STATE OF EMERGENCY …..…….....................................1 - 2
NIGERIA……………………………….....................................3 - 14
2.a. Message of Hope and Change to
Nigerians………................................................3 - 5
2.b. End to Politics of Polarization and
Quo on Nigeria and
Nigerians……………....................................................5 -6
2.c. End to Usurpation of Cultural, Social,
Political and Civil Liberties
Fundamental Rights in Nigeria under
2.d. Major Touch to Right to Essential Services
and Other
Service Providers……………………...............................................9-10
2.e. Nigeria is highly endowed with
human and
natural resources…………………..............................................10-11
2.f. End to Looting and Repatriation of
3.a. Structure and system of the New Nigeria
“Five-Tier National Government”……......................................14
3.b. Bills and Proposal - “Five-Tier
3.c. Legislative base to end bribery, corruption
related intolerance in
Recovery of
Loots of Crude and Processed Oil and
3.f. Notice to Five Tier National Government and
Nigerians on
the definition and meaning of
3.g. Indigenization of Nigeria’s political and
3.h. Question and Analysis of the Five-Tier
3.I. Incorrectness of Making President,
Senators and
House of Representative and Assembly
bully lords of
New Nigeria under Five-Tier National Government
and call to
Service of Homeland……………………...................................23-24
3.k. Apportionment of administrative and other
4.a. In Multi-cultural, religion, linguistic,
and ethnic
federal democracy…………………..........................................25-26
4.b. Multi-party Alliance under Five Tier
National Govt……...................26
4. c. Latter-day Political Ideology, Culture,
and New
Path to Unification…………………................................................26-30
5.a. Diversification from Oil/Gas and other
to Agriculture and other development
5.b. Science and
5.c. Graduate Sustenance Benefits (GSB),
Senior Citizen Benefits, Working and Student
Assistance, Families,
5.d. Labour, Student, Women,
Senior Citizen Representative
5.e. Five-Tier National Government: Wages versus
Prices -
Feeling the Impulse of Nigerians from
time to
5. f. Five-Tier National Government: Structural,
Functional and Conflict
5.g. Nigeria and Foreign Neighbors: Land Dispute
Divide/Rule Theory of Local and State
Governments Creation and Intrusion of
and Domestic
5.h. Foreign and Domestic
5.i. Mortgage and other Housing Opportunities for
and Institution, Private and Public
Men and Women, Armed Forces, Police,
Customs &
Excise, etc………………………....................................................42-43
5.j. Ofume’s War Against Poverty and Cause of
in Nigeria……………………………….................................................43-44
5.j.v. Shortlist of the recent disclosures of
loots by
the President of World Bank ……..........................................................44-47
5.k. Transportation and Affordable
- Land, Water and
6.a. Dangerous Association Between Foreign
Partners and Nigerian Presidencies,
Politicians and
6.b. End to Centrist Authority and Emergence
All Nigerian People
6.c. End to Old Policies and Practices in
International Lending, Granting,
6.d. Resistance to Old Policies and Practices
International Debts and Interest Rates……......................................................52-53
11.a. Conflicts:
East, Middle Belt, Niger Delta,
North, South and
11. b. Unattended Conflicts: East/Middle
11.c. Question of the Unresolved Political,
Economic, Ethnic, Religion, and Cultural
11.d. In-depth review and perception of
Nigeria highly endowed with extensive
and natural resources………….......................................70-71
11.e. Five Tier National Govt. versus “NCC § 419”
Scheme ………………………………............................................71-72
11.f. Potentials of Nigerians and Relevance of
Nigeria in World Center
12. a. Oath of Office and Personality of service….............................................73
12.b. Strict Loot Buster Policy and Practice
would stop looting of tax monies
tax invasions in Nigeria as
17. a. Dual Foreign Relation and
17.b. Conditions of Nigerians Oversea and in
17.c. Relation with Foreign Countries and
PRESENT ?……………………………................................92-96
1.a. Nigerians are tired and the nation of
Nigeria is under severe acute trouble and must be saved immediately because
failure will lead to fragmentation and disappearance of the Nation of Nigeria.
Dr. Phillip Chukwuma Ofume has developed a new innovative leadership plan under
Five Tier National Government which will be a major revision of the role
game at Aso Rock and termination of the longstanding corrupt and battered
Nigerian politics and politics in Nigeria
to challenge Nigeria’s underdevelopment and poverty in midst of abundant wealth. Over 92%
of Nigerians are in danger and their conditions are highly downplayed. Worst irritant is that income per
capita is low and costs of living is high.
One soft drink and loaf of bread which sold for 25kobo/50kobo in
late/early 1980s/90s are now sold over 50 Naira/100 Naira shamefully in midst
of huge agricultural and other natural resources base. Reliant on empowered
certificate to loot and secured loot foreign financial institutions, Nigerian
leaders, politicians, and lawmakers have looted and shipped out alarming part
of our wealth oversea to develop foreign infrastructures, and made there their
own best place to live and survive.
1.b. Since the forced amalgamation of Nigeria
in 1914, the entire country has been in direct and indirect disarrays and
subjected to incessant violence steered by civil riots and war; harsh
under-development, starvation and poverty; high rate of youths and adult
unemployment, hardship and pains; abject poverty in the midst of being the 6th
world oil producing country; durable and reoccurring foreign controlled
dangerous and anti-Nigeria civilian and military regimes; looting and
repatriation of public fund; ethnic and religious clashes; incessant coup
d’etat and/or threat of further and further coup d’etat; severe political
instability; high level of internal and external social and economic
development mistrust; manmade battered inter-ethnic polarization, divide/rule,
bloodshed resulting to death and injury of over
5 million civil liberty activists and innocent and armless children, men
and women; violent crimes/criminals leading to real and mock fear of Nigerians
and non-Nigerians to leave Nigeria and Nigerian oversea to immigrate to or
spend vacation in Nigeria; infecting Nigerians and others with AIDS/HIV to pave
way for cold forcible possession of Nigeria‘s human and natural resources;
etc.; etc.; etc.
1.c. In consequence, Nigerians have been
subjected to severe forms of hardship, and endless ethnic, social, economic,
political, religion and cultural crisis
all of which have painfully earned Nigeria and her people one bloody civil war (Nigeria/Biafra 1967 -
1970), endless civil riots and coup
d‘etat (1953 - present), starvation,
skilled and unskilled youth and adult joblessness, deficient and fractured
service delivery and highly bankrupt infrastructures (electricity, water,
roads, healthcare, education, bad habit
of looting and repatriation of the wealth of Nigeria, drift to civil war and
endless civil unrest in the Niger Delta Region, etc.). Dr.
Ofume has presented a national call
to fellow Nigerians (children, men, women and friends) to join
non-partisan NATIONAL
of changing the old way the Nigerian partisan politicians, lawmakers and
leaders do the business of government inside and outside Nigeria.
1.d. Know more about the dangerous history of
Politics in Nigeria and Nigerian Politics and academic and professional
experiences and qualifications of your
next President in last paragraph of this manifesto.
1.e. Finally (para 1) now, therefore, with bright
and unfailing hope and declaratorily notice to you (Nigerians), that, Ofume,
will be one of the Presidential aspirants and contestants for this election to
elect the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 2011. His interest to
become the next President of Nigeria comes with the theory, vision and
and principle of ONE NIGERIA will be built the first time 1914-present. 1914-present, there has
not been ONE NIGERIA because majority the Nigeria’s 250 ungoverned ethnic, religion and
linguistic groups prefer
to escape into exile and apply for the citizenship of any foreign countries.
2.a. Message of Hope and Change to Nigerians
Over forty (40) years research and investigation on politics in Nigeria
and Nigerian politics, partisan politics have destroyed Nigeria and her efforts
to social, political and economic
development and prosperity because partisan politics consistently remained
operative with enormous policies and practices driven by foreign/domestic
complicities, looting, war and conflict or polarization of nation and people,
poverty and related under-development crisis. Therefore reliant on these
dangerous conditions, conscious of your
(Nigerians) rights, destiny and obligation of citizenship to your empowered
selves and posterity you are called to national services and distance
yourselves from partisan politics and vote for change and unification of
Nigeria which has remain polarized and near extinction by domestic aided
foreign divide and rule. The bulk
domestic borders of Nigeria are East, North, South and West with over
250 ungoverned ethnic, religion and linguistic groups squeezed under
dysfunctioning multicultural/ethic/religion federal democracy are called to
1914-present, the only
outstanding right which these groups have is right to vote and after these
votes, Nigerian politicians, leaders, lawmakers and their allies start looting
and repatriating the wealth of Nigeria to foreign banks and other financial institutions which
are kept and maintained by Nigerian and foreign politicians, leaders, lawmakers
and their extended agencies.
It is the right of
Nigerians to know their president because good or bad president
and government depend on
the background of the commander-in-chief. As president of Nigeria, Dr. Ofume
believes in interactive presidency and open door presidency and service to
Nigerians FIRST before other services. Dr. Ofume believes that children,
family, unification and governability of the entire 250 Nigerian ethnic,
religion and linguistic groups are foundation of prosperous Nigeria and
Nigerians. 1914-present, Dr. Ofume will be the first president of Nigeria that
is not controlled by Nigerian and foreign politicians, lawmakers, leaders,
governments, unions, economies and he has led national and international
organizations under 100% non-align capacity.
Persistent unification
of Nigeria via Periodic Constitutional Conference (PCC) is best practice in
TRUE FEDERAL DEMOCRACY under Multi-cultural, religion, linguistic, tradition
and ethnic federal
democracy. This best theory
for resolving conflicts in
Multi-cultural, religion and ethnic federal democracy. From time to time, the New
Nigeria under Five-Tier National Government would automatically grant legal
rights to all the over 250 cultural, linguistic, traditional, ethnic and
religion entities federating under ONE NIGERIA the right, privilege, and
freedom to appear with resolution to speak out and defend resolution before the
assemblies on religion, social, economic, political, legal, cultural,
linguistic and other development program and animosities affecting such entity
and entities. Soon as the presentation is defended before the assemblies under
FAST TRACK discussion, Special Rapporteur and Review-Special Rapporteurs
(members of the Five-Tier National Government ) will be drafted to the
location or spot to conduct DIRECT DISCOVERY EXAMINATION.
2.a.v. Ofume’s government will diversify and
shift from oil/gas or natural resources to agriculture, science and technology,
research, education, micro and macro industries, direct interactive cooperation
and collaboration between institution and industry based on domesticated
production and manufacturing for domestic and export markets under transparent
and humane demand and supply.
2.a.vi. Ofume has made his manifesto or
political promises clear and in plain language which will be translated in
several Nigerian major language including English, Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, etc.
Under Ofume’s change agenda, Nigerians are being prepared to know that
Ofume’s government will be the first
government of Nigeria in which there is Five-Tier National Government and where
members of this system of government such as President, Vice-President,
Governor, members of other tiers, Chief
Executive Officers, Armed Forces Generals and other senior officers, Directors, General Managers,
low/medium classes, etc must live within their salaries and lawful
bonuses. Looting, repatriation and other theft of the wealth of Nigeria will be criminalized
with prison sentences of between 20 - 160 years including seizure of goods,
cash and properties. Ofume will impose salary cap on members of the Five-Tier National Government, Chief Executive Officer, Armed
Forces Generals and other senior officers,
Directors, General Managers, low/medium classes, etc.
2.a.vii. Purpose of the homeland, economic and social
securities of Nigeria, Ofume has warned and also severally restated below that
the check and balance based on continuous and comprehensive assessment and
evaluation on all activities across Nigeria will extend to EVERYTHING/BODY and
not limited to every indigenous governments (Nigerian governments and their
agencies and Nigerians) and domesticated governments in Nigeria (diplomatic
missions and their agencies and diplomats). After several years of close and
intensive research and investigation, Ofume and his team found that directly and
indirectly the major loots are carried out and assisted by collaboration
with and association between Nigerian and foreign missions,
politicians, lawmakers, leaders, governments and their agencies. Under these
large conspiracies, Ofume has development plan to waive some of the rights of these systems and/or
Nigerian and foreign missions, politicians, lawmakers, leaders, governments and
their agencies.
2.b. End to Politics of Polarization
and Imposed Status Quo on Nigeria and Nigerians
2.b.i. Nigerians are tired of government of
ideological divide and rule which is typical of colonial politics designed
under fragmentation of the people and Nigeria to ease social, economic,
cultural, human and creed exploitation and increase the pace of
under-development and poverty.
2.b.ii. Ofume’s
new approaches have shifted from colonial, traditional and ethnic partisan politics of
divide and rule to non-partisan politics and integration of all the 250 cultural, ethnic, religious, traditional and
linguistic communities above partisan politics to establish common governable
ground to equitably realize the development and prosperity of people and nation
of Nigeria. Ofume’s plan will break
partisan yolks which operates
under voting and post-voting intimidation of
partisan politics which has impoverished Nigeria and Nigerians.
2.b.iii. The partisan and polarized politics and
leadership imposed on Nigerians 1914 -
present under this practice is related to looting and plundering of the wealth
of Nigeria and people by elected representatives of the people which has remain
preyed under fear and partisan deadlock and blind servitude to the partisan
political oligarchy with huge leftovers which are impoverished and
disenfranchise people.
2.b.iv. Under the traditional and ethnic
partisan politics, Nigeria which is supposed to be a very rich and developed
nation and people and standing on top of the developed economies is caught in
harms way of an unchanging culture of
impoverished nation and begging people deficit of all humane and human
means of livelihood (mines/power, education, unemployment, shelter, food, road,
transportation, communications, Medicare, childcare, and related fundamental
human rights). At this point, without partisan politics domestic and foreign
calls are made to Nigerians, come with Ofume and unite under
zero-partisan politics to say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE
2.c. End to Usurpation
of Cultural, Social, Economic, Political and Civil Liberties or Fundamental
Rights in Nigeria under Ofume
2.c.i. 1958 - present Nigerians have observed
sweet calls by politicians to vote and after this freedom to vote all other
rights are sanctioned. Thereafter, there is zero right to infrastructures and
other services (education, employment, shelter, food, road, transportation,
Medicare, childcare, and related fundamental human rights) and right to
agitation. These politicians, lawmakers and leaders believe in foreign banks,
infrastructures and services more than Nigerian banks, infrastructures and
services. These are the parasite eating off the economic, social, political and
civil liberties and fundamental rights of the children, men and women of
2.c.ii. Under Nigeria’s wealth, Nigerian politicians, lawmakers and leaders have no
reason whatsoever to incessantly force the people of Nigeria to form any queue
to buy oil/gas/kerosene in Nigeria and buy these refined products at cutthroat
and scaring prices; buy oil/gas/kerosene based on price fixed by OPEC and other
international cartels. Ofume will provide automatic cooking kerosene and gas
subsidies or relief to all struggling Nigerians.
2.c.iii. Government of Dr. Ofume under the
FEDERAL UNION FOR CHANGE will sell oil/gas/kerosene to Nigerians first before
selling oil/gas/kerosene to foreign buyers; any oil/gas/kerosene service
station and providers that allow Nigerians to queue to buy oil/gas/kerosene and
buy same at abnormal price will be severely punished. Under the UNION if
oil/gas/ kerosene are sold for N10.00/gallon globally, Nigerians will buy
oil/gas/kerosene for only N3.50k/gallon and the price will be uniform across
Nigeria and enforced with high penalties and default will also lead to loss of
license and prosecution. Ofume has advised foreign and domestic
oil/gas/kerosene that there will no power and chance for the courts and other
arbitrating authorities to receive bribes and other gratifications to make
new and dangerous laws to reverse these conditions across Nigeria. To
accept to do business or work in Nigeria show that he/she has consented to the
new laws of Nigeria.
2.c.iv. Nigeria’s shore and offshore oil loots
are over 1.5million barrel per day and 2.5 million barrel of crude oil per day
is purportedly produced officially. It is horrible that this enormous crude oil
(4 million barrel of crude oil per day) is drilled in Nigeria and the
majority of Nigerians
buy oil/gas/kerosene at foreign dictated high price and at the same time
wallows in bitter and abject poverty.
2.c.v. Ofume will reverse the polarization and
politicization policies and practices imposed on Nigerians which have been
hereditary and active in nature of
dynasty passed on from colonial administrators (1914 - 1960) to Nigerian
politicians, lawmakers, leaders and entire emerging government (1960 -
present). Oversea there are high level
of racism, ethnicity, racial discrimination, nepotism, bigotry, chauvinism,
cronyism, xenophobia and related intolerance and in Nigeria there are low key and clouded racism, racial
discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance but with high level of
ethnicity, nepotism, bigotry,
chauvinism, and cronyism in education (admission, examination, etc),
distribution of infrastructures and wealth of Nigeria; state/LGA partition and
creation; population census; distribution of natural resources; criminal
justice; employment and contract (health, police, military, foreign mission,
infrastructures and other contracts, etc. ), localization of strategic
operating system; etc. Ofume found that this imbalance is foreign sponsored
under conspiracy between foreign and domestic politicians, leaders, governments
and lawmakers along ethnic and clan lines to brew conflict and instability
which are strategic launching pad to development of foreign economies.
2.c.w. Reason touching found highhanded close
surveillance, spying and related infiltration of Nigerians and Nigerian
government by foreign security and secret operatives , Ofume will keep steady
eyes on these elements and development domesticated information technology that
will protect the rights and freedoms of Nigerians and government of Nigeria.
Any operatives caught will be prosecuted as felon.
2.c.x. The right to work and live a pleasant life
will be an unimpeded rights across Nigeria. No skilled or unskilled healthy person living in Nigeria
with right to work will be unemployed under Ofume’s formal and informal job
schemes - employment and self-employment system. All Nigerians and
non-Nigerians with job permit must be assisted by further education and
training to get formal and informal employments.
2.d. Major
Touch to Right to Essential Services and Other Service Providers
2.d.i. Electricity, water, communications, health,
security, road network, agriculture, alternative energy, etc are key to social, political, civil and economic
development and prosperity. These sectors are another serious under-development
indicators which have been manmade 1914 - present, and put in place under dual
conspiracy and/or conspiratory coalition between Nigerian colonized partisan
politicians, lawmakers and leaders and foreign politicians, lawmakers and
leaders. Outages of these services must fall within the new economic sabotage
criminal code of Nigeria and Ofume seeks over 95% overhaul of the entire
2.d.ii. All foreign and domestic contractors that
have been enjoying this deficient service delivery must loss their licenses
because 1914- present is sufficient to improve on these services to provide
efficient and uninterrupted services to the business and people of
2.d.iii. Ofume discovered that foreign politicians,
lawmakers and leaders created these deficiencies in the majority of times
without the knowledge of the Nigerian politicians, lawmakers and leaders and
the purpose of these plots are to scare Nigerians, foreign investors, experts,
professionals, etc and create endless conflict and instability which are their
bedrock for political, cultural, social and economic exploitations and high
profit drive.
2.d.iv. Under sufficient budget and proper
disbursement of funds to contractors, states, federal and other agencies, any
electric, water, communication, etc outages and bad road network and other
deficient services must be litigated immediately. Five minutes outage of these
essential services outside natural causes must be litigated with severe
punishment. Lobby and use of cronyism, bribery, corruption, nepotism,
ethnicity, creed, race, color and related intolerance to negotiate, provide and
get all major and minor contracts and jobs
must be criminalized and prosecuted because these lobbyists and related
detractors are detrimental to the growth of Nigerian economies, development and
2.d.v. In Nigeria TODAY majority of Nigerians and
other residents are over billed to use electricity, water, communications,
health, security, road network, transports and transportation systems,
agriculture, alternative energy, etc. and majority of the money realized from
duping or fraudulent billing and other businesses against Nigerians are shipped
or repatriated oversea into foreign accounts. Under these fraudulences,
Nigerians suffer the pains and pains are weighed by class and place of origin (low, ethnic origin, middle and upper) but
the struggling Nigerians suffer greater pains and hardships from these
activities. Ofume will control and stop these activities.
2.d.vi. In Nigeria, minimum wages are not
sufficient to keep struggling Nigerians alive. The bad weight of the fraudulent
and defective businesses of the essential service sectors and providers have
added more cost values to individual users of cooking kerosene and gas, health,
communications, education, transpirations, house rents/mortgage, etc. Ofume will make these services efficient
and affordable with strong regulators, compliance standard and price cap and
subsidy across Nigeria for all struggling Nigerians. Unlike previous price
control of Nigeria, price cap of Nigeria must be enforced from the grassroots
to upper roots directly by the members of the Five Tier National Government
matched with strong regulators, compliance standard and price cap. Five Tier
National Government and Nigerians will have added power to monitor and expose
anti-regulation, compliance standard and price cap.
2.e. Nigeria is
highly endowed with extensive human and natural resources
2.e.i. Nigeria is highly endowed with extensive
human and natural resources
but heavily downsized
because of dysfunctional electricity, water,
communications, health, security, road network, agriculture, alternative
energy, etc. Some of Ofume’s major
reform will be directed towards these sectors to galvanize change system action
step and plough up Nigeria’s human and natural resources into highbred
development action.
