commander-in-chief allowed his staff to deceive the public of Lynn and America in general by using general language by saying  that “Teens landing in summer employment” because 150 teens who are majority whites were hired. The claim is ridiculous because 150 teens are irrelevant to over 1000 teen in the city well frustrated without any job to lay their hands to buy their books and indirect costs imposed on them by the schools.

Deceitful general word, “Teens” to place cloud on longstanding truth in the city of Lynn. The study and direct discovery study  conducted on the Summer Jobs in the City of Lynn show that the wealthy (whites) are in extreme majority of the purported 170 summer jobs claimed by the City of Lynn, director of employment whereas the poor (non-whites) that are also smart/talented/gifted/honor students were not hired within the cosmetics to deceive onlookers, one or two nonwhites selected to create background photo to the US Chief Financial Officer in charge of the RECOVERY.GOV.

Over 1300 poor students made strong drive to get summer jobs but over 98.8% were not hired. These students look up on summer jobs to buy summer holidays books which their parents can not afford under federal and state poverty level. The punishment urban and part of mixed urban schools face is summer holidays heavy and punitive unscholarly assignments. In one of the urban schools, one type of book is recommended for the AP and regular classes (grades 9 – 12).

Under NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT and related legislation, mainstream academic year through summer holidays, poor students are supposed to be granted relief of free books and other school supplies. In these public schools, free books and other supplies are sold to students. Some of these urban and mixed urban schools pencils are sold for 10c – 20c to poor students. Books are sold to the poor students at high cost of  over $25.00 (see the case of Lynn Classical High School) above amazon and other off/on-lines regular stores would sell the same book. Some students who refused to disclose their particulars and whose parents/guardians’ incomes fall below state and federal poverty level told LIMPT, INC. that books donated to their school for summer reading were further donated to the City of Lynn or Lynn Public Library.

The teachers and authorities of these public schools, heartlessly imposed over ten (10) voluminous relevant and irrelevant text books and novels (some are over 250 pages – see Classical High School)  per students and they must work to pay for these books which could be purchased online (amazon et al) and they have less than two months to read these books and do worthless essay and submit to these whites teachers who are enjoying ostentatious vacations inside and outside the United States. Forcible order to read all the pages and do summer assignment make the entire work punitive, learning psychological torture, key to reduce standard, and irrelevant to what the students require to excel to intended level and career.

Under abject poverty and lack of employment, even if extreme few have the money to buy the books, another major problem in this teaching and learning conduct is that to place order and receive the books would take over fourteen (14) days and subtract 14 days from less than two months summer vacation. In Suburban schools or whites’ schools, throughout the academic year and summer holidays, comparatively homework, test, quiz, examination , and other skill tests are less than 1/4 and the meaning of this plan is that teaching and practices are over 3/4  and the poor and rich students are given test books to take home and use permanently or return end of the school year. Overloading students with irrelevant homework, tests, quiz and examination and teachers walk up and down doing nothing are some of the major causes of low standards in urban and part of mixed urban schools.    

 LIMPT, INC. has studied another strain on non-whites students and related racial group via Lynn Public Library or known as non-white library. As the Mayor of Lynn continues to spent thousands of dollars to award contract (digging the beautiful grass and scrapping the beautiful artistic wall) to white contractors, the highly old pay as you go one by one paper photocopy machine and frequently out of service remains unreplaced; few or one computer for over  users and timed one hour per used, old and out-dated Dell computers and used and donated computers. During the major consultation with the library and meeting with the director the library the following incidents were presented and requested urgent action:

1.   No matter the type of assignment these poor  non-whites grade school students are doing one hour on snail running computer are granted without right to extra time and to save the work done.

2.       No matter the type of assignment these poor  non-whites university and college students are doing one hour on snail running computer are granted without right to extra time and to save the work done.

3.  In Lynn Public Library several non-whites are stopped from renting or  borrowing books and other materials because the library staff creates fictitious bills on their library cards and they have no money to pay the heavy bills to be imposed on them. Upon receipt of the Complaint in year 2008 LIMPT, INC. created open Investigation Data (DI) and conducted by LIMPT, INC. without external contractors. Five non-whites card holders were presented in February, 2011 and the library staff confirmed that there was zero outstanding bill or no charges were owing to the library. Between July 1 , 2011 through July 5, 2011 LIMPT, INC represented the cards  the first time since February 2011 and the library ran red light when the staff claimed that all the cards which have not been presented to borrow or rent books and other materials are owing between $19.00 and $67.00 some of the bills were incurred when the holders were not within the jurisdiction of the library and some owed in 2006.  

The standard of education in the city of Lynn is low because the work force in the Public Schools is over 99.3 % whites and non-community base with the sense of community to build their own from education to employment. The interests of these teachers and administrator are deeply focused on daily appearance at the workplace and salaries to enable their own better life with obstructionist sense that if OTHERS were given standard and qualitative education they will excel and emerge in the workplace to compete for jobs.

Past and present mayors of the city of Lynn have harshly discriminated and divided non-whites more than white americans of the early 17th – 20th centuries. The past Mayor before the present Mayor LIMPT, INC. (EDUCATION/WORKFORCE PROJECT) tapped into the suppressed protest of the majority of the people of the city of Lynn who are non-whites.

As the demography remains unchanged, majority non-whites and minority whites, education, healthcare, administrative, expert jobs, etc are controlled by majority of internal and external whites. The past mayor deceived the hispanics to under-go low profile training sometimes two hours or one training to enable them take indentured jobs or jobs which the whites cannot do.


Phillip Ofume, Ph.D. Chair, National & International Policy Research
Council; Head, Law Reform and Litigation and Security Policy Council;
Candidate in Exile - Nigeria's Presidential Election 2011; National
Chair, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association -Anti-Racism
Committee (p)


Godson Etiebet, Ph.D. Researcher, (Policy/Good Government) National
and International Policy Research Council Coordinator, Europe Section,

Cynthia H. Taylor, Ph.D./Alh. (Dr.) Farruk Mohammad Strategic
Development Researchers - International Policy Research Council,
Middle East Project

Tan Ochollu, D.Lit. Principal Researcher, (Strategic Development)
National and International Policy Research Council Director of Asia

Reid MacDonald, Ph.D. Coordinator, North America Section

Kris Kifindi Bunkheti, Ph.D. - Sept 2007 - present continued to be
detained/imprisoned by the PM of Canada Stephen Harper Researcher
(Language/Culture), National and International Policy Research Council
York University (Department of History) Toronto, Ontario Canada (p)

Jerome Tesfai, D. Min/Div Principal Researcher, Policy and Practice in
Government and Foreign Interveners - Africa Project

Francois Bourgeois/Pierre Bushel

International Human Rights Watch and Democracy - St. Etienne, France

Send Comment to:  for Europe Section








In the United States of America:
P. O. Box 2416
Lynn, MA 01903
Re. Dr. Phillip C. Ofume

Website: Plug-in with Keyword: LIMPT, INC.

etc E-mail:,  ,

Disclaimer: We have experienced series of high handed cyber attacks
such as deleting of words and sentences from our write-ups; distorting
and confusing the meaning of our letters/report/advertisement/
articles; returning and destroying our e-mail and snail mail; changing
and distorting write-ups on-line; importing strange ideas into our
write-ups; etc. In the light of this, we hereby advise you to
disregard the activities of these cyber-vultures and contact us for
signed hard copies directly from the Publishers.

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