BBC article is posted at:
Extract from the OPEN LETTERS OF IHRRG/IHRRC/ASSOCIATES to the FAO, UNHCR, National and International Red Cross, USAID, Oxfam, UNDP, African leaders and politicians, Foreign leaders and politicians, Save the Children, etc.
“..Rationally, the theme of this article sees no light of the word or phrase, “NATURAL DISASTER” because unmanmade disaster cannot suppress the corrupt, misappropriation, discriminatory, inefficient , cruel and related conduct of the FAO, UNHCR, National and International Red Cross, USAID, Oxfam, UNDP, African leaders and politicians, Foreign leaders and politicians, Save the Children, etc. which operate under cluster intents – politics of bloc and self...
…Lack of early intervention and readiness to subvert the emergence of natural action create past, present and future crisis. This loophole is deliberately allowed to enable all actors mentioned above to fill their pockets with the proceeds arisen out from the crisis. Crisis becomes source of wealth and employment for the creators and stakeholders. Some people could be trained on how to make several crisis…
…Since 1970s-present, Dr. Ofume has been leading national and International NGOs to informally advise these actors to stop shipment of costly and unsafe foods and other consumable products to Africa. Failure to heed this advice led to the on-going or endless manmade poison in Africa (AIDS/HIV) and related illnesses purposed to eliminate large part of African human resources as indirect or secret measure to control natural and other lucrative resources across Africa...
…Do not listen to the ranting of lecturers, professors, leaders/politicians, pharmaceutical companies, medical and allied scientists, etc across the world that may advance topics in opposition because internally or secretly all these speakers agreed that AIDS/HIV are manmade terrorist insurgencies targeting economic opportunities via elimination of human resources.
…There are several swift, medium and long term cure medications for AIDS/HIV but sanctioned because the plot leading to this attack is STATE TERRORISM and launched without sympathy because of economic interests. See serial elimination or murder of several biological sciences experts and the threat of pharmaceutical companies and their grantors. These cut down biologists had humanely volunteered to expand research and investigation on CURE MEDICATIONS…
…The worst ego of these monsters is the on-going “treatment” which is another part of the mass killing part of the plot and removal of high rate of death from the national and international news and information...
…The project is structured in nature of a year-round mechanized and industrial commercial agriculture with maximum interventional reserves or storage to deal with natural disaster, war and other crisis. Our indigenous, indigenization, preservation, conservation mass year round food programs (planting, harvesting, management and distribution, etc) which come with building and construction of mechanized and manual dams, canals, seeds/seedlings, water readiness, irrigation and other water sources as fight back strategy to combat emerging natural disasters...
…The program is regionalized zone and across Africa initial minimum employment target is 50,000 with simultaneous jump because the project also includes but unlimited to feed the people of Africa and commercial projects. The western traders have fought their way to lobby leaders, politicians and UN to block the project but for how long...
…With security because of competitors, the project will thrive without risk and the food will be safer and cost less than 14% compare to the present over 99% costs which is goldmine for the FAO, UNHCR, National and International Red Cross, USAID, Oxfam, UNDP, African leaders and politicians, Foreign leaders and politicians, Save the Children, etc.
…Africans and Africa will continue to suffer this trend if related minds and Dr. Ofume are not elected president and become the chair of AU. “Actors in office must stop slave/master collaborations and focus on people and their root and what they need now and tomorrow.” (Sense of Humanization in-Phillip Ofume, Lyon, France 1978)…”
Somalia food crisis reaching 'unimaginable proportions'

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The levels of malnutrition among children fleeing Somalia's drought could lead to a "human tragedy of unimaginable proportions", the UN refugee head Antonio Guterres has said.
Young children are dying on their way to or within a day of arrival at camps in Ethiopia and Kenya, the UNHCR says.
It estimates that a quarter of Somalis are either displaced within the country or living outside as refugees.
The worst drought in 60 years has been compounded by the violence in Somalia.
"It's so extreme," said UNHCR spokeswoman Melissa Fleming. "Our people are saying they've never seen anything like it."
The warning comes as the UK aid agencies Oxfam, Save the Children, and the Red Cross launch emergency appeals in response to the food crisis which is affecting more than 12 million people in the Horn of Africa.
The agencies are collectively asking for nearly $150m (£93m).
The UNHCR says the need for food, shelter, health services and other life saving aid is urgent and massive.
Life-long impact
The agency says more than 50% of Somali children arriving in Ethiopia are seriously malnourished. In Kenya, that figure is between 30% and 40%.
“Start Quote
The relentless violence that's compounded by a terrible drought has forced more than 135,000 Somalis to flee Somalia so far this year”
Melissa FlemingUNHCR spokesperson
"What is the most tragic for us to witness, is that there are children who do arrive in such a weakened state that despite our emergency care and therapeutic feeding, they're dying within 24 hours," Ms Fleming told a press briefing in Geneva.
"We estimate that one quarter of Somalia's 7.5 million people are now either internally displaced or are living outside the country as refugees," she said.
The UNHCR recently opened a third camp in south-eastern Ethiopia, which is quickly reaching its capacity of 20,000, and is now planning further camps.
A relief plane chartered by the agency is flying to Addis Ababa on Tuesday and a convoy of 20 trucks carrying tents and other aid is on its way as well.
In north-east Kenya's Dadaab refugee camp, some 1,400 refugees are arriving every day. Aid agencies fear numbers could rise to half a million.
Badu Katelo, Kenya's Commissioner for Refugee Affairs, said food and water distribution, shelter and space were all over stretched and that the security situation was getting worse.
"We would like to see a vibrant, committed intervention from the international community," he said.
The BBC's Ben Brown, at the Dadaab camp, says infant mortality has risen threefold, with many children under the age of five dying within a few days of arrival.
Families have walked for days with hardly any food or water to reach the camp, says our correspondent - some say they were robbed or raped on the way or attacked by animals.
Exodus continues
Some say they have to wait days on reaching the camp before being given more than a few basic rations.

Nicholas Wasunna, senior adviser for World Vision in Kenya, said malnutrition in children under five could affect them for the rest of their lives.
"If they do not get the nutritional requirement they need in the first five years of their lives, there will be stunting and this [is] irreversible, and therefore they will never be able to live really their full potential," he said.
"We have to see as something we address immediately because it is unacceptable that children should be stunted."
Ms Fleming said there was no sign of the exodus of Somalis ending.
"The relentless violence that's compounded by a terrible drought has forced more than 135,000 Somalis to flee Somalia so far this year," she said.
"In June alone, 54,000 people fled across the two borders, and that is three times the number [of people who fled] in May. So this is a huge spike."
Somalia has been racked by constant war for more than 20 years - its last functioning national government was toppled in 1991.

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