2.e.ii. The rich and developed human resources base
of Nigeria are strong foundation to sustain the domestication process which
comes with Nigeria’s internalized trade mark under
low, medium and high
grid technologies and other development methods. These methods are not
indigenization of foreign and domestic companies and privatization theory.
Under this new program, Agriculture and other non-petroleum sectors will be
upgraded to plough back profit in the amount of over 65% of the domestic and
foreign revenues base of Nigeria. Further meaning of the new theory and concept
is that the petroleum and other sectors including Nigeria gas, iron, steel
projects and several untapped sectors will become over 95% of the
loan/investment sectors of Nigeria to replace the major part of the
international and domestic lenders and grantors schemes.
2.e.iii. Contemporary science and technology
capacity utilization to match any set social and economic activities. With this
foundation, Nigeria’s human and natural resources would be well utilized to
maximum utilization scale.
2.e.iv. Ofume restates in firm believe that strong,
developed and prosperous Nigeria must be founded under well funded, developed
and efficient Security, Communications, Mines and Power. No development would
be possible without these key sectors. On Communications, Mines and Power
Nigeria requires major reform (over 97%) because these sectors are the key
sectors to sustain the economies of Nigeria. Communications, Mines and Power
must be regarded as full time service sectors without outage instead of grading
them as profit making and ineffective sectors. How is social and economic
development possible without strong and developed Communications, Mines and
Power? The poor services recorded in these sectors are mere sponsored social
and economic development sabotage put in place under the criminal alliance
between Nigerian and foreign governments, leaders, politicians, lawmakers and
their agencies.
2.f. End to
Looting and Repatriation of Loots
2.f.i. Ofume has been able to develop check and
balance via continuous and comprehensive assessment and evaluation approaches
to challenge and stop looting and repartition of Nigeria’s
wealth. Repatriation of
Nigeria’s monies and other wealth is assisted by diplomats, business sectors,
and foreign politicians, lawmakers, leaders under the cover of VIENNA
CONVENTION on Diplomatic Relation and Immunity.
2.f.ii. The first crucial touch is that all
politicians, lawmakers, leaders, foreign workers, president, governors,
chairmen/women, etc must live within ONLY the limit of their salaries and
official bonuses. No worker in Nigeria will be remunerated or paid or
compensated with foreign currencies.
2.f.iii. The intended
continuous and comprehensive assessment and evaluation approaches will
closely monitor all salaries, budgets, disbursements, etc under continuous and
comprehensive check and balance. 100% of the salaries, budgets, disbursements,
etc of the members of the Five Tier National Governments and other domestic and
foreign companies, NGOs, and other
sectors must be made public less than 72 hours of release and must appear in
Nigerian and foreign media. Failure in the circumstance will lead to prosecution.
This close watch is a firm lock on Nigeria’s
wealth and during Ofume’s presidency money will not be diverted and
shipped oversea and served domestically.
2.f.iv. New face of the secret services, police,
custom & excise and auditing is crucial to the success of these check and
balance. The excessive immunities granted politicians, lawmakers, leaders,
president, governors, chairmen/women, etc will be removed because of national
security and safety of the wealth of Nigeria.
2.f.v. From time to time less than every quarter,
all the elected and appointed representatives and officials must be audited per
the budget and disbursement. All processes which are in place now to prosecute
all the elected and appointed representatives and officials after their time in
office must be amended and scrapped because this breeds loophole and encourages
, lawmakers, leaders, president, governors, chairmen/women, etc to loot and
repatriate Nigeria’s wealth. The Five
Tier National Government and other private and public sectors must show monthly
expenditures and balance and pass details to the public and media.
2.f.vi. Ofume led several international NGOs to advise some African
leaders, politicians, lawmakers, etc to desist from looting their nations’
monies and saving the loots oversea because the recipients will always find
cheap path to re-loot the money by eliminating or killing the original looter (lawmakers, leaders, president, governor, chairmen/women, etc .)
2.f.vii. Other researched and investigated report
cards are that in part, in Europe, North America, Australia and some of the
allies of these continents, any Nigerian politicians, lawmakers and
leaders/presidents that are able to loot Nigeria’s wealth and save the loots in
their countries, continents and float bad or anti-people government are called
and designated as friends or moderates
and good politicians, lawmakers and leaders/presidents and be supported for
second or several terms. Ofume’s economic relationships with the entire world
will be void of slave-master relationships because during Ofume’s leadership,
Nigeria will be full independent and sovereign nation and will not consult
foreign politicians, lawmakers and leaders/presidents to govern herself same
way as these countries or continents are able to govern themselves
2.f.vii. Reason that Nigerians are tired of the
ideological divide and rule type of colonial politics and fragmentation of the
people and Nigeria, Ofume’s new
approaches have shifted from colonial,
traditional and ethnic partisan politics of divide and rule and looters
of the wealth of Nigeria are called heroes to National Movement for Federal
Democratic Union of the People and Nation of Nigeria and multi-partisan
which will integrate willing members of all political parties of Nigeria
and the 250 cultural, ethnic, religious, traditional and
linguistic communities above to
establish common governable ground to equitably realize the development and
prosperity of people and nation of Nigeria.
Dr. Ofume plan will break partisan
yolks and voting under pressure and
intimidation of partisan politics which
has impoverished Nigeria and Nigerians.
2.f.viii. The partisan and polarized politics
and leadership imposed on Nigerians 1914
- present under this practice is related to looting and plundering of the
wealth of Nigeria and people by elected representatives of the people has
remain preyed under fear and partisan
deadlock and blind
servitude of the partisan political oligarchy. Under the traditional and ethnic
partisan politics, Nigeria which is supposed to be a very rich and developed
nation and people and standing on top of the developed economies is caught in
harms way of an unchanging culture of
impoverished nation and begging people deficit of all humane and human
means of livelihood (mines/power, education, unemployment,
shelter, food, road, transportation, Medicare, childcare, and related
fundamental human rights) and human integrity. At this point, without
partisan politics come with Ofume and unit to say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and
3. a. “ Structure and system of the
New Nigeria under “Five-Tier National Government” – Theory and principle of the
governability of over 250 cultural, linguistic, ethnic and religion entities
federating under UNITED AND ONE NIGERIA:
Federal Authority - Presidencies
(President and Vice-President),
House of
Senate and House of Representative
State Authority - Governor, Deputy Governor, State House of
Local Authority - Chairman and Deputy Chairman, Local House
of Assembly
Traditional Authority - Traditional House of Assembly
Religion, Labour, Student, Media/Entertainment, Women, Children, Senior
Citizen and other NGOs with
Representative Unionist and lawmaking authorities and with full operational
budget as i, ii, iii, and iv above
- House of Commons
3.b.i The federal constitutional
ballot base bill for the amendment mentioned above will be presented before the
electorates during federal election 2011 and voted accordingly same day of the
federal election. After the official inauguration of this manifesto or
political agenda, test vote or ballot will be presented to Nigerians inside and
outside Nigeria as proposal No. … (to be assigned by the Nigeria’s Electoral
Commission) and the opinion of Nigerians will determine the solvency of the new
Federal Union of Nigeria (FUN).
3.b.ii. Ofume’s Government under “Five-Tier National Government” will be formed under multipartisan and selected
outside the old partisan politics framework to oust the
Nigeria’s culture of political alliance and lobby. Sanction on lobbies across
political, economic, ethnic, culture, race, color, gender, foreign partnership,
etc lines will be outlawed and criminalized.
3.c. Legislative base to
end bribery, corruption and related intolerance in Nigeria
For several years, Ofume has researched and investigated the Nigerian
bribery, fee fraud, corruption and looting of the treasuries or tax monies by
different Nigerians, politicians, lawmakers, presidents, governments, and their agencies in association with their
cohorts, foreign politicians, lawmakers, presidents, governments, and their agencies. During the research and
investigation, he found that in Nigeria there is SPECIAL AND UNUSED MECHANISM to
stop politico-corporate fraud and looting of the treasury including ORGANIZED
LOOTING OF TAX MONIES (diplomats and foreign/domestic politicians, lawmakers,
presidents, governments, and their
3.c.ii. Accountability under New Nigeria Five-Tier
National Government will stop all forms of corruption, bribery and looting of
the treasuries because the method places diverse monitoring programs on
check and balance called continuous and comprehensive assessment, evaluation
and auditing. Prosecution of suspects will be done without wasting time to form
deterrence on the corporate and other bodies including wider and particular
check and must be subjected to close surveillance on DIPLOMATIC BAGGAGE AND PASSAGES AND OTHER
Recovery of Loots
3.d.i. For legal reason, Ofume’s government will not have sufficient time to
recover the loots 1914 -present of the dead and living domestic and foreign
politicians, lawmakers and leaders but the loots 1960 - present are in part in
different reserves and served as unclaimed monies and relations and direct
looters are still pursuing some foreign politicians, lawmakers and leaders
under secret recovery program.
3.d.ii. Under this process, Ofume will mount tough
and strict loot buster policies and practices that would stop looting of tax
monies and tax invasions in Nigeria as follows:
Continuous auditing, assessment and evaluation on salaries, bonuses,
benefits, budget, reimbursement, projects, costs, etc;
Comprehensive auditing, assessment and evaluation on budget,
reimbursement, projects, costs, etc;
Þ Domestic
inter-governmental accountability agreement on loots and/or capital flight
International accountability agreement on loots and/or capital flight
from Nigeria
Þ Strict
check and balance and permanent end to looting of tax monies and
Þ end to
bribery and corruption and related plundering of public fund under the policies
and practices stated above.
3. e. Loots
of Crude and Processed Oil and Gas
3.e.i. In global search for quality crude oil,
Nigeria is on top and under this qualification Nigerian crude is hotcake in
global crude market. Under this rush Nigerian Crude Oil to fill two pockets
thus, 1914 –present Nigeria may have lost over US$245billion to corrupt foreign
and indigenous governments, leaders, politicians, lawmakers and other Nigerians
and non-Nigerians.
3.e.i. 1958 – present, the rush for quick oil
money, Nigeria failed to tap other sectors such as agriculture, science and
technology, mines and energy, and consequently let loose over US$178billion
approximately US$3.79 billion per annum of visible tappable revenues in
3.e.ii. Nigeria’s shore and offshore oil loots are
over 1.5million barrel per day. Some of the looters who were fired from the
looting ridges spoke off camera that the loots have sustained several
international and domestic criminal organizations and their insurgencies have
masterminded political assassination, coup d‘etat, civil unrest and riot, etc.
To stop these lootings, social, economic and political crisis, CIVIL LIBERTIES
FIGHTERS emerged in the North, West, East, Middle Belt, Niger Delta and other
South. For example, the action of these fighters have led to the slight change
of the attitude of the heartless Nigerian leaders, politicians, lawmakers and
governments which have remain empowered by foreign leaders, politicians,
lawmakers and governments towards these regions to the extent that in the
failed effort to defuse Ofume’s political agenda, these fighters forced these domestic and
foreign collaborators to handpick the present vice-president from the Niger
Delta Region. Upon election, Ofume will resolve all the conflicts across these
3.e.iii. Ofume’s
government will stop the loots and plough up the revenue into
diversified social and economic development. In Nigeria, Oil prospecting
activities started in 1938, when shell d’Arcy was granted an exploration license
covering the entire area of Nigeria of over 950, 530 square kilometers. Shell d’Arcy, later became shell-BP and
Royal/Dutch Shell. Today Nigeria in the international oil prospecting is 6th
and accounts for 25 billion barrels, more than 35 percent of the total.
3.e.iv. Nigeria is very rich in human and natural
resources and by virtue of this wealth, she is bona fide member of the
developed and/or first world. The consequence of this wealth in the face of
over 2.5 million official barrel of crude oil per day is abject poverty,
instability; under-development; incessant oil driven coup d’etat; war; ethnic
and religious riot; genocide; massive looting of public fund and capital flight
across Nigeria’s territory. This fracture has led to Ethnic marginalization,
repression, and agitation for self-determination or self-government,
Niger/Delta sovereignty, Biafra, Sharia, etc.
Over 2.5 million barrels of crude oil per day is the official
production. Looting of this revenue has removed patriotism, nationalism, check
and balance, transparency and related good conduct or astute stewardship.
3.e.vi About 1.7 million barrels of crude oil
per day (Dec. 2008) have been suspected
to be produced and removed unofficially or behind the door through land and sea
to unknown market across the world. Surprisingly, the foreign traders that
encourage the looting take position to brand the looters corrupt and fraudulent
under the pretences of partnership with Nigeria.
3.f. Notice to Five Tier
National Government and Nigerians on the definition and meaning of BRIBERY AND
3.f.i. Ofume has lead international scholars to
established in-depth
subject matter meaning and definition and sufficiently agreed by the world and
if any audience has interest in further readings, the WebPages below show that
several million people have read the work without opposition.
Nigerians and the people of the world must try to read and understanding
the meaning of BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION under the undisputed definition, research
and investigation chaired by Ofume. Shortlist to the link to this international
research work is at:
3.g. Indigenization of
Nigeria’s political and activist activities
3.g.i. Ofume’s government is people’s
and equal opportunity movement because opposition and government in power must
be treated with equal right and opportunity under impartial federal Regulatory
and Compliance Agency (RCA).
3.g.ii. In Nigeria, there are several
governmental and non-governmental organizations that are funded by foreign
governmental and non-governmental organizations. Several dangerous and other
anti-governmental and anti-people activities such as religious, labour, ethnic,
land/water partition and allocation, local government partition, etc
conflicts and other subversive
activities are secretly funded by foreign governmental and non-governmental
organizations under the cover of international endowment for democracy, human
rights, AIDS/HIV, etc.
3.g.i. Ofume’s government will fund governmental
and non-governmental organizations and all foreign funding must be approved by
the Five-tier Lawmaking Houses and the fund must be specific and directed
towards specific social and economic developments. Ofume’s government will
outlaw and criminalize receipt of fund from international endowment for
democracy and other human rights, political and related endowments.
3.g.ii. In full replacement of these foreign
elements, there will be Nigerian National Endowments for Children, Senior
Citizens, Democracy, Religion, Women, Student, Media/Entertainment, Human Rights/Freedoms, etc.
3.h. Question and Analysis
of the Five-Tier National Government
3.h.i. Structurally, is possible for the
state and federal legislatures to represent the local government council,
traditional council and religion councils? Constitutional Amendment by these lawmakers did not suggest a
consultative or delegation plan and how soon the conference would be organized
within one social and economic development plan of Nigeria. A combination of
state and federal lawmakers without the crisis zones adequately and responsibly
put on board the federal system would amount to copying the old constitution
and deliberate plan to maintain under-development and conflict and
under-development stigma across Nigeria.
3.h.ii. After these tiers lawmaking bodies in the federation of Nigeria,
there are other indirect lawmaking bodies which have not been made direct law
making bodies such as third tier (local government council), fourth tier
(council of paramount rulers or chiefs) and fifth tier ( Religion, Labour, Student,
Women, Children, Senior Citizen and
other NGOs ) all of which is recognized per passage mention by the Constitution
of Nigeria (1999) and will be officially allocated with the representative
power within their federal characteristics.
Therefore, the issue is whether the internal administration of these
non-governmental tiers recognize the members of the Senate, Federal and State
House of Representative as their lawful representatives or mouthpiece. The
answer maybe close to no because sometimes these councils carry out acts that
are not consistent with the interests of this tier and inconsistent with the
constitution of Nigeria. This type of exclusion and marginality brew protests,
civil unrest and grievances and these grievances may remain unresolved and
shutdown the functioning of government. They have rights to take action under
self-defence if leaders or the purported representatives fold their hands to
allow the ruled under-go severe hardship, pain and be captive and slaves within
their homeland and further forced to relocate oversea where they are insulted
and made indentured servants of waste labour.
Is there chance that the National and state Assemblies and Local Government
Council could take carriage of how to resolve Nigeria’s constitutional problems
on political, religion, traditional, ethnic, economic, and social across the 1,
2, 3, 4 and 5 tiers within the Nigerian ruling bodies? Because of the cloud of
obscured and imbalance federalism, some Nigerian learned children, men and
women sometimes fail to recognize the broad base power and separation of the
power of these highly divided five powerful institutions.
Ofume has developed a federal union where 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 tiers or 250 cultural, ethnic,
religious, traditional and linguistic communities work together above partisan
politics to establish common governable ground to equitably realize the
development and prosperity of people and nation of Nigeria. It is restated that
Ofume’s new federation union will break
partisan yolks and further break voting under the
intimidation of partisan politics which
has impoverished and under-developed Nigeria and Nigerians.
Incorrectness of Making President, Vice-President, Senators and House of
Representative and Assembly bully lords of Nigeria:
Ofume has found clear terminologies to federally and practically
designate and adopt the legal personalities of all the lawmaking bodies of the
federation of Nigeria. Ofume’s government will designate them as House of
Senate, House of Representative, State House of Assembly, Local House of Assembly, Traditional House of
Assembly and House of Commons (Religion, Labour, Student, Media/Entertainment,
Women, Children, Senior Citizen and
other NGOs). Ofume’s government will
operate without unrepresentative entities.
3.I.ii. Old and failed federal authority
in issue is questioned as to whether the national assembly has been able to
represent and take over and become accountable to lapses on the duties of the
local government council, traditional council,
religion council, Labour Union, Student, Media/Entertainment, Student
Union, Women Council, Children Council, Senior Citizen Council and other NGOs.
This type of delegation has failed several times in Nigeria and the ethnic,
social, economic, cultural, traditional and religion base shedding of blood and
the massive under-development have persisted and the horizontal communities of
Nigeria which are over 95% of the population of Nigeria are unheard, steadily
impoverished and disenfranchised.
3.I.iii. Majority of the development and other
budgets projected and approved for the social, economic and other program is
looted and repatriated oversea. Under Five-Tier National System of Government, before money is looted and repatriated the
owners of the
money (any of the Five-Tier National System of Government) will know and expose the loot because Five-Tier National System of Government is type of
government in which every citizens in the federation has role to play
and continuous and comprehensive assessment and evaluation and interactive
check and balance regulatory program have multiple search eyes on the entire
social and economic development.
3.I.iii. Any Nigerians whether messenger, clerk
and chief executive officer that are able to expose the loots of any members of
the Five-Tier National
System of Government and other Nigerian and foreigners must be rewarded immediately.
3.j. New Nigeria under
Five-Tier National Government and call to Service of Homeland
3.j.i. Ofume’s vision, philosophy and theory in the nature
of New Nigeria under Five-Tier
National Government is conflicts stopper and functional actors for social
and economic development and prosperity and ONLY HOPE FOR NIGERIA AND
services to their own homeland then to be fully called Nigeria and known as
birth of New Nigeria. It aims at making the over 250 cultural, linguistic,
traditional, ethnic and religion entities that federate under ONE NIGERIA
governable and feel sense of belonging within the nation of Nigeria. 1914 - present, leaders, politicians,
lawmakers, administrators, government of Nigeria have lost touch of the
Nigeria’s over 250 cultural, linguistic,
traditional, ethnic and religion entities.
3.j.ii. The entities will be woven with
sense of community, faith, belief and compatriotism as to membership of the
part and parcel of the nation of Nigeria. The new system of government will
come into force after constitutional amendment by the mass representatives from
the over 250 cultural, linguistic, ethnic and religion entities of Nigeria
to be equitably selected
without political, ethnic, cultural, religious and other distinction and
3.k. Apportionment of administrative and other
3.k.i. The New Nigeria under Five-Tier National Government will be
achieved by bestowing and apportioning administrative and lawmaking power to
the people which are called Federal, State, Local, Traditional, Religion,
Labour Union, Media/Entertainment, Student Union, Women Council, Children
Council, Senior Citizen Council and other NGOs
authorities. Unlike the fraudulent foreign and indigenous administration
and government 1914 - present, Ofume’s government will declare 100% of the
domestic and foreign assets, monies and debts and discovered looted wealth and
other wealth as starting point. Each month the Five-Tier National Government
must declare incoming and out-going money and balance and completed and
on-going projects with certificate of assessment, evaluation and completion.
Ofume and his entourage (one member each of the Five-Tier National
Government ) will inspect all the projects in progress and completed across
3.k.ii. The
past and on-going structures of Nigeria’s lawmakers-elect or appointment to
state, local, commons and federal assemblies have grossly failed to represent
the interest of the over 250 cultural, linguistic, traditional, ethnic and
religion entities that federate under ONE NIGERIA. The ungovernability
of the federal, state, communities and grass root is the cause of the
embarrassing gap between the poor and rich on ONE PART and endless religion,
ethnic, traditional and socio-cultural conflicts on SECOND PART and development
asymmetric between the federating entities on THIRD PART.
