Saturday, October 8, 2011


October 6, 2011

1.      Some of the best economic plans and programs, which  President Barack Obama and his government have expertly initiated  and put in place are JOBS and COMPETITIVENESS if the sole holder of the COMMONWEALTH OF AMERICA will not hijack and internally redesign the plans and programs as us usual for their own longstanding selfish interest. 

2.        In part x-ray of these programs/plans shows that over two years ago, Publishers wrote a report on “credibility check” in hiring inside and expert/specialized jobs and salaries and in this report, they computed a rough estimate of the loss in cash and human resources which America suffer as result of the new definition of corruption and several other deficiencies plaguing jobs and deficient competitiveness domestically and internationally.  

3.      If  expert and specialized labor force are diverted and not qualitatively conducted therefore competitiveness will be lower than NOTHING. This major reason why several low, medium and big industries of America and their emerging products are in the hands of foreign competitors and gradually disadvantaged American competitors including forcing them to be buyers, borrowers,  resellers of finished goods and services, etc.

4.        Several employers/employees within low, medium and high workforce platforms are there because of different forms of politics (color, race and political alliance and affiliation) and day to day no meaningful contribution to the employing sector and month to month money is wasted on salary and several other expenses.

5.       For purpose of ID Publishers decided to borrow polite phrase,  “credibility check” to replace “SHOW YOUR CREDENTIALS” to determine eligibility, qualification, specialization, expertise, measurement of intended input, salary,  etc. Under this cloud several billion dollars are suspected to be wasted in the process and the waste will be eliminated if adequately and equitably applied and enforced. Without, these check and balance, America industries (low, medium and big) will continue to be replaced by foreign competitors and sign of another downturn is without doubt clicking.

6.       Present government has done a great job to block this future danger but as mass majority of americans continues to throw support for this government, thus these are congress, representatives, governors and their lawmakers, mayors and their in-house lawmakers, corporate body and its deputies, etc. which believe that EVERYTHING in America must be conducted under race, color and politics.

7.       Americans somehow virtue of accident earned huge nation in the global union of nations with enormous geo-system, skill, natural and human resources, etc but in part it appears by “magic”  greater part of U.S. education and industry are operating below required maximum scale to waive emergency of the on-going  domestic and foreign underutilization erosion across American industries and under employing American industrial capacity because employers and employees are lower than set utilization point or target.

8.      Reliant upon this poor utilization of the vertical,  horizontal and crossbar  labor forces;  industry and education are severely underutilized and focused to meet intended target.  Across the United States, non-whites foreign and indigenous experts and specialists are minimally hired and few places where they are hired, they are dumped and under utilized. White experts and specialists copy their work and severally without sufficient knowledge of what they are copying.

9.       Unintelligently, across the walls of US academics and allied professions, non-whites lecturers and researchers  are in major part dumped forever on chair of ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR whereas white who entered the institutions after the non-white and without merit articles, papers, research, etc. is raised several steps up to the chair of Professors and non-white new in the faculty continue to match time constantly as associate professor.  Danger in this labor force conduct is that non-whites are terrified and decided to internalize or hide what they know and make their jobs for only source of means of livelihood for themselves and their families because of lack of motivation.  Several whites also found themselves in crossroad of doing nothing because their promotion is not qualitative and what they copied remain as dummy staff.

10.     In other job promotions same racist rules are applied. Sector to sector there are entry point vested in promotion tests/examinations for new and old employees. Publishers’ last point of call to conclude this investigative research and article is a hiring director (state, sector and person reserved) in the United States. He/she designed two forms of skill quiz (Publishers reviewed the level of the quiz to be  M.Sc.,  Introduction to Workplace and Staff Safety in Labour Science Course [(Production Industry) – Universite Jean-Moulin, Lyon III, France]. 

11.     Paragraph 10 above, usual and adjourning  horror in several US professional tests/examinations are that secretly, he/she gave the quiz to some staff to take home, answer the questions and return same to him/her whereas other staffs were forced to answer the skill quiz on the spot as he/she stood there and to collect the answer sheets. This type of conduct in major part of US workforce created the workforce of over 95% whites and whites’ abnormal control of AMERICA’ S COMMONWEALTH nationally.


Phillip Ofume, Ph.D. Chair, National & International Policy Research
Council; Head, Law Reform and Litigation and Security Policy Council;
Candidate in Exile - Nigeria's Presidential Election 2015; National
Chair, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association -Anti-Racism
Committee (p)


Godson Etiebet, Ph.D. Researcher, (Policy/Good Government) National
and International Policy Research Council Coordinator, Europe Section,

Cynthia H. Taylor, Ph.D./Alh. (Dr.) Farruk Mohammad Strategic
Development Researchers - International Policy Research Council,
Middle East Project

Tan Ochollu, D.Lit. Principal Researcher, (Strategic Development)
National and International Policy Research Council Director of Asia

Reid MacDonald, Ph.D. Coordinator, North America Section

Kris Kifindi Bunkheti, Ph.D. - Sept 2007 - present continued to be
detained/imprisoned by the PM of Canada Stephen Harper Researcher
(Language/Culture), National and International Policy Research Council
York University (Department of History) Toronto, Ontario Canada (p)

Jerome Tesfai, D. Min/Div Principal Researcher, Policy and Practice in
Government and Foreign Interveners - Africa Project

Francois Bourgeois/Pierre Bushel

International Human Rights Watch and Democracy - St. Etienne, France

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