3.k.iii. Ofume’s
21st century governance theory is based on vision and principle
for change will center around and within well structured system of federal democracy of the name and
title of “New Nigeria under Five-Tier
National Government” operative under interactive
multi-cultural/ethnic/creed federal system of government will give power
to the
people bottom top in
nature empowering bottom, medium and upper classes under NO NIGERIAN LEFT BEHIND because federation is
supposed to be in touch with all federating people and entities under which children,
men and women will have role to play in their own government.
Ofume led several domestic and international Non-governmental
Organizations (NGOs) to research and investigate policies and practices of the
majority of the world
multi-cultural/ethnic/creed federal system of governments vis-à-vis the
most cited speech of ex-President
of the United States, JFK Kennedy, “Think Not What Your Country Can Do For You But What You
Can Do for Your Country.” The
report of these NGOs which was chaired by Dr. Phillip C. Ofume raised over 97%
opposition against this citation because it is premature,
unresearched/investigated and not solvent in both ancient and modern times to
sustain the policies and practices in America, Canada, UK, Nigeria, Australia,
UK, France, defunct apartheid regime of South Africa, etc because of score of
HANDCUFF base POLICY AND PRACTICE securely placed on people under the
distinction of race, ethnicity, color, creed and gender.
3.k.v. In
the same vein, the New Nigeria under Five-Tier National Government will
resolve the longstanding religion, social, economic, traditional, political,
legal, cultural, linguistic and other development conflicts 1914-present, which
have been consistently downplayed and disdained combatively by Nigerian and
colonial leaders and their governments.
4. a. In Multi-cultural, religion, linguistic,
tradition and ethnic federal democracy, which Nigeria accepts constitutionally,
allowing the majority of the federating entity to continually produce the
President of Nigeria is serious minority political rights violation and
cultural, religion,
linguistic, tradition and ethnic federal democracy. Under this type of
exclusion and marginality of the minority political rights, a given minority
may decide to quit the federal union.
4.b. The emergence of foundation political
ideology, culture and system under cultural, religion, linguistic, traditional
and ethnic lines is another serious abuse and breach of multi-cultural,
religion, linguistic, tradition and ethnic federal democracy. Ofume has decided to develop a strategic
Federal Democratic Union and his government will be formed under
multi-party/over 250 cultural, ethnic, traditional and linguistic communities.
4. c. Latter-day
Political Ideology, Culture, System and New Path to Unification
4.c.i. The early foundation has greatly affected
the latter-day political ideology, culture and system and they originally
emerged in the manner following:
Northern People’s Congress (NPC)-Hausa + Fulani+ majority part of the
Middle Belt
National Convention for Nigerian Citizen (NCNC) - Igbo + part of the
Southern Minority Region;
Action Group(AG)-Yoruba + part of the Southern Minority Region +
minority part of the Middle Belt.
Over 45 years of quasi-independent, the partisan
political institutions have produced over one hundred (100) unproductive and
in-fighting partisan political parties which have formed looting alliance and
converted to cartel with foreign governments, politicians, leaders and
lawmakers to plunder the wealth of Nigeria and enriched foreign government and
individual actors and impoverished Nigerians. Ofume has invited Nigerians to
abandon partisan politics, ethnic, creed and related intolerable politics which
infringes upon the political, social religion, cultural, economic and civil
rights of Nigerians. Nigerians will be more safe under Neutral Union because Nigerians will not be
victimized because of their freedom of voting,
association, expression and movement. Several Nigerians have been secretly
persecuted because they voted for party of their choice, did business with the
nations they branded terrorist, non-moderate nations and people. Under this
Movement or Union, obligation to the so called party guru and dictatorial party
rules and regulations will be adequately sanctioned.
Nigeria: Unification Theory and
Ofume’s Entreaty:
“I dissent from the aspiration of the right, left and center political ideology, culture and system in
Nigeria (and) to the extent, that it is
absolutely absurd, primitive, anti-democracy, unconventional and constitutional
to practice racist or ethnicity electoral process by electing leaders and forming government in
a union called multi-cultural,
religion, linguistic, tradition and ethnic federal democracy without the
background, spirit, unifying power and related qualification to govern all the
entities making the multi-cultural, religion, linguistic, tradition and ethnic
federal democracy” (P. Ofume, Lyon France, International Labour Day 1978).
Nigeria: Political History in-Professor Sagay:
Professor Sagay reviewed
the leadership and political instability and political order of Nigeria and in
part answered Ofume’s conclusion question 1960 –present and said, “General Yakubu Gowon, from the
North-Central, ruled from 1966-1975, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, from the
North-East, 1960-1966, General Murtala Mohammed, 1975-1976, Alhaji Shehu
Shagari, 1979-1983, General Muhammadu Buhari, 1983-1985 and General Sani
Abacha, 1993-1998…Also from the North-Central, he recalled further,
General Ibrahim Babangida ruled from 1985-1993, General Abdulsalami Abubakar,
1998-1999, from the South-East, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, 1963-1966, General J.T.U
Aguiyi-Ironsi, 1966, General
Olusegun Obasanjo,
1976-1979, Chief Ernest Shonekan,1993 and Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, ‘1999-May 5,
2010’ all hail from the South West with Northern President Umaru Musa
Yar'Adua stayed between 29 May 2007 and 2009 and he was sick (removed to
Saudi Arabia) and he was returned to Nigeria also sick and he died May 5, 2010
but from May 5, 2010 the South South President Goodluck Jonathan was imposed on the people of Nigeria under rigged election April 2011.
4.c.iv. The first time 1914-present, a neutral,
impartial and mediator President will be elected in Nigeria. Ofume’s government
will bring TRUE Multi-cultural, religion, linguistic, tradition and ethnic
federal democracy into Nigeria to unit and govern the over 250 cultural,
ethnic, traditional and
linguistic communities of Nigeria. This reason, across Nigeria as rich as
Nigeria is, several communities are ravaged by MANMADE POVERTY and suppressed
4.c.vi. Ofume proceeded side by side to conduct two major research
and investigation on Nigeria and in the process, he consciously and carefully
studied the problems across Nigeria and
he found the solutions to them and in part the Union or Movement
dismantled partisanship at all levels and placed strong emphasis on the
economic, political, cultural, creed and other securities in the hands of
individual Nigerians by making them part of the day to day function of the
government of Nigeria and how their representatives under five-tier national
government becomes the trailer of the success of Nigeria.
4.c.vii. The second phase of the work, 1977 – 2002,
Ofume studied Nigerian cultures; hardship Nigerian children, men and women have
been suffering and endured; role and forgotten rights of women and the child in
Nigeria’s administration; Nigerian traditions, culture and religion; education
and development; Nigerian peoples; Nigerian government and government in
Nigeria; Nigerian politics and politics in Nigeria; religion and ethnic
relationship and interaction; religion as development system in Nigeria; human and natural resources in Nigeria;
lay/dead infrastructural base – paved and unpaved roads, services in Nigeria
and Nigerian services; equities, exclusion and marginality in Nigeria; role of
children and youths in Nigeria politics; languages and dialects in Nigeria and
apportionment of Nigerian languages and dialects as frontiers for
administration and development; Nuclear and Extended families as foundation of
future Nigeria; role of traditional
system in Nigeria; governable and ungovernable linguistic dialectic regions and
Ofume found over 250; principles and mechanism for the governability of the
100% of the over 250 linguistic, cultural, traditional and ethnic
entities; conflict management and
resolution including mediation and conflict resolution under
multi-cultural/ethnic democracy; Nigerian foreign policies and practices; etc
4.c.viii. The first phase 1967 -2004 questioned and
studied the colonial regime and
Nigeria’s longstanding
religion, social, economic, traditional, political, legal, cultural, linguistic
and other development conflicts 1914 – present. The study unearthed what the
colonial administration and Nigerian
leaders did not do to establish lasting peace and foundation for social and
economic development and prosperity.
4.c.vix. Over 97% of the leaders of Nigeria, 1914 –
present ignored and distanced themselves from the religion, ethnic, traditional
and cultural conflicts of Nigeria. 100% of the manifestos of the Nigerian
military and political leaders downplayed conflicts in Nigeria and grossly
failed to establish lasting peace and foundation for social and economic
4.c.xx. Nigerian and Foreign Paid Natural Resources
Base Instability and Political Disorder
Since Nigeria was
amalgamated together in 1914, she has witnessed series of or uncountable bloody
Communal clashes, coup d’etat, encompassing but not limited to Kano Riot of
1953; census crisis of 1962/63; coup d’etat and pogroms, January 15, 1966 (led
by Major Nzeogwu) Nigerians who were either missing or death are The Prime
Minister Abubakar, Chief Festus
Okotie-Eboh(Federal Minister of Finance), Chief Akintola (Premier of
Western Region), Brigadier Maimalari,
Colonel Lar-gema, Lt. Colonel Pam, Lt.
Colonel Unegbe, Sardauna of Sokoto etc; Action group crisis of 1962; Federal
elections crisis 1964; Lt. Col. Odumegwu Ojukwu on May 29 declared Republic of
Biafra; the Nigeria civil war of 1967-70;
Kaduna riot, 1999; bloody clash between the Ijaw militia group and the
Yoruba militia group, Oodua People Congress (OPC) 2000; extrajudicial execution
of the Ogoni 9 on November 10, 1995; Murder of Chief Kudirat Abiola June 4,
1996; Dr. Ofume and several NGOs have studied assassination or murder
schemes of foreign governments,
politicians, and understood their secret murder techniques especially Canadian
method of luring out its preys to the
road/street and other place to murder them. Chief Kudirat Abiola was
lured out on June 4, 1996 by the Canadian government officials to attend meeting in Lagos. Kudirat’s Prophet
Moses Chiejina who was protected in Togo by Dr. Ofume told Nigerian and foreign
media that he advised Mrs. Abiola to waive the meeting but because she was
fighting at
different fronts to
effect release of her husband, she ignored the advice and proceeded to the
meeting and on her way to the meeting she was murdered; September 1996 Dr.
& Mrs. Ofume were arrested and detained in Nigerian Prison Agbor, Delta
State and Ofume’s three children (2 - 6 years) were locked in their home by
Nigerian Police without caregiver; untimely death of Chief MKO Abiola in prison
on July 7, 1998. Abiola was the
acclaimed winner of the Presidential election on June 12, 1993; persistent
massacre of the Niger/Delta People 1958 – present; etc; etc;etc.
4.c.xxi. The first remote course of the
Biafra/Nigerian war was paid ethnic marginalization, rigging of the western
election of 1965, especially, the crisis that erupted from the alleged rigging
acted as the last straw that broke the back of the first republic and drift
toward double secession 1960-1967 – Northern region proposed by Colonel Gowon
and Eastern region by Lt. Colonel Ojukwu.
4.c.xxii. Ofume will be the best president of Nigeria
and will out-match majority of the presidents inside and outside Nigeria.
Domestic reason is that Ofume is a neutral Nigerian from neutral local
government area in the entire and lengthy conflicts of Nigeria. Ofume’s election
is in the nature of 100% impartial and neutral Mediator and Conflict
Management and Resolution position across over 250 linguistic dialectic regions
and peoples of Nigeria. Ofume’s
impartial and neutral positions will resolve the religion, ethnic and
cultural conflict of Nigeria. Religion, ethnic, labour, traditional, cultural,
etc leaders must be major members of the new religion, traditional, labour,
NGOs, local, state and federal law making bodies of Nigeria.
4.c.xxiii. Ofume knows the conflicts and solutions to
them and knows the problem of the sicken economy, political culture, social
relation or interaction, etc. United Nations and domestic and international
leaders, governments, lawmakers, etc will not control Ofume and will not emerge
directly and indirectly as indirect rule and in control of Aso Rock. Ofume’s
election will terminate looting which thrives under indirect rule.
5.a. Diversification from Oil/Gas to
Agriculture and other development sectors
As President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Ofume will build and
expand industry and surplus gainful
jobs, education, communications, mines, power, one type of efficient healthcare
for all, etc related economic base which will follow Nigeria into the 21st
century to enable Nigeria to effectively
compete in world economy to uplift all Nigerians to level of sustainable life
and growth and/or strong income per capita and life expectancy.
The permanent termination of looting and repatriation of the wealth of
Nigeria and end to corruption, Ofume will plough huge capital into investments
in standard and qualitative infrastructures (modern roads, public housing,
healthcare, school - Kindergarten to tertiary institution, modern air, land and
water transportations), uplifting
oil/gas sectors to huge modernized and industrialized agricultural sector to
feed Nigerians, Africans and the world, education and research, develop
profitable internal and external trade policies and practices that will contain
the flow of made-in-Nigeria goods and services.
5.a.iii. Petrochemical, iron and steel industries will
be indigenized by adoption to build made in Nigeria automobiles, ago-machines,
and other industrial produces to sustain the economies of New Nigeria.
5. b.
Science and Technology
5.b.i. Ofume has gone far into the readiness of
the innovative research and investigation for Nigeria’s practical Science
and Technology. Star war science and technology will be
less than 0.1% because
the new science and technology era will support job creation for Nigerians and
not job manned by machines and robots. He will pump money into the program and
support long-term projects in education, training and workforce retraining and
innovation and build strong cooperation between Education and Industry.
5.b.ii. Local, state and federal research and
investigative institutions and industries will work as collaborators to expand
the labour, production and manufacturing sectors to ensure that Nigerian
graduates and workers have the skills and authoritative control tools to carry
on the Science and Technology development pattern in Nigeria and
competitively sold oversea. For example, after an accelerated decommissioning
and reactivation of the broken iron and steels industries and sectors under
strong collaboration between institution and industry, Nigeria will manufacture
and domestically and internationally sell more durable, fuel efficient and
cheap automobiles - cars, trucks, agro-machines and tools, etc.
5.b.iii. Ofume has researched the
development strength of Nigeria during and after 21st century and
found an interactive Science and Technology for accelerated social and economic
development particularly designed to respond to the challenges in Nigeria which
are capable of satisfactorily selling low cost and advanced science and
technology inside and outside Nigeria.
5.b.iv. Ofume intend to implement these
programs by pumping money into Educational and Industrial Research and
Investigation. He will be providing high incentive to Nigerian experts
inside Nigeria and extend such incentive to Nigerians oversea to enable them
and their families return to Nigeria. Within the two years of Ofume’s
election as the President of Nigeria,
communications, clean water, electricity, and good roads will be in place and
up running across Nigeria and default by any provider will be criminalized as
part of the new economic sabotage law of Nigeria. These programs will give jobs
to several Nigerians (lower, medium and upper classes) by empowering formal
employment (government and private sectors employment opportunities) and
informal employment (self-employment opportunities) with more emphasis in
retraining readiness for extensive small
business projects.
5. b.v. These innovative programs are
interactive because Ofume will unite institution of learning, industry and
other production sectors in such formal and informal advanced manners that
the development of real and alternative modern, micro, macro and marketable
infrastructural science and technology will reduce costs and create uncountable
jobs in specialized and non-specialized sectors such as engineering, manufacturing
of small and large tools and machineries, communications, mines, general power
or energy (including electricity), film/cinema, music, information
technology, agriculture, conservative
technology, encouraging new science and technology have seen and concluded in scientific and
plain fact that these economic systems are the must viable economic development
5.b.vi. Innovation in Nigeria’s and Nigerian age Broadcast
and Internet will be put in place by Nigerian experts, institutions and
industries to suit the pattern of social and economic development under the
Movement for Change Project (MCP). Internet and other forms of broadcast will
be adopted and secured in Nigeria without exposure to foreign intruders.
Abnormal Charges and deficient services by providers will be closely monitored
and regulated by Ofume’s government and punishment for deficient and
over-charges will be heavy and rated as economic sabotage activity. The
regulatory law will be imposed on communications, mines and power, etc. Ofume
intends to extend Broadcast television and internet to local, state and federal
communities in Nigeria as major part of his national social, economic,
political, creed and culture awareness project.
5.b.vii. Ofume is going to use his scientists to
design small world net which is cheap in order to get parallel network with
concealed entry key which will be known and altered by the user with block on
external surveillance or invaders. It is only in domesticated and personalized
user network this closure could succeed. Nigeria’s network will divorce the
popular “super-high-way” theory and adapt small world (Nigeria) computing
system which is able to navigate across the world with special and personalized
entry keys. Under Ofume computing
system, over 60% of the
present costs will be cut and the system will be more fast and productive.
Ofume has found over 300 Nigerians and non-Nigerians experts with the potential
to construct this new computing system.
5.c. Graduate
Sustenance Benefits (GSB), Disabilities and Senior Citizen Benefits, Working
and Student Parents Assistance, Families, etc
All graduates (college of education,
polytechnics, universities, etc) that have served National Youth Service must
be paid Graduate Sustenance Benefits (GSB) pending employment. All disabled and
Senior Citizens without pensions and
gratuities must be paid Disabilities and Senior Citizen Benefits. Ofume will also sign into law Low Income Care
Assistance Program (LICAP) for working parents and Student Parents to cover
their child-care expenses and work/study flexibility program.
5.d. Labour, Student, Women, Media/Entertainment,
Children, Senior Citizen Representative Unions
5.d.i. Ofume will strengthen the access
and right to organize union which will be representative body at state and
federal legislative bodies of Nigeria. This union will monitor not only their
own interests but the people’s money, development and prosperity from penny to
penny and from project to project; initiate probe and present report before
state and federal lawmaking bodies; intervene anytime when money is missing and
project which particular money is disbursed or approved is undone; intercede
when wages are stagnant as prices head towards mountaintop; etc.
5.d.ii. Ofume will expand labour unionism
to two separate unions - employed and unemployed unions. The need for
unemployed union is enormous because if unemployed people are constituted into
unionized body, unemployed people will transit from unemployed condition to
employed conditions and institution and industry will tap the stocked
opportunities to expand Nigeria’s economic development and prosperity.
people have untapped
potential to grow small and big businesses because Ofume’s government will
empower these people by way of retraining and further education and investment under strong cooperation between
education and industry.
5.d.iii. All the “Five-Tier National Government” will be placed on state and federal operational and service
budgets. Ofume will be spending less than 1% of the loots which Nigerian and
foreign politicians, leaders, governments, lawmakers, entrepreneurs and their
agents and agencies loot and repatriate from Nigeria’s wealth during tenure of
their offices.
5.d.iv. High emphasis will be put on
media/entertainment. Ofume will pump several billion of naira into
entertainment industry to move Nigeria’s entertainment industry to enable the
sector become #1 in global entertainment industry by market base project
expansion to bring the industry closer to the world of entertainment. In alike
expansion, Nigerian media industry will go high tech in both print and
electronic media to serve Africa and beyond. Provider of media internet must be
100% embedded within Nigerian media system without outside influence because
media must maintain strong professional ethics with new and powerful regulatory
and compliance to control prices and remove punitive and inefficient services.
5.e. Five-Tier
National Government: Wages versus Prices - Feeling
the Impulse of Nigerians from time to time
5.e.i. It is against the strength and power
of the performance of Ofume’s Movement for Change that wages remain
stagnant and cost of living is high. No!!! This terrible and capable of plunging any economy into devastating
inflation. Ofume has conducted deep research and investigation on different
direct and indirect speculations on money, production, manufacturing, trade
(supply and demand), salary, tri-tier salary disparity (lower, middle and upper
classes), etc. to find middle ground to control and stop price and product
obstructive capitalism which overwhelms production,
supply and demand must be stop “minutes” of encroachment.
5.e.ii. Ofume will stop these social,
political and economic infiltrations by
establishing new Compliance and Regulatory Agencies to monitor these manmade
fluctuations by making majority of goods and services made in Nigeria and put
caps on prices and salaries. To ease justifiable burden manufacturing and
production Ofume will offer different relief and request companies by
encouraging emergence of research and investigative entrepreneurs via cooperation between
education and industry. Theory of made in Nigeria is economically, socially,
politically and culturally correct to the extent that it will give jobs and
good life to Nigerians and discourage human exodus and pains and hardships
Nigerians suffer oversea.
5. f. Five-Tier National
Government: Structural, Functional and
Conflict Analysis
5.f.i. Relief borne structural social and economic
development of Nigeria under multicultural/ethnic/ creed, whether is possible
for the state and federal legislatures to represent the local government
council, traditional council and religion councils? Constitutional Amendment by
these lawmakers did not suggest a comparative social and economic development
consultative or delegation plan and how soon the conference would be organized
within one social and economic development plan of Nigeria. It is not wrong for
localization of industries and companies to overwhelm certain part of Nigeria.
To protect environment and reduce climatic hazards, Ofume intends to spread
localization of companies and industries.
5.f.i. A combination of state and federal
lawmakers without the social, economic, religion and political crisis zones
adequately and responsibly put on board would amount to copying the old
constitution and deliberate plan to maintain under-development and conflict
stigma across Nigeria. In part, these discrepancies have arisen out because
after the old tier lawmaking bodies in the federation of Nigeria, there are
other indirect lawmaking bodies
which have not been made
direct law making bodies such as third tier (local government council),
fourth tier (council of paramount rulers or chiefs) and fifth tier (Religion
councils) all of which is recognized by the Constitution of Nigeria (1999).
5.f.ii. It is therefore restated at issue, whether
the internal administration and the mass people of these former
non-governmental tiers recognize the members of the Senate, Federal and State
House of Representative as their lawful representatives or mouthpiece. The
answer maybe close to “no” because sometimes these councils carry out acts that
are not consistent with the constitution of Nigeria to protest their grievances
and these grievances have remained unresolved and escalating alarmingly and
drifting to breaking point which contain tenancies capable of further
escalating to civil unrest and other forms of instability. For example, in the
North, West, Niger Delta, East, Middle Belt and other South, they have rights
to take action under self-defence if leaders or the purported representatives
fold their hands to allow the ruled under-go severe hardship, pains and be
captive and slaves within their homeland. No!!! this measure is pure
extra-judicial leadership. Instead of solving the problems, why should Nigerian
and foreign leaders, politicians, lawmakers and governments connive or stage
opposition against civil liberty fighters and in concert brand them criminals,
terrorists and related deviant whereas these Nigerians and their foreign
cohorts who torture them physically and psychologically, starve and dehumanize
them are in all indication diehard criminals and terrorists.
5.f.iii. Is there chance that the National and state Assemblies and Local
Government Council could take carriage of how to resolve Nigeria’s
constitutional problems on political, religion, traditional, ethnic, economic,
and social across the 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 tiers within the Nigerian ruling bodies?
Some Nigerian learned men and women sometimes remain delinquent of the mindset
to recognize the broad base power and separation of the power of these highly
divided five powerful institutions and that prior to the emergence of the 5
tier nstional government, 4th and 5th tiers were left
ungovernable. The impact of looting and repatriation of the wealth of Nigeria
resulted to negligence of the governance of the entire
nation. Review of the
effect of this thievery shows that the people and society of the 1st
tier through 5th tier are plundered and left under devastating siege
of Nigeria and Nigerians with very rich
president, governors, local government chairmen/women, senators, federal house
of representatives and state house of assembly members, and other foreign and
domestic representatives of Nigeria and impoverished people and society.
5.f.iv. In making Senators and House of
Representative members for the federal territory and all the states and local
government of Nigeria’s federation the negotiators and lead contact for the
unrepresentative entities, the issue is whether the national assembly would
represent and take over the duties of the local government council, traditional
council and religion council. This type of delegation has failed several times
in Nigeria and the ethnic, social, economic, cultural, traditional and religion
base shedding of blood have persisted and Nigerians and Nigeria are
impoverished more and more.
5.f.v. In making
Senators and House of Representative members for all the states of Nigeria’s
federation the negotiators and lead contact for the unrepresentative entities,
the issue is whether the national assembly would represent and take over the
duties of the local government council, traditional council and religion
council. This type of delegation has failed several times in Nigeria and the
ethnic, social, economic, cultural, traditional and religion base shedding of
blood have persisted.
5.f.vi. Ofume’s vision, philosophy and theory in
the nature of New Nigeria under
Five-Tier National Government is conflicts stopper and actor of social and
economic development and prosperity and ONLY OUTSTANDING HOPE FOR NIGERIA
the over 250 cultural, linguistic, traditional, ethnic and religion entities
that federate under ONE NIGERIA governable and feel sense of belonging
within the nation of Nigeria. These
entities will be woven into ONE NIGERIA with call to service to their
homeland and cultured with sense of community, faith, belief and compatriotism.
Ofume believes that equal
economic opportunity for
over 250 cultural, linguistic, traditional, ethnic and religion entities create
sense of appurtenance within the federal nation of Nigeria. The new system of
government would come into force after constitutional amendment by the
representatives from the over 250 cultural, linguistic, ethnic and religion
entities of Nigeria to be equitably and transparently selected without
political, ethnic, cultural, religious and other distinction and alliance.
5.f.vii. The New Nigeria under Five-Tier National
Government will be achieved by bestowing and apportioning administrative
and other powers to the Federal, State, Local, Traditional, Religion, Labour
and other NGOs authorities under separate project and budgetary formula. The
on-going structure of the lawmakers elected or appointed to state, local and
federal assemblies have grossly failed to represent the interest of the over
250 cultural, linguistic, traditional, ethnic and religion entities that
federate under ONE NIGERIA. The ungovernability of the community and
grassroot base Nigeria is the cause of the gap between the poor and rich on ONE
PART and endless religion, ethnic, traditional and socio-cultural conflicts on
SECOND PART and development asymmetric between the entities on THIRD PART.
5.g. Nigeria and Foreign
Neighbors: Land Dispute and Divide/Rule Theory of Local and State Governments
Creation and Intrusion of Foreign and Domestic Invaders
In the determination of cause of conflicts,
crisis and under-development, Ofume will not allow any state or country to cut
land from any part of Nigeria’s land or allow any Nigerian representatives or
UN system and its members to mount armed and other police and army purportedly
and pretentiously to protect disputed
territories or cut land from
Nigeria’s land purpose of creating local
and state government and favoring their allies. Mounted creation of local and
state governments are foreign styled plot to divide and rule which is magnet
for brewing conflict and instability across Nigeria. Bakassi Peninsula’s
case and other cases were decided by
corrupt domestic and international courts.
Nigerian leaders, politicians,
lawmakers and government
were controlled by foreign natural resources mongers and they sealed their
mouths and eyes when they were lobbying the courts. Nigerian leaders, politicians, lawmakers and
government suffer several weaknesses under self-disgruntled submission into the
hands of dangerous foreign and domestic
leaders, politicians, lawmakers and governments. In the years 1983 -
1994 after Ofume has advised the Federal Government of Nigeria to file action
with international civil court to secure Bakassi Peninsula, but in 1995 - 2000
when Ofume gathered anonymous information from the international court that
certain Judges (names undisclosed) are being lobbied, Ofume rescinded
former advise and advised the governments of Nigeria and Cameroon to
boycott the court and negotiate the conflict under 50%/50% or 40%/60%.
5.h. Foreign and Domestic Trades
5.h.i. Innovation and change in
Nigeria’s foreign and domestic trade will be huge whatever the claim that will
be laid on Ofume’s innovation and change but the interests of Nigerians are
bigger than any other interests because it is a strong push for trade policy
that would open up domestic and foreign marketplaces to support good Nigerian
jobs and opportunities. Under employment and self-employment for all
Nigerians, Ofume intend to pump money
into small, medium and big businesses to extent of connecting and
empowering local farmers or subsistence
or survival farming, craftsmanship and other low-key industries to emerge to
the level of being able to give job to one or several Nigerians.
5.h.ii. Ofume has done huge court cases in
Nigeria, Canada and US through the court system ladders thus, from the lower
courts to the highest courts (supreme
courts of Canada and United States) to the United Nations Organization
including pursuing claim case ($1.6 billion) against President George W. Bush
and nine (9) others (DOCKET NO. 08-8873 - THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED
STATES). Ofume dealt with several topical articles on cross border trade issues
between nations including extensive US/Canada,
US/Mexico, etc border conflict and agreements on promotion
and blockade of trades. Ofume will promote good neighborhood via trade and will not block good trades that are capable
of providing employment to Nigerians and Africans and assisting the development
of Nigeria and Africa.
5.h.iii. He will use good domestic and foreign
trade agreements to empower Nigerian labour and other social and economic base
and block bad trade agreements including
trade agreements that take Nigerian jobs and cause production and manufacturing
flights which downside domestic labour to the far extent of pushing for unfair
international subsidies to foreign
marketers and zero-tariff restrictions which disfavor the domestic and foreign
trades of Nigeria. With ironfisted policy and practice, Ofume will monitor speculators and lobbyists
and outlaw them from eroding Nigerian production, manufacturing, goods and
services with insolvent and inefficient contractors and entrepreneurs that have
destroyed Nigeria’s iron and steel industries, mines and power, petroleum (oil,
gas, etc), communications, etc.
5.h.iv. Ofume will establish new national
Inspectorate to closely inspect and monitor goods and services in and out of
Nigeria. Customs and Excise and other securities will be subjected to over 85%
overhaul in both salary, service and penalty on disservice to Nigeria. DAY-ONE
of the swearing of Ofume as the President of Nigeria, any Customs and Excise
and other securities officials that have made professional and career
background check with well founded deficient claim on service to Nigeria must
resign immediately to avoid Step-Toe Service (STS) which earns prison service
notwithstanding that there is opportunity
in prison but freedom is gold.
5.h.v. In both domestic and foreign or
international trade, Ofume will sign ALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND EMPOWERMENT
ACT which will encourage both small, medium and big businesses. With or alone
public and private independent small, medium and big business banks will emerge
and closely checked to issue business loans, grants and other monies to small,
medium and big businesses. High emphasis will be put on
medium and small
business development and empowerment to consume all employable unemployment
across Nigeria. There will be close cooperation between business sector and
institution (universities, polytechnics, Colleges of education, Institute of
technology, etc).
5.i. Mortgage and
other Housing Opportunities for Students
and Institution, Private and Public Service Men and Women, Armed Forces,
Police, Customs & Excise, etc.
5.i.i. Ofume assures Nigerian Students and
Institution, Private and Public Service Men and Women, Armed Forces, Police,
Customs & Excise, etc. that
his government will make standard housing adequately available and affordable
for poor, middle and upper classes Nigerians. Ofume will make sure that no
Nigerians will live without roof over their head. The Five Tier National
Government will fund house project with scattered and unified units across
these tiers to enable people living there have permanent house in their own
names with short period of amortization. All struggling Nigerians must be
served first. Each struggling Nigerians working within federal poverty bar will
receive housing subsidy. Each territory or post secondary school students within the federal poverty bar will
get one room free. Ofume will build several hostels at convenient proximity to
schools. All agencies assigned to facilitate student study-work program must be
integrated into Education-Industry cooperation strategy to maintain high
5.i..ii. Public and private sectors will receive
monitored mortgage development money which will be recovered in part under pay
and own conditions.
5.i..iii. Based on income assessment and
evaluation cap, poor people, parents/families and students will get free or
subsidized housing assistance. Nationally, no Nigerian and resident of Nigeria
will be homeless and suffer unemployment and starvation. Banks, Mortgage and
real estate companies, landlords, etc will not have any right to victimize and
over charge tenants and mortgagors because Ofume’s government will regulate and
subsidize rent and mortgage payment for poor Nigerians. In towns, cities and
villages where there is
scarcity of housing
government will build and manage several scattered and low rise apartment
Ofume will create an Affordable Housing Endowment Fund (HEFA) which will
be in-charge of affordable housing developer and leaser. HEFA will be
responsible for providing good tenancy and landlord sensitivity training. This
training will save several million naira spent yearly on tenant to tenant and
landlord to landlord disputes and conflicts and litigations.
5.j. Ofume’s
War Against Poverty and Cause of Poverty in Nigeria
5.j.i. Ofume found that Nigerians are hardworking but
government disadvantage majority of Nigerians by failing to empower them on
stream of efforts to contribute to the development of Nigeria. Educated and
less educated must be helped to climb the ladders of education, employment and
5.j.ii. Poor and low-income
Nigerians must be directly assisted to get education and training and further
help them to transit to employment under strong collaboration between
institutions and industries. Nigerians are poor because of thieves called
politicians, lawmaker, leaders, president, vice-president, governor, chairs of
the local governments, and other actors which build looting partnership with
foreign president/prime minister, governments, politicians, lawmakers,
diplomats, leaders, etc.
5.j.iii. 1914 - present, under legalized lootings of
the wealth of Nigeria, 4-year term of any interceding government is used to
plunder Nigeria and abandon political and other promises and impoverish
Nigerians/ Nigeria at scaring level. Ofume government will start DAY-ONE of
taken oath of office to audit and check every kobo (penny) and project
disbursed and approved. DAY-ONE of oath
of office, politicians, lawmaker, leaders, president, vice-
president, governor,
chairs of the local governments, and other actors will disclose to public the
money and reserve of Nigeria internally and externally. DAY-ONE of taken oath
of office, politicians, lawmaker, leaders, president, vice-president, governor,
chairs of the local governments, and other actors will be liable for
prosecution of monetary and other misconducts.
5.j.iv. Ofume’s research and investigation show that
the loots below (originated from the mail of the world bank mail) are able to
accumulate at scaring magnitude because of several years of unchecked and
free-to-loot administration. Small, medium and large loots will not be seen
during Ofume’s government because of,
continuous and comprehensive assessment and evaluation of disbursement
and projects;
in-service criminal charges and prosecution of politicians, lawmaker, leaders, president,
vice-president, governor, chairs of the local governments, and other actors;
blockade on internal and external diplomatic passages;
Þ no
permanent mounted inspectors, investigator and inspectorate which will be cross
reviewed from time to time directly by select-member of The Five-Tier National
Þ complete
disclosure and publication of budget, disbursement, right to request disclosure
from the donor or grantor such as
Five-Tier National Government and others;
5.j.v. Below comes shortlist of
the recent disclosures of loots by the President of World Bank to
ex-President Olusegun
Comment from Reality Source: This
comment is what happens in real life.
research report by Ofume and NGOs on the
faith of the domestic looters and their loots and the position of foreign
receivers, the receivers that are mostly heartless foreign governments, politicians, lawmakers and
leaders, at glance they condemn the domestic looters to death soon as the
monies are repatriated and show in their own banks and other financial
institutions. Condemnation to death is carried out stage by stage without
stitches sometimes it starts from infecting the domestic looter with durable
and short deadly illnesses purpose of bringing them back into their own
hospitals for treatment where he/she is medically killed. Ofume’s Five-Tier
National Government will end these heartless thefts and lootings because of
continuous and comprehensive assessments and evaluations; bringing criminal
charges against president, governors, senators and other members of the
five-tier government, CEOs, etc anytime from DAY-ONE to end and after term in
office; monthly or bi-monthly direct inspection and audit of money and project
by members of the Five-Tier National
Government; etc.
5.j.vi. Ofume intends to create 450 Poverty and
Crime Monitoring Zones in Nigeria which will be funded and monitored by members
of the Five-Tier National Government. Two years of Ofume’s term
in office over 75% of the crime and poverty in Nigeria will be eliminated and
majority of the defective and unserviceable infrastructures will be up running
in full scale. Reason that city, town and village base poverty and crime take
center stage because of lack of education, well funded and effective security
therefore education, adequate funding
and training inside and outside must be enhanced and strongly empowered.
Inside and outside the prison walls education
must be used to eliminate poverty and crime. Ofume will add Ministry of
Social Service and Security which
will be the ministry in charge of Police Service, Social service and Police and
Welfare Commission will contain Nigerian specialized services such as Prison
and Police Education and Training; Private and Public Crime Prevention;
Welfare; Pension, Gratuities, and Retirements; Immigration and Customs and
Excise; Ex-service and Senior Citizen
Commission; InterPol, Domestic and International Peacekeeping and Peacemaking;
Border Security and Patrol; etc.
Selected experts and case officials in-charge of the 450 Poverty
Crime Monitoring Zones will identify and address the specific and general
economic development needs and barriers of every section of the 450 zones.
5.j.vii. Across
Nigeria, the change must be felt everywhere from good condition of service;
good salaries; removal of motor bicycle taxi and new and modern transportation
systems which will connect towns, cities and villages and retraining motor
bicycle riders and integrating them into the
new and modern transportation; change of the nature of service to
homeland with patriotic and exemplary dedication mind; strong infrastructure
base; living within the rich of personal
income without looting of public fund; elimination of bribery and corruption;
5.j.viii. Education
is a threat to and downsizes the power or corrosiveness of poverty and crime. Ofume uses education to
fight poverty and crime. After
education and training, come transitions
to employment and wages and question as to how these transiting poor
people will survive under Ofume’s government. Ofume will do three things for them,
place salary and bonus caps on CEOs/General Managers/Directors and members of
the Five-Tier National
Government to raise the salaries of
the transiting
poor workers and middle class on first part, offer them tax relief or credit on their earned income on second
part and stop looting across Nigeria on third part.
Transportation and Affordable Transportation - Land, Water and Air
5.k.i. Ofume will invest money into highly
regulated and commercialized private and
public land, air and water transporation systems which will be affordable to
all Nigerians and international travelers.
5.k.ii. On land there will be long and short
distance inboud and outbound railways system, Bus and Taxi Network (affordable
commercial bus system and subsidized system
students and struggling Nigerians) and finally all or 100% of the motorcycle
and related risky transportion system will be outlawed and all riders will be
retrained and integrated into the mainstream public and private transporation
systems. After thorough research and investigation, Ofume found that the
integration plan will make motorcycle riders to earn double the amount they get
from this risky and painful indenture labour.
Ofume traveled extensively in Nigeria (North, South, West, Middle Belt
and East) and led research and thoroughly investigated Nigerian roads, driving
conduct, infrastructure, etc. He will reduce dangerous driving and accident to
one of the lowest levels in the world. To achieve this plan, Ofume found
that there are dual obligation and
responsibility - ruler and ruled but ruler obligation and responsibility FIRST.
Ofume or ruler will construct several new roads in towns, cities, and villages
and repair old roads, bridges, etc. Federal government will fund and build improved private and public asphalt and granites production companies to serve
entire nation and if possible commercialized internationally. On the part of
the ruled, Ofume in each state there will be fees interstate tolls gates and
after the ruler has satisfactorily met the obligation and responsibility above
thereafter for both the ruled and rulers Ofume will sign into law tough Road
Safety Rules and Regulations to check Driving Under the
Influence of Alcohol, Drug, Sleep Depredation, etc.
6.a. Dangerous
Association Between Foreign Partners and Nigerian Presidencies, Politicians and
6.a.i. 1914 - present, Colonial Administrators
and present foreign natural resources seekers have divided and ruled or
polarized Nigerians and Nigeria’s presidencies, politicians and lawmakers in
such dangerous manner that the elected representatives (presidencies, federal,
state and local government) become directly answerable to foreign natural
resources seekers.
6.a.ii. The New Nigeria under Five-Tier National
Government reviewed the idea of foreign
made six political zones
in Nigeria and valued the plan as a huge drain on Nigeria’s democracy and the
development of several cultural, ethnic, traditional and linguistic communities
of the over 250 cultural, ethnic, linguistic and traditional communities
because the zones are exploitative and conflict schemed zones. The present
political awareness in Nigeria and legislative amendment of the Five-Tier
National Government will reverse this selfish plan which is abuse and
breach of the Multi-cultural, religion, linguistic, tradition and ethnic
federal democracy of Nigeria.
6.b. End to Centrist
Authority and Emergence of All Nigerian People Government
6.b.i. Ofume seriously objects that certain
over 250 cultural, ethnic, traditional and linguistic communities have
exhausted their chance of leadership or becoming President of Nigeria. Ofume advised that Nigerians should shelve
the belief that the Yoruba, Hausa-Fulani, Ibo or Igbo, Niger/Delta, Middle
Belt, etc have enjoyed a big share of the economies of Nigeria.
6.b.ii. Ofume has consistently disassociated the
gain of individual or selfish president, vice-president, governors, military
brass, regional administrators, and political actors that persistently ignored people, community,
family and nation and leadership mandate
for personal interest from the gain of the “barren entities of over 250
cultural, ethnic, traditional and linguistic communities which have been made
ungovernable 1914 – present”.
6.b.iii. The meaning of the detourable inference is
that the gain enjoyed by selfish leaders is different from the gain for the
ungoverned people, community, family and nation of Nigeria and that Ofume’s
leadership aimed at reversed gain which is the gain for the mass people,
community, family and nation of Nigeria.
6.biv. With caution, Ofume re-stressed that
Nigeria is made up of over 250 cultural, ethnic, traditional and linguistic
autonomous communities but these groups have been disdained or made
ungovernable for no justifiable reason and more so without sympathy. Nigerians
TODAY is advised to look for better life via better leadership. Nigerians must
be reminded of the hardship they have endured during a period of governance
1914 –present and use this pain to reject further leaders that would buy them
electioneering meal and abandon them soon as they are elected.
6.b.v. The history of governments, political
system, and leaders is very useful to determine what is good and bad
government. Government which makes the ruled
feel as ruled is exemplary government or leader.
6.c. End to Old
Policies and Practices in International Lending, Granting, etc.
6.c.i. Old ideology of branding Nigeria
developing country in all levels of her economy is absurd and at the same time
persistently answerable to dictates and abuses of international doctrines
without the interest of Nigerians and Nigeria FIRST will be changed under
Ofume’s government to enable Nigeria fortify herself for genuine relationship
and cooperation with international communities. The internalization of Nigeria
prior to globalization or internationalization of Nigeria must be dealt with
legislatively and properly refocused.
6.c.ii. Nigeria is a very endowed, rich and
developed country in human, science, technology, natural resources and must be
autonomous sovereign nation capable of marshalling out social, economic,
political and legal drivers to plough her path into self-determination and
judicious sovereignty.
6.c.iii. Based on the tapped and untapped
revenues of Nigeria, Nigeria is not supposed to be beggar and recipient of
foreign racist loan and grant (hereinafter “welfare or
social assistance” ). Nigeria is supposed to be lender and grantor to nations and
people granting and loaning money and several other scientific and
technological assistances to Nigeria. The tapped and untapped human and natural
resources of Nigeria are sufficient to govern and make the over 250 micro and
macro cultural, ethnic, linguistic and traditional territories paradise.
Merging the tapped and untapped human and natural resources of Nigeria purpose
of strengthening domestic capacity with Nigeria’s trade mark and domestication
of Nigeria’s goods and services, Ofume will bring Naira back to its pre-1980s
lead over world currencies.
6.c.iv. Ofume will raise income per capita and
maintain strong life expectancy; majority of foreign and domestic reserves of
Nigeria must be re-invested in Nigeria to expand institution and industry
purpose of creating multiple jobs; expanding the scope of Supply and Demand
with expansion of made-in-Nigeria goods and services; Ofume will force a
reversed lending practices in which international lenders and other
grantors will not use Nigeria as dumping
ground without retroactive risk. The meaning of this major and new change of
lending and granting of capital and other forms of dumping into Nigeria is that
in majority of the times, Ofume will not accept loan, grant and other
money-project transactions, instead Ofume will require these foreign lenders,
grantors, etc to use their money (if they like to make profit and develop their
countries) to build companies in Nigeria with the opportunity to do business as
Nigerians and other foreign entrepreneurs.
6.c.v. After over thirty (30) years of research and
investigation into the dubious role of the international lenders, grantors,
money speculators, etc., even if oil price slumped below scaring all time low,
Ofume will require international lenders, grantors, etc to invest their monies
in Nigeria and harvest their profits. Ofume’s research and investigation found
that the loan, grants and other take and repay or pay back interest and capital
are constructed to under-develop Nigeria and several other recipients. Under
these transactions, moderate and non-moderate distinction existed and these
lenders, grantors, etc and their governments and allies prefer their moderates
because they are less intelligent leaders, politicians, lawmakers
and prone to being
pushed around here and there en route to
the under-development of their own people and countries. Non-moderates are
majority of the looters charged and under investigation inside and outside
Nigeria but moderates that have looted several billions of Naira are indirectly
granted amnesty under weak judicial system and lesser penalty.
6.c.vi. Under this exploitative control, several
loans, grants, etc and other domesticated and foreignized wealth are held by
some Nigerian president, vice-president, lawmakers, governors, politicians, etc
and repatriation of the monies back to their foreign friends that are also
president, vice-president, lawmakers, politicians, governors, etc . As they
held these money in unmanaged eschew account, the interest rate persisted
upwards and becomes burden on the Nigerian taxpayers, foreign and domestic
reserves and development. High and low interest rates are designed and imposed
under international designation of moderate and non-moderate and distinction of
race, color, religion, nationality, etc. play strong role in who is who money
6.d. Resistance to Old
Policies and Practices in International Debts and Interest Rates
6. d.i. On domestic and foreign debts, Ofume will
use all available international and domestic mechanisms or laws to clear up the
present fraudulent domestic and foreign debts, which scare Nigerian
authority. Nigerian authority is not
supposed to be scared about the debts because several of the debts are mock
debts crafted without legal proof and imposed on Nigeria by fraudulent
creditors that use “irrational recurrent calculus” and other unfounded
financial data and mathematical programs to calculate non-moderate loans,
grants, etc.
6.d.ii. Ofume has viewed certain loan and grants
agreements and he found that if contested, the grantors or creditors could not
recover several of the grants or loans because of score of implicative and
manipulative clauses and under-clauses, which would discharge Nigeria even
in kangaroo courts.
Ofume has advised Nigerian and other governments to reject several loans,
grants, etc with close replacement which will call for a joint venture where
profit and lost will be shared 50/50%. This Grant or Loan-Project Base types is
better than direct loan or grant type because of the shared profit and burden
6.d.iii. The fraudulent loan and projects starts
with the fraudulent creditors or grantors, that propose defective projects to
advance unsolicited grants to Nigeria and other G-77 nations. The loan or
grants fall into the hands of certain Nigerian president, vice-president,
lawmakers, politicians, governors and
their heirs, servant, friends and privies. In large part, the money is retransferred
to the fraudulent foreign accounts and soon as the money accumulates, the lives
of the depositors (Nigerian president, vice-president, governors, lawmakers,
politicians and their heirs, servant,
friends and privies) are in danger. They create the sickness or illness, which
would directly and indirectly bring them into the creditors’ own or allies
hospitals for unsuccessful treatment, which may lead to death. Due to the fraud
in the repatriation and deposit or launching of the money into foreign
financial institution, recovery of the money by the government of Nigeria and
the heirs, servants, privies and other executors on behalf of the Nigerian
deceased looter will be impossible. Ofume led team of researchers to advise the
advocates on the purported corruption in Africa to do the right thing by
campaigning for domestic and international legislation to outlaw looting and
deposit of such loots into foreign accounts and to push for tough legislation
and auditing methods against domestic plundering of tax monies and wealth of
7.a. Ofume’s government will be only government
in the world that has researched and investigated legal mechanism that will
eliminate BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION in police, custom & excise, covert/overt
securities, and other service sectors at the rate of over 93% - 96% within one
or two year of term in office. How? First time in the conventional history of
police, custom & excise, covert/overt securities, etc these operatives will
be well paid,
empowered to
succeed and remunerated officials and
officers will wear “made in Nigeria surveillance/monitoring gadget and also
customized and mounted inside operation vehicles and workplaces.”
7.b. Under close check and balance, on daily
basis or without notice, external and independent Inspectors will be assigned
to walk-in offices, pullover or stop any patrol vehicles and officer to check
whether the gadgets are working and in proper installed position of the body
and vehicle and audit project/financial records. Each work day the security
will take and duplicate the performance transcript and transmitted to all the
Five Tier National Government. In this manifesto, Ofume has decided to remind
Nigerians from time to time that issues of political, ethnic, economic, social,
cultural, religion and other creed, old boys/girls and other alliances will not
work under his government because the structure of the Five Tier National
Government is non-partisan to political, ethnic, economic, social, cultural, religion
and other creed, old boys/girls and other alliances.
7.c. 100% of Nigeria’s information technology
and allied communications must be re-mastered and adopted in Nigeria to block
external infiltration. Nigeria is endowed with the scientists and experts to
remaster and customized Nigeria’s communication systems.
7.d. Nigeria Police, SSS, Customs &
Excise and other operatives must be
graded and rated as one of the major top service system in Nigeria with
excellent service conditions and treated with honour, dignity, and respect
because without security, social and economic development will not be possible.
The major problem affecting Nigeria Police is constitutional legislative with
economic and sensitivity prongs issues and Ofume’s government will assent to
highbred priority to put Nigeria Police on top. SSS will be separated from the
Ministry of Internal Affairs and matched with the new Ministry of Defence
and Intelligence to build strong and
waterproof national defense and security.
7.e No society would move forward under
insecurity and fear. High priority will be put
on security. Under the
Nigeria’s domestic crime detection strategy, crime and criminals will be zoned,
localized and summarily controlled to
the extent that criminals will change the job of crime to nation building
because Ofume’s policy on social and economic development will not accommodate
crimes and criminals. Several of those in prison and detention will be
processed, converted, integrated, resettled or rehabilitated and released.
Ofume’s policy on correction and adjustment would not make them to return to
7.f. Police-public relation will be organized
under new adjustment/integration, faith/belief, community, family and
civic/ethical sensitivity education program to make Nigerians embrace new
Nigeria federal democracy policing which has never been put in place in Nigeria
1914 - present and any time across the world.
7.g. Ofume who has been in and out of Nigerian
detention for over 300 times has strong
sympathy for Nigeria Prison Authority and prisoners. Ofume will effect major reform in Nigeria’s prison
system and work conditions of the authority and strongly overhaul the
conditions of prisoners or inmates and staff. Ofume will reduce the number of prisoners by
setting up a new system of correctional institution to enable prisoners
experience over 75% - 85% change including inside-out transition, adjustment,
integration, rehabilitation, etc. This
reform comes with Autonomous Correctional Special Education Institution of Arts,
Science and Technology with certificates,
diploma and degree equivalent to the mainstream educational system of Nigeria.
Reading and writing in prison will be imposed on all prison with special
8.a. The military readiness during Ofume’s
government will be matchless on land, water
and air with well funded
armed forces to meet 21st century battle readiness. Ofume will
restructure the army and military personnel in such way that lower, medium and
senior officers will not suffer in-service and post service conditions.
Regarding strong armed forces
Ofume will do what many leaders have not done
inside and outside west and south to empower the army and related forces
including the police, customs & Excise, etc. In-service and post service
conditions must be attractive. Inside and outside west and south nations there
is severe acute corruption which has looted the monies of these sectors and
downsized better service conditions.
8.b. Nigeria Armed Forces and related forces
- Strong and proud armed forces to take on any conventional military campaign
nationally and internationally is what any modern nation requires. The
large-scale reform (over 93%) recommended for Nigerian Security,
Communications, Mines and Power will be adapted and adopted to strengthen
Nigeria Armed Forces and related forces and Education, Prison, Health Care and
Delivery, etc. Former or Veterans
of all Nigerian and international wars
and conflicts including civil liberties fighters across Nigeria will be
formally adjusted, integrated, pardoned,
rehabilitated and remembered after
resolving all the pending conflicts.
Resolving the conflicts across Nigeria is a very simple task because
Ofume will not consult any foreign mediators, governments, politicians,
lawmakers, leaders and their agencies. Ofume have researched and investigated
and found the cause of Nigeria’s conflict, instability, poverty,
under-development, war and related malaise. As government and cabinet which
will emerge from non-partisan politics initiative and shift based on five tier
government, resolution of conflict and passage of development bills will be
swift and within less than one year of take of oath of office.
8.c. Primary and secondary school must be free for all the armed forces and
Police. Tertiary institution will be subsidized based on the income cap of the
applicant or guardians. In Ofume’s government, poverty will not stop any
Nigerian armed forces and Police from pursuing educational goals.
8.d. Members of the Nigerian Armed Forces
while in service will have a new salaries, retirement benefits and gratuities
plan that will adequately contain in-service and post-service conditions of all
members of the struggling police and armed forces and veterans
(low and middle classes)
escape poverty line throw out their lifetime. Under this plan, Ofume’s
government will extend to all members of the police and armed forces (low,
medium and high rank classes) life plan
salaries inside and outside the service and retirement of the police and armed
forces organization. New salaries,
retirement benefits and gratuities plan will be integrated and managed under
8.e. Ofume has made his manifesto or political promises clear and in
plain language which will be translated in several Nigerian major languages
including English, Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, etc. Under this plain language guide,
Nigerians will know that Ofume’s government will be the first government of
Nigeria where members of the Five-Tier National Government, Chief Executive
Officer, Armed Forces Generals and other senior officers, Directors, General Managers,
low/medium classes, etc must live within their salaries and lawful
bonuses. Ofume will impose salary cap on members of the Five-Tier National
Government, Chief Executive Officer, Armed Forces Generals and other senior
officers, Directors, General Managers,
low/medium classes, etc.
9.a. The first part of Ofume’s Healthcare Reform
will start with pumping money into research and investigative orthodox and
traditional medicines under medical research and investigative institutions and
teaching hospitals with special interest in general and specialized pharmacy
including Ofume’s new anthropometrical technology pharmacy and medicine;
specialized and general medicines which will focus on cure and treatment of
Nigerian, imported illnesses and other illnesses/diseases including AIDS/HIV,
TB, CANCER, CHOLERA, MALARIA, etc. During Ofume’s government poverty will not
prevent Nigerians from acquiring or earning medical education and research.
Opportunities will be given to both orthodox and traditional medicines to develop
and provide Medicare
and services to
Nigerians. Irrational Critics of Orthodox and Traditional medicine schools and
practitioners will not be allowed to divert medical development and progress.
Foreign stereotypes and streaming of these professions will not be allowed to
derail these social and economic development focuses.
9.b. All struggling low and middle class
Nigerians must receive automatic free healthcare to cover parents and their
under 20-year children that are also struggling. Struggling Nigerians are
defined as Nigerians and legal immigrant in Nigeria without job, under-going
unsalaried training, students with unemployed parents/guardians, low class,
unemployed people with disabilities, employed and under self-employment but
with salary which falls within Ofume’s federal
poverty cap.
9.c. The unstruggling
Nigerians and legal immigrant will enjoy new healthcare system. Private and
Public Hospital will not have the rights to impose medical bills because
Ofume’s government will list all medically approved illnesses, and consultancy
and put cap on costs of treatment and cure and the cap must be affordable and
reviewed under personal income per capita and specific economic development
plan and prevailing salary regime.
9. d. Ofume led researchers and investigators to
advice that the purported global recession/depression/inflation are lay
people’s propaganda and further advised nations, continental unions, UN System,
etc to focus on individual nation’s social and economic problems and resolve
them as they are. Ofume applied this tracking method to track Nigeria’s
claimed recession, depression and
inflation and found that the global recession, depression and inflation did not
affect Nigeria and several other countries. Determining recession, depression and inflation by global
stock market is nonsense. Some Nigerian law makers and politicians copying
international terminologies which address recession, depression and inflation
to corner Nigeria out of her social and economic match pace to get
international economic stimulus packages which they conceive as free monies
whereas they monies with heavy secret interest rate with usual distinction of
moderate, non-moderate,
color, race, religion,
9.e. Nigeria’s
healthcare and how to make Nigerians live healthy life will be crafted under
Nigeria’s designed healthcare and delivery program. The new medical industries
of Nigeria which will be federal system in collaboration with other tiers of
the government will manufacture, inspect, certify and dispense their own medicines under safe practices. Traditional
and Orthodox drugs or medicines will be manufactured based on traditional and
orthodox medical specifications and standards.
9.f. All medicine related street hawkers will
be trained and reintegrated into the healthcare and delivery education system
and with the opportunity of advancing from care assistance or paramedic to any
level (nurse, physician, pharmacist, dentist, etc). While under going the
training these paramedic trainees will be placed on specific salary. Licensed
Patent Medicine Dealers will undergo time to time in-service training to
qualify for business loan and grant. Ofume’s government will put high emphasis on
more and more training, research and innovation on Nigeria’s Health Delivery
System to enable all Nigerians get qualitative and affordable Medicare.
9.g. Ofume’s new traditional and orthodox
medical schools (university, institute of science and technology with integrated
medical polytechnics, teaching and research hospitals, and para-medical
training institution) will extend different educational subsidies to struggling
Nigerians or low and middle classes because medical education must not be for
upper class. All struggling Nigerians or low and middle classes that have
straight “A” must be granted study loan, grant and other subsidies and
repayment starts after two years of graduation and employment.
9.h. The New Health Delivery System of
Nigeria takes part of the major reform in Ofume’s government. It must be
designed for all Nigerians and be regarded as one of the best in the world to
attract patients inside and outside Africa. Nigeria’s hospitals and clinics
must be global qualitative, competitive and attract patients and scholars
across the world. The new
Nigeria’s hospitals and
clinics must become international center for medical teaching, research and
investigation for different diseases, illnesses, cures, treatments, innovation
and development.
9.i. AIDS/HIV and related illness are some of
the emergency policy centered decision, which a well-groomed Nigerian leader
must take without wasting tax money to attend uncountable and worthless
international meetings and conferences on AIDS/HIV and related illnesses. Cure
and treatment of AIDS/HIV/EBOLA have cures but the international pharmaceutical
industries and their grantors and allies have suppressed or censored the cures
and in place criminally choose the word “treatment and invented several poisons
or ARVs
- Anti-retroviral drugs to
enable these illnesses become most lucrative businesses.
9.j. American, Nigerian,
Russian, Mexican, etc scientists and experts will in secret places tell
onlookers there are several genuine cure and treatment but they are censored
because of the secret role between pharmaceutical companies and their grantors and allies which
control their friends’ freedom of economic socialization; association; speech;
and development. Ofume’s government will break this organized censorship clique
and assembles scientists and experts as he did in the year 2004 when he led
international scientists and experts to find AIDS/HIV cure in America and
Mexico but censored by President George W. Bush and World Health Organization
(WHO) continued to hide under the cloud of President Bush and his murderous
mercenaries. On September 11, 2004 under INTERNATIONAL NETWORK FOR PEACE AND
(NIPAD) on AIDS/HIV. They found that
AIDS/HIV are poisons and manmade and dispensed or spread by man and they
presented over 76 confessions.
9.k. Microbiologists and other sound scientists
are here and there across Nigeria and other locations across the world to
manufacture cures to cure Nigerians with AIDS/HIV and others inside and outside
Africa. Why should Nigerian leaders become beggars of international AIDS/HIV
petit monies and waste time and money to seat in childish international meetings,
concerts and conferences
to discuss AIDS/HIV pandemic instead of reducing cost and loss of life by
taking domestic positive decision to save the lives of Nigerians with AIDS/HIV
and other illnesses. AIDS/HIV/EBOLA are
manmade poisons which target Africans and their human and natural resources for
criminal possession. It is criminal for certain African leaders, politicians
and lawmakers to be used to further kill by using secondhand poisons called ARVs - Anti-retroviral
drugs which
kill mom and child at different stage of their lives.
9.l. Nigerians must change the spirit of low
self-esteem on Nigeria’s Health Delivery System. Inside and outside Nigeria,
they are several Nigerian tough medical scientists, technologists, physicians
and other experts. Ofume found that the deficient self-esteem is not on
self-qualitative low self-esteem but because of fear created by the government
of Nigeria.
9.m. To
develop a very strong, qualitative and smart Healthcare and delivery system,
Ofume will reverse the economic, social and civil sabotage trends relating to defective service with high bill and loss
of good business and scare of potential experts, investors and professionals
because of manmade deficient communications, mines and power,
corruption/bribery, and violent and other crimes. Ofume has thoroughly studied Nigeria’s
communications, mines and power, corruption/bribery, bills and services with
ethnic and political distinction, and violent and other crimes and found and
classified the actors and uncover how several foreign and domestic leaders,
politicians, lawmakers and other fraudulent stake seekers have directly and
indirectly used these deficiencies to scare several experts, investors and
professionals to reduce domestic and international competitions.
9.n. Under Ofume’s government, outages and
malfunctioning of Nigeria’s communications, mines and power for 2 - 5 minutes
without notice and without natural causes must be litigated by the victims.
Thereafter, victims must be restituted and the nonchalant provider may loss
license if the Outages and malfunctioning occur more than three times per
annum. All natural related outages and malfunctioning will be
made national disaster or incident and put under control within 24 hours
because Ofume will apply national rescue plan in which National Joint Rescue
Guard (NJRG) will be mobilized to the affected state or FCT.
9.o. Nigerian Physicians, Dentist,
Optometrists, Surgeons, etc are regarded as some of the best in the world and
foreign governments use them to develop their economies and sometimes
pay them peanut. Ofume says no and that enough is enough and
want them back to their beautiful homeland. To carry on this forced or induced
human exodus, Nigerian politicians, leaders and lawmakers have connived with
these foreign politicians, leaders and lawmakers to create clandestine
under-development activities which include but are not limited to sabotaging
Nigerian job or labour, communications, mines and power, etc to cause first
class scare. Communications, mines and power,
are the major scare to Nigerians and foreign investors, professionals
and expert to return and invest in Nigeria.
10.a. Under Ofume policy, practice, compliance,
regulation and enforcement, Education is GATEWAY TO EVERYTHING (employment,
excellent life expectancy, good human person, children and families,
communities, neighborhoods, law abiding citizens, etc.) and under this
foundation no actors inside and outside Nigeria must sanction and do related
action to derail or deprive Nigerians and any residents of Nigeria the access
to this lead right (education) in Nigeria.
10.b. From formal education to informal
education, Nigerians have excelled to stardom and this dual fold education has
been the background for Nigeria’s and Nigerian people’s social, economic,
political and cultural development and prosperity. Institution or education
sector and industry must prepare Nigerians not solely to meet the target of
Nigerian economies, but as well as change Nigerians to realize the target that
10.c. The realization drive that education is
GATEWAY TO EVERYTHING must come with standard and qualitative education and
industry and well funded in the East, Middle Belt, Niger Delta, North, Other
South and West with unrestricted
opportunities. Industry and education must be qualitative and standard pace
makers to prepare students and workers to achieve set national and personal
goals. The public and private schools and industries must be adequately
empowered to maximize Nigeria’s abundant human and natural resources.
10.d. To reach this target Nigerians must be
assisted with first ladder which Ofume classified into four categories -
Kindergartens (2 years); Elementary School (5 years ); Junior Secondary (3
years) and Senior Secondary (3 years) ;
Tertiary (diploma - 2 years, Degree -
straight and full time 4 years but entering with diploma 2 years, Master - 2
years , Ph.D. - 4 years ). Starting from
Senior secondary school the close cooperation between industry and institution
starts with high momentum to build self-made and productive student. Students,
teachers and industry start to work as one team to build great person and nation at tool-ready point.
10.e. Struggling and disadvantaged people under
the umbrella of education and industry must be assisted with different
opportunities to move up to required capacity to acquire education and
employment. Junior Secondary to tertiary institution must be encouraged by
Nigerian governmental and non-governmental sectors assisted programs to find
out gifted and unprivileged students to move them up to expected government and
citizen set target.
10.f. Nigerian students must be domestic and
international test/examination ready. West Africa Examination Council (WAEC)
must be scrapped and replaced with more qualitative and standard examination.
Joint Admission Matriculation Examination Board will be upgraded and simplified
by making advanced qualitative input in teacher’s training schools or college
of education.
10.g. Ofume has studied several in-school tests/examinations
and matriculation examinations and found several defects and after studying two
doctorate degrees (France) and testing himself in some of the best and oldest
Nigerian standard and qualitative research and teaching tertiary institutions (University of Ibadan and
Institute of African Studies of University of Ibadan), Ofume decided to make
personal advanced studies to remain competitive and matchless academically and
competitive internationally. This type of known defect became tool to upgrade standard
and quality of education, test and examination. Again Ofume used himself as
practical example.
10.h. In Canada, about one month and half when
Ofume and his family arrived in Canada,
there was a huge academic and professional competitive research project
with $200,000.00 grant to be used for the
project. Ofume ignored fear advice given by several old residents of Canada and
applied for the job. The
project was designed to assess and evaluate NEEDS and BARRIERS of Immigrant in Canada (NS).
Several scholars and other professionals rushed to apply for the job purpose
of money attraction and to built high
profile and quality academic and professional resumes and curriculum vitae.
This large applicants made the job highly competitive with high standard job
interview as elimination or cut down process. Another problem which the
provincial and federal governments faced was
shortlist of candidates. After several shortlist exercises, about 108
were finally short-listed and Ofume was one of the candidate to be interviewed.
After the interview Ofume emerged first position to take the job but Ofume’s
supper academic and professional qualifications and experiences; campaign
against Canada on the death of Alhaja (Chief) Kudirat Abiola on June 4, 1996;
risk of allowing hard-line and non-agency human rights activist to research,
investigate and write report on needs and barriers in worst racist country were
behind the mind of the Canadian government. There was a protest by the people
that viewed the position of Canada as direct infringements on Ofume’s right.
Based on this protest there was something like advisement and Department of
Houman Resources was invited to review the tapes of the interview and scores.
After the review, Ofume also emerged on
top and took the job but Canada blocked several rights to research,
investigation and write report were censored; issue staff identification
belonging to another Black staff to
Ofume; paid Ofume peanut, less or about $1999.00/mo; etc. This right violation
earned complaint and strongly litigated from court to court up to The Supreme Court of Canada . See Phillip Ofume v. Nova
Scotia Department of Education & Culture et al Civil Docket No. 28956.
10.i. This readiness will be assured after the
government has done its part including training and retraining qualified teachers based on the cooperation
between education and industry. During Ofume’s government, teachers will show
their ability to teacher through the performance of the students in fair and
transparent domestic and international examinations and tests. Per student performance criteria, evaluation
and certification, any teacher scoring below the expectation of the New
Nigeria’s Education Standard Strategy will be recommended for six months
in-service retraining program at The Nigerian Standard Teacher Training
Institute which will be part of designated universities across Nigeria.
In-service retraining program will touch all teaching courses. Private and
public schools must meet this national standard strategy. The curriculum of
The Nigerian Standard
Teacher Training Institute must be designed to simplify teaching and learning
with enhanced retention. The Nigerian Standard Teacher Training Institute will
design teaching standards, Kindergarten through tertiary institutions and will
write, print, and distribute all text books used by school across Nigeria.
Ofume’s government will not allow teachers and their unions to reproduce,
recommend, write and circulate classroom text books used in Nigerian school
because text books have big amount of
control over intended standard and quality. Outside the classrooms, students
and other Nigerians have right to buy any good books.
10.j. Ofume’s government will pump money into New
Nigeria’s Education Standard Strategy to bring Nigerian classroom to 21st
Century and beyond. Kindergarten (K) through Tertiary, Ofume will sign into law
what is known as “National Standard Education Development Act” (SEDAN) which
will recommend uniform teaching standard and text books for all schools across
Nigeria. This standard will prepare Nigerian schools and students to face
national and international educational competitivity or test and examination.
This national standard will make the lower, middle and upper class people in Nigeria get one type of education and
struggling Nigerians and other residents will be assisted by the government to
get the same standard of education. Thereafter, days will be gone when poverty
and other deficiency will deter the ability and right to educational
10.k. Kindergarten (K) through Tertiary,
educational infrastructures across Nigeria must be upgraded to the required
standard in order to give teaching, learning and management comforts to
students, teachers and administrators. Teachers and administrators must be
accorded due respect matched with good salary and designed economic empowerment
assistance which will help teachers and administrators to have mobility and
permanent home via subsidized pay to ownership of mortgage and vehicle program.
10.l. Ofume strongly re-affirm that under his government, poverty,
discrimination, ethnicity, creed, nepotism and related intolerance will never deter Nigerians from acquiring
education and aspiring to the intended mountaintop and enjoying the basic
fundamental human rights approved by Nigeria Constitution and Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
Restating that education
and employment will be gateway to good life, good family, safe community,
eliminate crimes, etc.
11.a. Conflicts: East, Middle Belt, Niger Delta, North,
South and West
11.a.i. Ofume will cutoff colonial indirect and
direct rule and enforce Nigerian direct or indigenized rule which will make Nigeria and Nigerians
become social, cultural, economic and political friends with the former
colonial nations and world in general and allow them enjoy normal and legal
qualitative competition driven by Nigeria’s new self-rule. What and what the
agitators (East/Middle Belt/North/South/West) seek economically, socially,
politically and culturally (religion, tradition, etc) are simple to resolve but
the direct and indirect colonial rules (1914 - present) lack leadership and
type of government experiences under the contest of floating constitutional
multi-cultural/racial/color/religion/ ethnic federal democracy, socialism and
communism. Nigeria’s direct and indirect colonial rules/rulers (1914 - present) are defective and
inexperience pattern and personalities because they think constitutional
multi-cultural/racial/color/religion/ ethnic federal democracy, socialism and
communism are the same oversea and in Nigeria and that democracy, socialism and
communism are on themselves brewed as already made GOOD GOVERNMENT.
11.a.ii. For example, the conflict in the Niger Delta
Region (derivation and others) and Northern Region (Sharia and others) are very
simple to resolve because there is no part of the Constitution of Nigeria that
sanctions economic development and prosperity and maintenance of the practice
of religion and using the rules and regulations of this
institution to protect
its members and their state. Derivation request by the people of the Niger
Delta Region is smaller than their due rights as people facing the longstanding
problems emanating from the exploitation of the natural resources (oil, gas,
etc) in the region. The loots (crude oil, processed oil/gas, and other natural
resources and cash) by one politician or lawmaker or leader per term of office
are sufficient to respond to the request of this region. Ofume will rely only
on less than 25% of the loots to make
East/Middle Belt/North/South/West paradise and better place to live.
Same plan will be used to resolve other conflicts in the East, Middle Belt,
Niger Delta, North, South and West because in Advanced Mediation and Conflict
Management and Resolution Ofume has found that no conflict can not be resolved.
See above how Ofume will resolve conflicts, stop looting and repatriation, stop
bribery and corruption.
11. b. Unattended
Conflicts: East/Middle Belt/North/South/West
11.b.i. East/Middle Belt/North/South/West there are conflicts which have lasted the age
of Nigeria and fire bred such manner
that are capable of breaking ONE NIGERIA into several autonomous nations
and disappearance of ONE NIGERIA or NIGERIA.
After several researches and investigations, Ofume found that these
regional and inter-regional conflicts are resolvable but unresolved because of
third party influence and the conflicts are adopted and used for building
foreign economic empires. 1914 - present, Ofume found that directly and
indirectly the colonial administration (1914 - present) and governments of
Nigerians (military and civilian - 1960
- present) downplayed the crisis and used crisis escalation from time to time
as tools for looting, empowering foreign governments, politicians, leaders and
lawmakers and at the same time impoverishing Nigerians and Nigeria to far and
ugly extent that the companies, investors, entrepreneurs and other employers in
these regions have refused to hire the regions’ citizens. Ofume’s government
will negotiate both hiring and profit quota with any domestic and
foreign companies,
investors, entrepreneurs and other employers.
11.b.ii. Ofume will not consult foreign
governments, politicians, leaders and lawmakers as the colonial administration
and governments of Nigerians have been doing, 1914 - present to mediate and
resolve social, economic, political, ethnic and other conflicts in Nigeria.
Ofume will remove the imposed policies and practices that have divided or
polarized regions, clans, communities, etc. Ofume is expert in Ethnology and
Anthropology and he will remove barriers
and include needs as well as regional and inter-regional, clans, communities, etc.
social, economic and cultural
interaction and break the influence of foreign and domestic partisan politics
of divide and rule in order to ease freedom of movement and association and
economic development and prosperity.
11.c. Question of the Unresolved
Political, Economic, Ethnic, Religion, and Cultural Conflicts
11.c.i. In 1914, Sir Lord Fredrick Lugard in
search of markets, raw materials and political interest derived the name
Nigeria from the word 'Niger' (River Niger) and thereafter set up
dangerous imbalance among the people of Nigeria and forced amalgamation of
diverse cultural, ethnic, religion and traditional nationalities of the North
and South of the river and its tributary on Benue, and called them “Nigeria” without
reason. The colonial prospectors used administration and religion to design
severe acute forms of hate, divide and rule across Nigeria as operative
oversea. Forced amalgamation was secretly designed under vicious asymmetric
divide and rule with economic, social and political wedding impetus which are
intended to explode from time to time into civil riot, civil war, etc between
moderate and non-moderate ethnic Nigerians as path to direct and indirect
social, economic and political exploitation. Shortlist of these colonial
traders, political leaders and lawmakers are Sir Lord Fredrick Lugard,
Sir John Macpherson, John Beecroft, Sir
Bernard Bourdillon, Sir James Robertson, etc.
11.c.ii. The policy and practice of “like this region and dislike this region”
under divide and rule and styled as moderate and non-moderate region and people
among the diverse religion, traditional, cultural and ethnic nationalities
played great damage of the role to build toxic conflict and instability time
bombs which continued to explode from time to time and advantaged majority of
Nigerians. Under this dangerous arrangement, they used division to colonize and
exploit the human and natural resources of Nigeria as another path human exodus
and flight under confusion to hell where they are across the world.
11.c.iii. After about 46 years of direct massive
colonial economic exploitation and visible division capable of brewing
persistent conflicts, fragmentation of the nation of Nigeria and
under-development which are the thoroughfare to persistent indirect rule and
re-colonization, thus in 1960, the “British Union Jack” (British
flag) was lowered for the Nigeria flag to emerge and half “independence” earned
on October 1, 1960 to terminate “direct rule to enable indirect rule start and
continued to present time.” The core meaning of this exit is dangerous theatre
for conflict and instability.
The colonial administration exited partially from Nigeria’s leadership
on October 1, 1960 and left uncountable conflicts, imbalance and instability
breeding structures and system without foundation for inter - religion,
traditional, cultural and ethnic conflict resolution, relationships, peace and
cooperation tool and ladder. 1960-present, there have been several armed forces takeovers and each time they
imposed elected governments and because of the multiple indirect rules in
search of natural resources Nigerian leaders, politicians, and lawmakers and
their agencies and allies downplayed
this severe threat against ONE NIGERIA because they gain during conflict and
instability. The nonchalance earned Nigeria fatal and violent ethno-political,
socio-cultural and ethno-religion conflicts including the Nigerian civil war
1967 – 1970 with over 3million casualties (dead and injuries) and thereafter
other set time bombs such as incessant conflicts between religion, ethnic,
traditional, cultural and linguistic entities persisted with more and more loss
of life and property to surface disadvantageously.
11.c.v. Ofume’s intensive policies and
practices research and investigation on Nigeria and people of Nigeria 1967
-2004 started with the question such as, “why did the British colonial empire
seekers and others rushed to Nigeria?” There were self-centered changes and
installation of British leaders from small regions to large regions by the
British traders, political leaders and lawmakers and other fortune seekers like
the French and German and now US and all other former traders, civilian and
military leaders and lawmakers emerged and controlled from behind without set
plan to resolve majority of all pending and new problems which have handicapped
the nation and people of Nigeria.
11.c.vi. As Ofume rested his research and
investigation which started with question, another question ensued such as, “Is
there any independence and sovereignty 1960 – present?” 1960-present, several
other neo-colonialist started competing with the foundation colonialist to sponsor
political, economic, religion, cultural, traditional and socio-cultural and
ethno-religion insurgencies under structural partition and forced amalgamation
under abnormal and divide and rule state and local government creation followed
by imposed leaders and several troubled conditions of multiple sub-adjacent
conflict to indirectly and non-combatantly regain traditional territories. The
reason for this re-colonization break through is the absence of New Nigeria
under Five-Tier National Government, which is an integrative force to unit over
250 cultural, traditional, linguistic, ethnic and religion entities of
11.d. In-depth review
and perception of Nigeria: Nigeria highly endowed with extensive human and
natural resources.
11.d.i. Some of Ofume’s major reform will be directed towards
security, communications, mine and power to galvanize and plough up Nigeria’s
human and natural resources into highbred development action which will remove
emphasis on oil/gas and other natural resources towards agriculture; small,
medium and large industries and companies; food chains; export with reformed
supply and demand; etc. The rich and developed human
resources base of
Nigeria are strong foundation to sustain the domestication process which comes
with Nigeria’s internalized trade mark under low, medium and highgrid
technologies and other development methods. These methods are not
indigenization of foreign and domestic companies and privatization and government
takeover programs. Under this new program, Agriculture and other non-petroleum
and natural resource sectors will be upgraded to over 65% of the domestic and
foreign revenue capacity base of Nigeria. Further meaning of the new theory and
concept is that the petroleum sectors including Nigeria gas, iron, steel
projects and several untapped sectors will become over 95% of the
loan/investment sectors of Nigeria to replace the major part of the
international and domestic lenders and grantors.
11.d.ii. Contemporary science and technology capacity
utilization to match any set social and economic activities. With this
foundation, Nigeria’s natural resources would be well utilized to maximum
utilization scale. Ofume will be the first president in face of the earth that
match education and industry closely to create jobs, revenues, and profit for
their nation.
11.e. Five Tier National
Govt. versus “NCC § 419” Scam Scheme
11.e. i. “419” which is freely used worldwide as comparative classification to talk about
Nigerian scam activities is merely section 419 of Nigeria’s Criminal Code.
Ofume has gone the highest stardom to crack the myth and reality
surrounding this scam scheme.
11.e.ii. The best touch is to view this scheme when
the cartel which is combination of domestic and international secret interest
groups is operational. Ofume brought some victims and scam men/women together
and developed two-way query inside and outside Europe, North America and
Africa. This measure is taken to know interest and opposition of the mouthy people and nations.
11.e.iii. During this research and investigation,
Ofume found that the crack down adopted by US, EU, Asia, AU, Interpol, etc. is
fake because when Ofume return to review the destination of the gain of the scam, he found that the gain
is in the hands of the mouthy or
noisy people and
nations. At this point, Ofume developed lasting solution strategy which has
nothing to do with the fake international or inter-regional coalition to fight
scam men/women because the scam men/women are the best friends of the noisy
people and nations and majority the scam monies are transferred into their
financial institutions.
11.e.iv. Nigeria alone will stop the scheme and clean
her name by herself. Nigeria will use its own foreign and domestic program to
stop scam men/women and the mouthy people and nation by strategic check and
balance network to define good and bad businesses in Nigeria and people
involved. How? 100% of the foreign
businesses, business men and women must submit their business and other
credentials to Nigerian embassies to the far extent that no foreign business
will be certified and approved in Nigeria without the signature of the
Ambassador or High Commissioner of Nigeria. With this step all businesses and
the intended business men and women will be known. During Ofume’s government
the consular section will be working with and will be answerable to the special
branch under Nigerian Ambassador or High Commissioner.
11.e.v. Ofume’s government in dealing the economies
of Nigeria will be totally reversed from all past economic program of corrupt
economies. 100% of the good businesses will be registered and have their
operations put under direct check and balance in order to uncover the bad
businesses. Business visas of Nigeria must be profiled and control way in and
out by the special branch under Nigerian Ambassador or High Commissioner to
track the scam men and women using the name of Nigeria and Nigerians as
launching pad as if there were Nigerians and Nigeria.
11.f.. Potentials of
Nigerians and Relevance of Nigeria in World Center Stage
11.f.i. Ofume will remove all the fixtures of foreign
indirect rules in Nigeria by allowing all foreign economic riders to compete in
Nigeria without any types of influence, favoritism and encourage merger
strategy between foreign and domestic economies. No contracts will be awarded
under bribery, corruption, nepotism,
cronyism, ethnicity, race, colour, nationality,
creed, etc. Ofume will
outlaw domestic and foreign lobby groups.
11.f.ii. In far reaching consideration after visiting and living over
sixteen (16) countries in which majority is the so called developed nations,
Ofume found that with what they claim directly on their nations, Nigeria is,
best place to live; rich country; industrialized and developed country; endowed
with sufficient human and natural resources to establish heaven on earth;
highly misrepresented and under-represented domestically and internationally;
suffered tremendous unrecoverable loots 1914 – present; country which says that time has come for
final end to looting and foreign deposits of loots; huge untapped revenues;
huge untapped human and natural resources; country which suffers loots and call
for law of loot stopper - continuous and comprehensive auditing, assessment and
evaluation on budget, reimbursement, projects, costs, setting center stage for
the unification of over 250 linguistic and dialectic religion, ethnic and
cultural groups and people; with Godly, peace loving, friendly and law abiding
people; and Politically under-represented and misrepresented.
12. a. Oath of Office and
Personality of service
In both ancient and modern times,
government and its agencies are trust borne to obligatorily rehearse their
oaths of office from time to time including the disposition of decency,
integrity and honesty of the Ruler to the Ruled. Under the oath of office,
policy makers have rightly seen the inalienable need to limit both the reality
and the perception that selfish, ethnic, nepotism, religion, cultural, economic
and other interests have undue influence on government and the laws which they
make and pass on to the Ruled.
12.b. Strict Loot Buster
Policy and Practice that would stop looting of tax monies and tax invasions in
Nigeria as follows:
12.b.i. Continuous auditing, assessment and
evaluation on budget, reimbursement, projects,
costs, etc. Continuous
auditing, assessment and evaluation start immediately any money is issued by
cash or check and must be made public and appear in independent media which
will be operative and free to the five tier national government, opposition,
NGOs and others interest group. Any money and project which remain unreported
for more than seven (7) days from the date of issue and approval maybe
classified and entered for fraud investigation.
Comprehensive auditing, assessment and evaluation on budget,
reimbursement, projects, costs, etc.
12.b.iii. Domestic inter-governmental accountability
agreement on loots and/or capital flight.
12.b.iv. International accountability agreement on
loots and/or capital flight from Nigeria.
12.b.v. Strict check and balance and permanent end to
looting of tax monies and treasuries;
bribery and corruption and related plundering of public fund under the
policies and practices stated above.
12.b.vi. 1914 –present Nigeria may have lost over
US$245billion to corrupt foreign and indigenous governments, leaders, Nigerians
and non-Nigerians.
12.b.vii. 1958 – present Nigeria failed to tap and let
loose over US$178billion approximately US$3.79 billion per annum of visible
tappable revenues in Nigeria.
12.b.viii. Nigeria’s shore and offshore oil loots are
over 1.5million barrel per day. Some of the looters who were fired from the
looting ridges spoke off camera that the loots have sustained several
international and domestic criminal organizations and their insurgencies. My
government will stop the loots and plough up the revenue into social and
economic development.
In Nigeria, Oil prospecting activities started in 1938, when shell
d’Arcy was
granted an exploration license covering the
entire area of Nigeria of over 950, 530 square kilometers. Shell d’Arcy, later became shell-BP and
Royal/Dutch Shell. Today Nigeria in the international oil prospecting is 6th
and accounts for 25 billion barrels, more than 35 percent of the total.
Majority of the revenue is hardly used to effect the development of Nigeria and
12.b.x. Nigeria is very rich in human and natural
resources and by virtue of this wealth, she is bona fide member of the
developed and/or first world. The consequence of this wealth in the face of
over 2.5 million official barrel of crude oil per day is abject poverty,
instability; under-development; incessant oil driven coup d’etat; war; ethnic
and religious riot; genocide; massive looting of public fund and capital flight
across Nigeria’s territory. This fracture has led to Ethnic marginalization,
repression, and agitation for self-determination or self-government,
Niger/Delta sovereignty, Biafra, Sharia, etc.
12.b.xi. Over 2.5 million barrels of crude oil per
day is the official production. Looting of this revenue has removed patriotism,
nationalism, check and balance, transparency and related good conduct or astute
12.b.xii. About 1.5 million barrels of crude oil per
day (Dec. 2004) have been suspected to
be produced and removed unofficially or behind close door through land and sea
to unknown market across the world. Surprisingly, the foreign traders that encourage
the looting take position to brand the looters corrupt and fraudulent under the
pretences of partnership with Nigeria.
13.a. Nigeria is united by the strength of person,
family, community, freedom, democracy,
belief, faith,
intelligence, and humane force of her citizens expected to be ordained with
well groomed leaders but unexpected has occurred with the frequent emergence of
governments, politicians, lawmakers and leaders that use campaign meals,
starvation cash, mock or bogus pre-election infrastructural projects, etc to
deceive mass people to get votes. Soon after election, they start looting the
treasury by reminding voters that their
election was in nature of CASH & CARRY.
13.b. Ofume’s focus is 250 cultural, linguistic,
dialectical, ethnic and religion entities and defines them as governable
individuals working and prospering together in community that will strengthened
by his leadership.
13.c. Ofume will establish civic education
organizations in order to organize Nigerians to address problems directly and indirectly
affecting them and those in need of direct and indirect assistance. The program
will also include Citizenship empowerment education and awareness for Nigerians
inside and outside Nigeria.
13.d. Ofume will create a community, belief
and faith based initiatives imbedded in Nigerian alternative justice program
and other initiatives within different religion and traditional organizations
where some peace process/proceedings
will be encouraged to deal with complaints before the conflict will escalate
to threat of public peace. The third party influence such as foreign and
domestic secret political, economic and social actors will be put under check.
13.e. Nigeria has longstanding tradition in
times of political and other crisis, Nigerian leaders have rang the bell
calling Nigerians to service, and in return Nigerians (including patriots who
made Nigeria’s independence and reunification possible) have responded with
enthusiasm and pride of patriotic ego to defend their homeland (communities and
nation). These service men and women must be accorded due respect under
improved and attractive conditions of service.
13.f. The leaders or government of Nigeria must
act conscientiously to reciprocate in
strong appreciation to this patriotic gesture to service by making these
service men and women and their families to reap the fruit of their astute
service to their nation. Ofume will honour all soldiers that fought Nigerian,
Biafran and foreign wars. Ofume’s government will review their conditions to
know services that will make them and their families happy and proud for
serving their homeland.
13.g. The entire governmental and
non-governmental labour or teachers, police, armed forces, industrial workers,
etc must be made to excel to the top in both
education, condition of service, wages and other social services including
treating them and their families with respect, honour and dignity including
according them right to representation at all the Five-Tier assemblies and
granting them post-service opportunity to live attractive retirement life.
14.a. 1935 – present, Nigeria and Nigerians failed
to tap and let loose over US$168billion approximately US$2.4billion per annum
of untapped tax revenues in Nigeria. Almost under similar vein, Nigeria lost
over US$1.5trillion to corrupt foreign
and indigenous governments, leaders, Nigerians and non-Nigerians. This loss and
other loses listed above are sufficient to put unemployment and hardship to
zero. The value of these dollars is sufficient to move Nigeria up through
several decades of development and prosperity.
14.b. Ofume restates that there will immediate and
unconditional New Nigeria Five-Tier National Government law to make all
education at Primary and secondary levels free and accessible to all Nigerians with
Nigerian citizenship. Under this law, Tertiary and allied Institutions must be
subsidized to make the institutions
accessible to the poor or struggling Nigerians to bridge the gap to medium
range between the poor and rich across Nigeria. Education, research, science
and technology must be bedrock for the localization of individual, family and
community opportunities.
14.c. Fortified partnership, cooperation and
collaboration between institution of learning, industries, New Nigeria
Five-Tier National Government will focus on development of human capacity by
upgrading industrial and educational capacity to strengthen public/private sectors of the economy.
14.d. Opportunities, policies and practices of cheap labour, human
and natural resources: national and international partnership, cooperation and
collaboration for new Development on micro and macro domestic industries to
domesticate Nigeria’s goods and services from domesticating manufacturing of
pine or nails to large machinery and
other industrial machines, utensils and related equipment. These are talents
which Nigerians start to develop from middle secondary school way up to
tertiary institutions. 1914 - present, majority of these talents and their
know-how has been wasting away or stolen under brain drain or exodus. Ofume
will use the opportunity created by the cooperation between education and
industry to do early talents and inventions collations and in turn seizes such opportunity to plough the
resources into actualization process.
14.e. Revenues arising out from oil, gas and other resources must not be
looted or be used from hand to mouth as raw and squashable monies. All these
wastes will be sourced and realized as employment and cash profits. Revenues from the diversion of the oil, gas
and other resources will be invested to support indigenous cottage and
industrial and commercial Agricultures and other sectors across small, medium
and big businesses. Small and medium business loans and grant will be created
under a new banking and finance system.
14.f. Ofume will expand and upgrade the Nigeria
Petroleum Institute to Nigeria Petroleum and Allied Resources University of
Science, Technology and Industry to encompass but not limited to development of
petroleum products and other natural
resources to match the NEW NIGERIA TRADE MARKED SERVICES but full blown out
industry and company chains which will focus on made-in-Nigeria goods and
services. What shocked Ofume most is the Nigerian government’s neglected
efforts of Nigerians in automobile, Agro-machines, food manufacturing, etc
industries. For example, Bongo Motors and others emerged with full
capacity to manufacture
automobiles but instead of pumping cash into the project shameless politicians,
lawmakers and politicians continued to globetrot to import foreign vehicles.
This attitude shows that they are unintelligent and 100% lay. Nationally, the major and accessory industries
and companies which will emerge from the activities embedded in this university
will absorbed over 3 million Nigerians with full and part time jobs.
14.g. New Nigeria Five-Tier National Government
assisted community patriotism and capacity building policies/practices:
Nigerian students, youth and adult manufacturing and commercialization
opportunities as key forum for self-employment and empowerment.
14.h. New Nigeria Five-Tier National
Government legislation that support policies and practices that would remove ethnic and religion
discrimination and nepotism and makes it expressly easier to serve Nigeria and
Nigerians and allows Nigerians inside and outside
Nigeria to open up and
lend their talents to the work of building STRONG AND UNITED NIGERIA.
14.i. In Ofume’s government, economic and other
opportunities will be for all Nigerians inside and outside Nigeria. Nigeria is
disadvantaged by not reconnecting and connecting Nigerians inside and outside
Nigeria. Ofume recognizes the stubbing blocks in nature of handcuff created by
foreign governments to deprive Nigerians in their countries access to right to
employment and self-employment with excessive utility bills which target their
income and sanction the zeal to care for friends, impoverished people , and
nuclear and extended families. Now in 21st
century Nigerians inside and outside Nigeria are divided by combined selfish
policies and practices of the domestic and foreign politicians, lawmakers,
leaders and governments. Nigeria has enormous human resources base to carry on
her development efforts in science, technology and other development areas but
Nigerian politicians, lawmakers and politicians sold themselves, sold Nigerians
and Nigeria and signed to be servant to foreign politicians, lawmakers and
politicians and subscribed to the services of foreign hospital/clinic,
hotels/motels, eateries and foodies, ostentatious or
flamboyant enjoyment.
Under this transferred enjoyment domestic hospital/clinic, hotels/motels,
eateries and foodies have become infrastructure disgrace.
14.j. Social and economic opportunity policies and
practices are endangered in Nigeria and become toxic to the extent of total
negation of democratic institution. Nigeria has strong population (over
135million) with highly talented scientists and technologists in the majority
of the world science and technology. Turning towards the 21st
century, Ofume found that majority of these highbred Nigerian experts
and professional oversea are suffering and doing horrible indentured or slave
labour and few that are employed are over-used and under-paid. For example, in
these countries highbred Nigerian experts and professionals are doing risky
indentured or slave labour such as taxi driving, mortuary and corpse attendant,
day/night guards, etc. Ofume’s government will use any legal and self-defence
diplomatic measure to advice them to abolish self-slavery, anti-profession,
anti-scholar, etc. government. Ofume will organize several open fora enable
Nigerians in Diaspora to review changes in Nigeria since he was elected and
advise them to come back home to take attractive and well-paid employments and
good condition of living.
These opportunities will be used to design and implement Nigeria’s
trademark which emerges with the domestication of Nigeria’s goods and services
to increase and localize supply, demand, employment and productivity in order
to reduce her labour, production and distribution costs with margin of 100%
NAIRA ORIENTED LABOUR SYSTEM without comparing or converting Nigeria’s costs of
labour and services in foreign monies to enable Nigerian market feel the
impulse of Nigeria‘s currency or money. 100% of domestic used foreign labour
and cost will be paid in NAIRA. This will reduce taxation and
costs of labour and
create more and more jobs, industrial and non-industrial goods and services.
Under this theory, life expectancy index of Nigeria will increase for all
domicile in
Nigeria and sky rock
Nigerian supply and demand without the stereotype of convertible foreign supply
and demand index. Nigerianization of the cost of labour, goods and services
will increase Nigeria’s domestic and foreign revenue base and expand Nigeria’s domestic
growth with less imported goods and services and more and more made in Nigeria
exported goods and services.
15.b. The growth will double domestic
industrial capacity especially made in Nigeria goods and services. This plan
will expand Nigeria’s export on first part
and increase external supply and demand based on Ofume’s corner supper
store or regional neighborhood supply and demand on made in Nigeria goods and
services. The gain of this plan will increase economic capacity attraction and
increase the flow of more and more investors, professionals, immigrant, experts
and tourists to Nigeria. Part of the booster of the plan, is the regeneration
and maximum re-activation of production
of all Nigeria’s destroyed plants and services – iron/steel, cement factories,
coal mines, agro-factories,
agro-produce, artisan industries, etc. Ofume will pump money into new
and old research, encouraging teachers, students, industries and others to come
up with new ideas and invention to serve Nigerians and the world, etc. etc.
15.c. Nigeria has very skilled primary,
secondary or medium and upper scientists, technologists and other labour force
in different industrial and non-industrial development, production and
manufacturing sectors capable of returning unemployed Nigerians (including
Nigerians in prison) to employment conditions. The creation of job
opportunities and empowerment of all Nigerians must be one of the major tasks
and priority of Ofume’s government.
15.d. In Nigeria, there are several thousands of
unseen and unused talents, job opportunities, industries, etc which are capable
of employing all the unemployed Nigerians. The Nigeria’s domestic industrial
capacity utilization is fresh, unused and attractive with several opportunities
for several years of steady development and growth.
15.e. For example, the horn of Ofume’s economic
and revenue development base is:
Petroleum Product System (PPS); Agricultural Development and Project
Sector (ADPS); taxation; Nigeria Iron and Steel Products (NISP); Low and Medium
Profile Cottage Industries (LMPCPI); Review of Africa Growth and Opportunity
Act (AGOA); Nigerian Woods (NW);
Nigerian Dairies (ND); Nigerian Cereal (NC); Nigerian Cattle/Beef Industries
(NCBI); Nigeria Food Chain System (NFC); New Nigerian Communications (NNC), New
Nigerian Mines and Power (NNMP); etc are
some of the domestic under-utilized industrial capacities.
15.f. He stressed that his new social and
economic opportunity policies and practices will not succeed without excellent
and efficient communications, mines and power. The solution to make these
sectors some of the best in the world is simple but domestic and foreign
political conspiracies have made Nigerian leaders, politicians and
lawmakers lay towards these great
responsibilities. Ofume has swift policy
on communications, mines and power to the extent of applying Nigerian renewable
energy and cheap science and technology methods and opportunities to galvanize
the sectors and make the sectors some of the best in the world.
15.g. Communications, mines and power sectors
are the foundation of Ofume’s new social, economic, political, legal and cultural
development, prosperity and awareness strategies. The huge failure and
inefficiencies in these sectors alarms Nigerians and world in general. The
failure and inefficiencies of these sectors are deliberate manmade social,
economic, political and civil sabotage and plot to under-develop Nigeria’s
economies and the receiving ends are majority of Nigerian people and community
and selected moderates are outside the danger. Even these moderates including
the president, vice-president and related politicians, lawmakers and leaders
have their communications and private lives placed under close surveillance and
spy drones to gather evidence and other withholding information for bad days or
days of moderate disobedience.
15.h. Few Nigerians that are able to get these
services are sent heartburn bills which are capable of destroying household ,
individuals and also capable of shutting down small,
medium and big
businesses. Ofume’s reform margin on these sectors will be over 96% because the
present service capacity of these sectors is outright economic sabotage scheme
and drain on the majority of Nigerians. The organized action of these sectors badly affects
Nigerians and Nigeria’s investment, tourism, production, immigration, etc.
15.i. Ofume’s government will not have time to joke with or
tolerate the failure of the people in charge with duties of ensuring the
efficiency of these sectors. The trigger of this large-scale reform is
that Nigeria’s communications, mines and power sectors are operated under
covert action with deliberate plan to use inefficiency of communications, mines
and power sectors to under-develop Nigeria, punish and mistreat Nigerians and
scare Nigerians and foreign/domestic investors, professionals, experts and
score of others. Under this gang action the businesses are converted to harsh
cash or profit seeking sectors instead of service providing sector purpose of
enhancing and facilitating the development of Nigeria’s economies. Some part of
the harsh cash or profit are converted into foreign currency base salaries and
personal loots and transferred oversea. It is a big shame to conscience and
shame to the oaths of leadership for Nigerian leaders to be so intimidated to
the extent of rating any worker in
Nigeria in foreign currencies.
16.a. Development of strong family value and
Support for the grass root Nigerians are the key strategy to realization of the
New Nigeria Five-Tier National Government. Any society without exemplary family value and
family foundation is society without future and leadership because good future
society depends on the effort of the authority to encourage building of present
exemplary family which will produce future exemplary society which will be
society void of crime and criminal. Traditionally, this background is important
gain for Nigeria and reason why Nigeria is on top of the world in hospitality.
Nigeria has excellent visitors’ welcome culture and engraved in her traditional
fabric from smallest villages to the biggest cities and towns.
16.b. Exemplary,
family is not already made member of the society without foundation but
could be indirectly and directly assisted by the authority to be self-made to
give birth to well-made family and society. Without traditional good family
background, exemplary family is made when there are education and employment or
good income. Education and employment
allow the family to have good shelter, food, Medicare, community, etc. and be
responsible as respect for law and order. Exemplary community or grass root
society and nation are built upon this foundation.
16.c. Development of strong family value and
support for the Grass root Nigerians are the maker of peaceful and secured
society or community. The foundation of Nigeria is centered on family such as a
family tree with exemplary branches, which is woven into nuclear family and
extended family system under which Community and Clan are formed.
16. d. The people of Nigeria have embraced the fact
that the great strength of the nation of Nigeria lies in the networks of
organic compassion wedded not by the power of leaders and their government, but
by individuals, families, clans and communities. If individuals, families,
clans and communities are allowed to suffer untold hardship without education,
employment, shelter, Medicare, etc the nation will be grounded and unsecured
because the power of well-cared individuals, families, clans and communities
create violent-free society.
16.e. Ofume’s government will encourage a sense
of faith/belief, culture, and tradition-based person, family and community,
which will create a framework through which person, family, and community can
effectively serve other person, family and community. The gain of exemplary
family and support for the grass
root Nigerians is security for you and others and the return will be
development and prosperity for you, family, community and nation. No society
would move forward under polarization of people, families and society in
general, violence, insecurity and fear.
17.a. Ofume has designed reformed method and
mechanism for International Relation and Diplomacy under New Nigeria Five-Tier
National Government. This shows
that Nigeria’s foreign service and diplomats will deal with two kinds of
relationships oversea - foreign and domestic relations.
17.b. Conditions of
Nigerians Oversea and in Nigeria
17.b.i. In the first place, Nigeria diplomatic missions must focus on
knowing all Nigerians oversea and empowering them to enable them become major
part of the united entity called One Nigeria and rush back to Nigeria where
he/she will enjoy the fruit of homeland. Security and cordial relation between
Nigerians at home and Nigerians abroad will be part of Ofume’s priority and the
mission must conduct civic registration of Nigerians oversea. The insult which
Nigerians oversea suffer is enormous. This policy is two-way economic
development strategy to unit Nigerians inside and outside Nigeria.
17.b.ii. For example, after further review per
research and investigation on the conditions of Nigerians oversea in over two
hundred (200) countries, Ofume is overwhelmed with shock particularly what they
suffer in the countries which take largest cut of Nigeria’s natural and
on-the-spot infrastructure resources punish Nigerians of the Niger Delta and
other South, North, Middle Belt, East and part of West. In these countries, few
Nigerians (only 5-10% of 100% in
specific designated geo-system) are selected in nature of cosmetic touch and
made them to succeed inside and outside field of studies
and be allowed to hold on their nuclear and extended families whereas majority
of Nigerians are disoriented and deprofessionalized and forced to survive under
indentured labour without the beautiful families which they brought from
17.b.iii. Over 90% of Nigerians are harshly divided,
ruled and designed to die slowly under divided and destroyed professions,
nuclear and extended families, ex-communication, etc. Children, wives, husbands
and their friends and immediate neighborhood are divided and
ruled to ease the
intended ex-communication. Sanctions and embargoes are secretly and overtly
imposed. Under these cruelties, there are several terrible murderous
conductions which advance in stage to painful divorces, seizure of children,
division of children, induced murder of wife, painful handover of children to
either wife or husband, children indirectly and directly destroyed and forced
to drop out from school, etc.
17.b.iv. These criminal activities are conducted soon
as Nigerian wives, husbands, children, and singles arrive in these countries.
The practices start by destroying their original professions and core
expertise. At this point of further series of destruction, wife that was nurse
or doctor or lawyer is derailed professionally and forced to study healthcare
attendant training (USA, Canada, UK, etc) which will allow her to do night-time
indentured labor such as hospital cleaning, patient bathing, janitor and
related hard labor. Lay people would know that night time, wife outside and
husband inside is indirect path to force divorce. This shift is used to
patronize white and moderates to keep their families and enjoy longevity. Now
comes Nigerian husband, he is unemployed to make wife commander-in-chief or
breadwinner of the household and becomes husband bully after receiving western
women right husband bully lesson. After the husband has remained at home and
become wife of wife and do all wife’s domestic work and suffer daily insult and
abuses under working wife, husband is forced to become taxi driver, mortuary
attendant, security guard and related hard labor with hand to mouth minimum
wage. At this point, final stage for the fragmentation or destruction of the
marriage has come and ready for crash. This wife working in lesser filthy work
condition and with monthly salary of between $2500.00 to $4000.00 and here
comes servant husband more filthy work
condition and with monthly salary or commission of between $500.00 to $1500.00.
etc. etc. etc.
17.b.v. The western
women rights lesson or education is wide range of brainwash and arrogance of
wife over husband and utopian freedom activities including but not limited to
shared bills, independence, and several extra-marital activities. Under this
forced snail self-destruction, wife and husband return from work at different
time and in addition to slow separation plan, wife comes home to meet husband
without conventionally perfumed clothes
and body but in the
lesser filthy work condition, wife meet corporate men with conventionally
perfumed clothes and body and regret her marital condition and some women will
switch or disconnect her marriage immediately. These governments watch these
chain activity unfold and enjoy the fruit of their labour because the
conditions of this couple empower their own economy because of hand to mouth
activity…This the end of this marriage because domestic fight starts and
violent separation sets in. Ofume’s government will use civic registration to
know the conditions Nigerians oversea and request the host government immediate
change. During Ofume’s term in office, no qualified Nigerians oversea would
abandon his/her profession to do the work which they construe as work which
white cannot do.
17.b.vi. In Nigeria, several governments (name
reserved) have their embassies and
secret services across Nigeria, working inside and outside their embassies and
secretly represent the interest of their countries in different workplaces.
Majority of the relations of the Nigerians punished oversea is unemployed and
punished in Nigeria by creating two poverty crying people to block return to
Nigeria. These governments sanction their communications or over-bill them to
enforce their sanction.
17.b.vii. The diplomatic mission must make civic
registration of the Nigerians in the Diaspora. If the government of domicile
failed to treat them humanely, Ofume’s government has constitutional obligation
to intervene diplomatically and reverse the hardship.
17.c. Relation with
Foreign Countries and Peoples
Ofume’s government will retrain foreign officials to enable achieve the
foreign mandate of the Five Tier National Government. There will be frequent initiation, reform and development of
social, economic, cultural, and political diplomacies and activities, which
Nigerian diplomats and foreign offices must accomplish from time to time.
of the focus of Ofume
will be how to strengthen Nigeria’s economies and relations.
17.c.ii. Nigeria under Ofume will not join any
foreign wars and conflicts as fighting force; Ofume will not tolerate nations
and people that brand people terrorist; Ofume will use the money used now by
Nigerian government to support international and domestic racist wars/conflicts
to build strong economies and make Nigeria one of the best places to live.
New vision on international inter-state relation and diplomacy between
Nigeria and her foreign friends will focus on how Nigeria and her friends could
find ways of creating new trade initiatives and other economic development
policies and practices inside and outside Nigeria.
17.c.iv. Ofume’s
government will stop the killing and unlawful imprisonment of Nigerians
oversea by foreign countries and dictators. If the trial court fail to use
domestic and international human rights legislation, his government will point
out the defects. Any Nigerian who dies oversea must be returned to Nigeria for
burial. All Nigerians with dual or multi-citizenship must be return for burial
upon consultation with his/her family. Under Ofume’s government, 100% of
Nigerians inside and outside Nigeria are gold to Ofume and his government. Ethnic,
religion, culture, regional, linguistic and traditional background will not
play any influence in his theory of NO NIGERIAN LEFTOUT THE FEDERAL UNION.
18. NEW
18.a. Ofume will adopt the principle of persistent
unification of Nigeria via Periodic Federation Sovereign Constitutional
Conference (PFSCC) – theory of resolving conflict and instability
in multi-cultural, religion and ethnic federal democracy. Periodic means one or
two times during a four-year term in office depending on the amount of
dissatisfaction across the federation. To reduce the emergence of conflict and
instability, Ofume will make Nigeria’s over 250 cultural, religion, linguistic, tradition and ethnic
full functional
members of his government. No Nigerian
left behind is the center force for building united and strong federal union.
18.b. In one of Ofume’s
letters to General Babangida on the
annulment of the best Presidential election of Nigeria on June 12, 1993, which
was won by Chief MKO Abiola, Ofume sent alert to Nigerians,
“Stop warring, stop
scaring investors, stop ethnicity, stop cronyism, stop religion and ethnic
bigotries, stop looting public fund, stop capital flight, stop fraud fee business,
stop empowering coup d’etat paranoid and
psychopath, stop shedding blood,...let’s define our destiny, let’s go-to-the
round table for dialogue with the spirit of restorative justice, restitution,
reconciliation, conflict search and resolution, dialogue, compassion and
cooperation for the sake of VIRTUOUS ONE NIGERIA” (
Phillip Ofume, Discourse of Contemporary One Nigeria in-letter to General
Babangida on June 12 1993 Presidential Election, July 1993)
18.c. Periodic Federation
Sovereign Constitutional
Conference (PFSCC) will be conducted under the Representative Assembly of the over 250
cultural, religion, linguistic, tradition and ethnic entities. Nationally and
internationally, this issue has experienced and earned one of the highest print
and electronic media front pages but Nigerian leaders 1914-present has forcibly
been downplaying the various calls. In principle and practice, Multi-cultural, religion, linguistic, tradition
and ethnic federal democracy is like commercial vehicle which makes several
runs daily. To keep the vehicle active and up-running again and again, it
requires frequent maintenance and refueling.
Ofume’s research and
investigation team found that the
concerns, grounds and element of religion, traditional, economic, political, ethnic and
socio-cultural animosities, agitation
and conflicts across Nigeria which are embedded and usually expected to be
discussed, reviewed and resolved periodically, particularly in Nigeria’s Multi-cultural, religion, linguistic, tradition
and ethnic federal democracy are
as follows:
Question of the basis of Nigeria’s Federation and the appurtenance of
federating Ethnic, cultural, traditional and
Religious Groups
Islamic Authorities and Sharia as Criminal Law within the Constitution
of the Federal Republic of Nigeria;
Inter-ethnic Bill of Rights and freedom of Movement and Association and
the question of the supreme power of the Constitution of the Federal Republic
of Nigeria;
Christianity and Christian Authorities;
Inter-Religion Bill of Rights and freedom of Worship;
The Ogoni Bill of Rights and Freedom;
Niger/Delta Bill of Rights and Economic Development Right and Freedom;
Ethnic and Religions Marginalization;
Poverty and Under-development in midst of the wealth of Nigeria;
Looting of Public Fund;
killing and injuring over 5.3million innocent and armless children, men
and women,
1914 – present in the struggle for
Concerns of national plan to end coup d’etat, in Nigeria;
Stable social, political, economic and cultural environment for
investors and investment;
Federal and State Government(s): A Conventional Mechanism for Security
of life and Property during the course of federating;
The conventional duties and responsibilities of the armed forces,
police, navy, air force, Custom & Excise, and related security and law
enforcement agency;
Biafra Bill of rights and freedom;
Definition of internal and external relations;
*. Revenue Sharing: The principle of
revenue sharing shall be restructured in accordance with derivation principle,
with the owner communities paying tax to the union government. There is
question of the position and survival of those that have no natural resources.
Ofume’s solution answers this question, thus in manner that all revenue and
resources accruing to the Union government or federal stockpile and account
shall be shared between the federating units and the union governments on the
basis of the new responsibilities assigned to each of the Five Tier National
Government, but the federating units and owners shall have a larger share but
not less than 25% to the owners of the natural resources. During the research and
investigation of the Five Tier National Government, Ofume found that small part
of the loots will be used to cover the
25% of the share apportioned to the owners of the natural resources;
* Restructuring: The military and other public
institutions should be subjected to
democratic civilian control to make the
military, police and covert securities to be more administrative worthy and
efficient. All recruitment and appointment into federal institution should
reflect the units that make up the union. How to restructure a new National
Army, police and covert securities
should be considered with Regional commands interactively answerable to the
centre or Five Tier National Government;
* Communal/Nationality
Conflicts: For example, The Five Tier National Government will consider the
conflict among the various nationalities in the conflict area, taking
cognizance of the fact that the conflict is preventable and unnecessary in the
first instance and realizing the fact that the conflict was engendered mainly
by external factors conspired with internal factors premised on the
under-communicated gap between the various nationalities in the area because of
the foreign afflicted divide and rule. In Nigeria Ofume has designed amendment and the amendment is addition of
Property Use Act which will be added to Nigeria‘s Land Use Act and called
Nigeria Land and Property Use Act;
etc. etc. etc.
19.a. Ofume hail from Agbor and Owa of Ika South
and Ika North Local Government Areas of Delta State of Nigeria of Niger/Delta
Region, which is called unofficially NEUTRAL AREA IN NIGERIA’S CONFLICTS. The
Niger/Delta Region and impoverished region pumps and hold unearned possession
of over 95% of the Nigeria’s Domestic and Foreign Revenues with over 87% of the
key or Oil Revenue ( including Petroleum Products) of Nigeria. Shockingly, 1914
– present, this ONLY Region in Nigeria that has not produced the President of
Nigeria and ruled Nigeria under the capacity of President.
19.b. In Nigeria, Ika LGA is a neutral area
vis-à-vis the religion, ethnic, traditional and cultural conflict areas of
Nigeria. Ofume’s presence as the President of Nigeria will resolve these
conflicts by taking the position of impartial mediator and peacemaker within
the federating and disputing entities of Nigeria. Impartial mediator and
peacemaker are required to mediate and resolve the national conflict of
Nigeria. Notwithstanding the fact that Ofume studied Mediation and Conflict
Management and Resolution including Advanced Mediation, he will use his natural
status as neutral citizen in all the past and present conflicts in Nigeria.
19.c. Prior to the decision to run for the
President of Nigeria, Ofume had asked himself the following question which intended leader may not ask, “why should I be the President of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria?” The answer is directed to fact. Ofume has lived and visited the entire Nigeria of the
North, West, East, Middle West or Niger/Delta, Middle Belt, etc AND/OR over 250
cultural, ethnic, traditional and linguistic communities of Nigeria and found
severe acute forms of mismanagement, negligence of leaders, politicians,
lawmakers and dangerous disruptive direct and indirect actions of foreign which
aided and abated by domestic actors (leaders, politicians, lawmakers, etc).
Ofume’s campaign team in Nigeria has been reviewing the conditions of these
communities and NOTHING has changed to show that there are leaders, lawmakers,
shift from government to government in Nigeria.
19.d. To inform his fellow compatriots of Nigeria
how far Nigerians trust his God Given and Acquired Powers to govern, in 1994 as
Minority from the Niger/Delta Region, he contested for the first election to
elect the first Chairman of his foundation political party, NATIONAL CONSCIENCE
PARTY (NCP – Delta State). The National Chairman, of the party, Chief Gani
Fawehinmi moderated the highly contested election in Warri, Delta State. Ofume
won to become the first elected Chairman of the Party in Delta State. Oversea,
all contested and competitive international and national interviews, elections
and selections, he has been emerging
first position.
19.e. In addition to his Political Agenda, he
restates, that he will be an excellent impartial
and center mediator to
resolve Nigeria’s longstanding religion, social, economic, traditional,
political, legal, cultural, linguistic and other development conflicts and
instability 1914-present. Ofume is the
ONLY Nigerian Human Rights activists and stable and unchanging campaigner for
civil liberties, political rights and good government and leader of several
national and international NGOs that has not been taken captive, received
donation and grant from any foundation and charity and controlled and uncontrolled
by any domestic and international governments, faith/belief, leader, NGOs and
others. These meritorial qualifications give him the edge over all to mediate and resolve
Nigeria’s religion, social, economic, traditional, political, legal, cultural,
linguistic and other development conflicts 1914-present because the failure and
weakness of conflict mediation, management and resolution are reliant to the
role of domestic and international third and other parties in Nigeria‘s
internal conflicts.
19. f. In the United States of America under
campaign against bad government and cruelties to the ruled, Ofume has done what
no Nigerian and other foreign Immigrants and Asylum Seekers in the United
States have done because of fear and knowledge of what is human rights and
non-human rights under First Amendment of the United States. During his and his
family’s Asylum case, Ofume has sued and claimed US $1.6billion from the
President of America (Gorge W. Bush),
Secretary or Minister of Department of Homeland Security, Secretary or Minister of Department of
Justice and attorney-General of the United States, US Secretary or Minister of
State, Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney, etc. With high edacity and
efficacies Ofume pursued this lawsuit which was the largest lawsuit in America
from the small court (US District Court
Docket No. 07-10085-GAO) to US Court of Appeals No. 08 - 1450 and The Supreme Court of the United States No.
19.g. Over forty (40) years under these civil
rights campaign and domestic and international leaderships, Ofume has
challenged Nigerian and foreign bad governments, bribery and corruption
cartels. The support of his nuclear family (Dr. & Mrs. Ofume and seven
children born in Nigeria, Canada and USA
and good religion (The Church of Jesus
Christ of the Latter-day
Saints) are the brain behind his success. Under civil rights campaign,
Nigerian/Biafra Civil War to present time, Dr. & Mrs. Ofume and the entire
family have suffered over 335 times in Nigeria and foreign direct and indirect
prisons, detentions, cruel conditions and most times, his family is the target
because under the regimes and governments of the colonized Nigerian and foreign
politicians, lawmakers, leaders, and governments destruction of children,
family and embargo/sanction on means of livelihood are their major fighting
tool. Ofume advised full refrain from slave-master relation which is the type
of relation between Nigerian politicians,
lawmakers, leaders, and governments (slaves) and foreign politicians,
lawmakers, leaders, and governments (masters).
19.h. In further addition to this edge over all
1914-present, Ofume has strings of academic and professional qualifications and
experiences thus, encompassing but are not limited to Doctorat du 3e Cycle
(DEA, DEP), Ethics, Universite Catholique, Lyon France; Doctorat du 3e
Cycle(DEA), Panafricanism(Politics in Africa and African Politics) Universite
Jean Moulin Lyon III France; Scolarite au Doctorat du 3e Cycle(S.Dr. -
Comparative Philosophy/Philosophy of Science) Universite Catholique, Lyon
France; M.Phil. Anthropological and Ethnological Research, Universite
Catholique, Lyon France; BA, General Philosophy, Universite Catholique, Lyon
France; Dip. (French) Ecole Pegue Geneva Switzerland/Universite Claude Bernard
Lyon II France; FIAM(Business Administration) Institute of Administrative
Management of Nigeria; CDCL(Public Administration) Institute of Administrative
Management of Nigeria; M.Sc.(Labour Science -Completed one Year) Universite
Jean Moulin Lyon III France; NCMP - Mediation, Dalhousie University Law
Faculty/Henson College Nova Scotia; NCMP - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution,
Dalhousie University Faculty of Law/Henson College Nova Scotia; NCMP Advanced
Mediation- Dalhousie University, Faculty of Law/Henson College Nova Scotia;
Different Certificates of Computer Sciences; etc. and on-going Juris Doctor and
Ph.D. (Ministry) and experienced in advocacy, defence, solicitation and
representation inside and outside the law courts and campaign for civil
liberties in over 16 countries; led the largest
academic association in Canada (Canadian Sociology and Anthropology
Association ); etc. see
19.i. In Ofume’s 2007 federal election version of
this Manifesto, he made this case across the world and as form of foreign
infiltration and defusing strategy, Niger Deltan was handpicked to be the
Vice-President of Nigeria but with soft representation to response to the civil
war and conflict in the region. To carry out these criminals activities against
Ofume, Canadian government (Prime Ministers Jean Chretien and Paul Martin),
Nigerian government (Olusegun Obasanjo et al), government of America (George
Bush) and Nigeria’s domestic and foreign oil/gas companies attempted
assassination of Ofume (April 25, 2007); divided and ruled National Conscience
Party (NCP) and several months before the party’s national convention to elect
party’s presidential candidate 2007 these governments and companies
disconnected Ofume’s telephone, fax, internet, imposed over 98% embargo/sanction
on Ofume family’s means of livelihood, etc; blocked Ofume’s contact with his
campaign inside and outside Nigeria and none of Ofume‘s representatives were
present during the convention; used one
of Ofume’s close allies to unseat Ofume’s candidacy; date of the convention was
changed and Ofume had no contact with his representatives to give them the new
date which appears like secret date; all telephones and mobile phones were
closely blocked and monitored from the close spy and surveillance on Ofume; result
of the convention which is supposed to be released less than 30 minutes after
the computation was released within one month; etc
19.j. Ofume beliefs in religion rights, freedom of
speech or expression and association, devout Christian of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints or LDS (Latter-day Saints). At present, Dr. Ofume
is a High Priest in the Church with
Priesthood of
20. Conclusion
19.a. Under Ofume’s policy of NO NIGERIAN LEFT
BEHIND, internal and external depolarization and unification of Nigeria and
Nigerians will be the first step towards building strong and united Nigeria and Nigerians which is path to building strong
and power economies. Under his first year in office, he will resolve all the
conflicts in Nigeria because polarization of people and society, conflict and
instability are enemies to social and economic development and prosperity; and
uplifting direct and indirect economies of Nigeria (swift transition from
oil/gas and other natural resources to empowerment of banks, small, medium and
big businesses; agricultures; increase supply and demand of Nigerian goods and
services; education/industry;
healthcare; infrastructures; create several million employments or jobs;
19.b. 100% of the members of the Five Tier National
Government must live within their salaries and leave allowances or bonuses.
Building of strong Nigeria and Nigerians is grass root to upper root. Nigerians
must be secured economically, socially, culturally and politically because of
maximum integration of all political blocs into Ofume’s government and new\
federal union of Nigeria.
19.c. In any election and electoral process in
Nigeria, Ofume calls for true democratic process, fairness, zero-partisan
politics, transparency, zero-ethnicity and zero-violence, which Nigeria
agrees to adhere to constitutionally and virtue. Ofume has warned that
democracy, socialism, communism and other system of government are not self or
already-made good government but what makes good government is the policy,
practice and actor of the system of government.
19.d. Ofume’s
advice to all leaders, politicians, lawmakers and governments under any
leadership capacity and circumstance like this, that there are set rules and
regulations under which leaders, politicians, lawmakers and governments should
operate and set the ground running to ensure for fair election and transparent
19.e. In Ofume’s
government, economic and other opportunities will be for all, Nigerians
inside and outside. Nigerians must be called to services of their homeland and
work as united family without consideration of political and non-political
creeds. Under this nuclear versus
extended collaboration and cooperation, poverty and partisan party political
affiliation will never deter Nigerians from becoming cabinet member of Ofume’s new
federal union and acquiring education, employment and aspiring to the intended
mountaintop and enjoying the basic fundamental human rights approved by
Nigeria’s Constitution and Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
19.f. Under matching condition, Education and
employment will be gateway to good life, good family, safe community, etc.
because education without employment is like tea without sugar. This matching
technique wholly supports the matching code of Education and Industry
collaboration and cooperation. For example, smart policy makers must know that
as the nation is preparing to turnout 20,000 different graduates (diploma and
degree in different fields of study) same policy makers must tune the industry
towards creating about 25,000 jobs to absolve or hire these graduates.
19.g. A good government
should reflect the decency, integrity and honesty of the people it represents.
Government and its agencies accountability to all Nigerians must incarnate and
adequately reflect the duty wedded or base piety, rights, integrity and honesty
of the Nigerians the people they govern and represent over period of reign in
19.h. Without force means, Ofume must stop Looting
of the tax money to enable Nigerian education/industry, supply/demand,
healthcare, production, communications, mine, power, manufacturing,
infrastructure, export, etc to operate within normal and full capacity to make
sure all Nigerians have the rights to succeed. The looting of the treasury has
disabled these sectors and become the major catalysis of the poverty of
Nigeria’s people and society
19.i. The restructuring or overhaul pattern will be
larger than 95% to get over 98% efficiency. It is shocking that Nigerian
leaders, politicians, lawmakers and government travel
far and wide to buy dead
sciences and technologies whereas majority of these sciences and technologies
are enhanceably domesticable in Nigeria
19.j. Operations of
Ofume’s government must be open, articled and published before the ruled will
request for them and no members of the five tier national government and their
agencies will victimize any Nigerians for having a contra-view on any issue
raised. Good and bad issues raised must reviewed void of prejudice. Nigerians will be rewarded for exposing
domestic and foreign looters and spy agencies.
19.k. Ofume’s government will not sign any
military, security and related agreement to invade or punish other nations and
peoples. Within six months of the emergence into office, Ofume will withdraw
all military and other combat forces across the world, provide several expert
trainings and education to build some of the strongest military and security in the world and use
their expertise to develop Nigeria and other nations and people that request
Nigeria‘s expertise.
19.l. The major part of
these rules and regulations are that Nigerian government, leaders, politicians,
lawmakers and should be fair,
transparent, impartial, positive decision borne, truthful, fearless, Godly,
people oriented and related pious faith which the ruled will embrace as
civilization moral and ethical education.
To all
men/women-in-arms, children and to all those who lost their lives and
properties in the search for FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS, SELF-DETERMINATION,
Phillip Chukwuma Ofume,
Ph.D. (Author)
Presidential Candidate
of Nigeria In-Exile 2011
Prisoner of Conscience,
adopted by Amnesty International, International Secretariat, London UK (1997)
and United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR, 1996)
Chair, International
Policy Research Council (Six NGOs)
Head, Law Reform,
Litigation and Research Council ( Eight NGOs)
First Chairman-Elect,
National Conscience Party (NCP – Delta State, Nigeria) and one of the party’s
presidential candidates 2007
National Chair, Canadian
Sociology and Anthropology Association, Anti-racism Committee (p).
Tel. (781) 556-1464 E-mail: global
Please see Dr. Ofume’s
summarized Resume/Curriculum Vitae at: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/bushellreagan/messages
Published by:
Phillip Ofume, Ph.D.
Chair, Notional &
International Policy Research Council and Head, Law Reform and Litigation
Godson Etiebet, Ph.D.
Researcher, (Policy/Good
Government) National and International Policy Research Council Coordinator,
Europe Section, Switzerland
Tan Ochollu, D.Lit.
Principal Researcher,
(Strategic Development) National and International Policy Research Council
Director of Asia Project
Reid MacDonald, Ph.D.
Coordinator, North
America Section
Bourgeois/Pierre Bushel
International Human
Rights Watch and Democracy - St.
Etienne, France
Send Comment to: Ihrwa4resol@hotmail.com for Europe Section
Temporary Pilot Contact
Information in the United States:
Augustus Trion - Director of Campaign
c/o 33 Arlington Street
Suite 1
Lynn MA, USA 01902
Tel. 857-294-5053
E-mail: global aids_hivcureinteraction@yahoo.co.uk
Copyright Instructions – All rights reserved under Universal Copyright
Convention by the Author. No part of this text may be reproduced and prepared by any means including
derivative works, distribute, perform, and publicly display this text without
written/signed consent of the Author, Dr. Phillip Chukwuma Ofume.
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