These are mainstream urban schools with america's non legislated urban school rules and regulations. Hon. secretaries (federal and state) are aware of these unofficial rules and regulation. Urban schools with non-whites majority but with over 98% whites and mounted 99% white police system to shut up the rights of the students under outrageous poor teaching and teachers. Superintendents are whites and unable control misconducts. FBI is requested to open investigation immediately.
Further readings:
c/o Dr. Phillip C. Ofume
P. O. Box 2416
Lynn, MA 01903
Tel. 857-266-2253/781-479-9027
Our Ref. Ofu.F./IHRRGC-LIMPT&A./11/11/CDN/96812 Date: November 18, 2011
Attention: Federal and State Hon. Secretaries of Education, Inspector General of Education, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Superintendents/Deputy Superintendents, Principals, Teachers, Administrators, Guidance Counselors, UNHCR, UNHCHR, UNESCO, US universities, U.S. Human Rights Commission (State/Federal Departments of Education), etc.
Re. Ms. Isabelle Ifeoma Ofume Grade 12
Isabelle Ofume is aspiring to study medicine; Holyoke High School, Lynn Classical High School and Brockton High School are paid to disrupt her aspiration. Summary of this assignment and what they have achieved so far is as follows:
Shortlist of how the forgery, malpractices, fraud, etc were organized and implemented to reduce Ms. Isabelle Ofume’s scores and as route to impede her interest to study medicine:
Important Notice:
Because of the suspected long journey of this case, to facilitate discovery examination, we further request all teachers and administrators at HOLYOKE HIGH SCHOOL, CLASSICAL HIGH SCHOOL, AND BROCKTON HIGH SCHOOL to keep question/answer sheets and scores on all students’ (including student victim, Isabelle Ofume’s) assignments, tests and examinations. Certified copies be sent to the Superintendents and Hon. Secretaries of the Departments of Education (state/federal).
Case 1
1. Isabelle Ofume’s Brockton High School Transcripts to U.S. Universities: Isabelle’s Transcripts which Brockton High School intends to send to U.S. Universities on behalf Isabelle Ofume on November 17, 2011, show that officials at HOLYOKE HIGH SCHOOL, CLASSICAL HIGH SCHOOL, AND BROCKTON HIGH SCHOOL met in concert to falsify the transcripts because they matched wide array of self-created scores which were scored zero and with several deliberate mistakes all of which will lead to automatic denial of admission at all US universities. With high ego of animosity, zeros were entered without computation of scores earned.
Case # 2
2. On November 17, 2011 the Guidance Counselor tried to disassociate herself with this complicity which she observed from time to time without taken action to advice the teachers. Over two months, we have written and telephoned the counselor and Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent unfolding the conduct of the teachers and the relationships between Brockton High School and Classical High School and Holyoke High School but Brockton High School continued its anti-federal law practices such as not providing catch up and other resources to facilitate the integration of migrant students; overloading new migrant student with past works including heavy summer work and past state examination which would have been matched under accrual of credits. This plan is put in place to overwork Isabelle and distract her focus on on-going courses in order to get more and more low scores to block her chance to study medicine.
Case # 3
3. Referencing para 2 above, for example in the State of Virginia (Richmond) there is grade 10 state examination similar to grade 10 MCAS in Massachusetts. Isabelle did similar examination (grade 10) called SOL in Virginia. Under this conspiracy, to get low score soon as Isabelle arrived and registered at Brockton High School, the director of Azure House and the Counselor created serial harassment bang in which they interrogate Isabelle from time to time before during and after lecture by warning her that should she fails to do grade 10 MCAS that she will not graduate. The guidance counselor has removed Isabelle from middle of teaching purposely to say, “you must do grade 10 MCAS or you are not graduating.” Is this sufficient to remove student from an on-going class remarkably calculus?
Case #4
4. Per above mentioned falsification of transcripts, we were taught by past experiences in dealing with the resistance of U.S. whites in providing lucrative and other education to non-whites and the set unconstitutional measures blocking them from looking up to enroll at universities which are claimed as learning corners for only whites and community colleges are dumps for non-white. For example, in 2006 the guidance counselor at Classical High School prepared fictitious school transcripts for Mr. Kleber Odimegwu Ofume to Suffolk University (admission office), Boston, MA and sealed the envelope without allowing Kleber to see the content and added serious warning that Kleber MUST not open the envelope. During the contact with the dean of admission, Dr. Ofume was informed that the enclosures were not school transcripts. Effective this ugly experience, we (IHRRG/IHRRC/ASSOCIATES) decided to make sure we deliver transcripts by hand and request the receiving admission officer to open the envelope instantly. Long distance submissions were done by acknowledgement of receipt and exchange of the stamped copies of all the documents received by the universities. Also we decided under the Amendment to the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States to request that school disclosure transcripts and providing extra-copies for us and we must deliver the sealed transcript package to the admission office by hand or courier.
Case #5
5. Lynn Classical High School and Salem State University, Salem, MA – DUAL ENROLLMENT PROGRAM (DEP): Under this chain conspiracy to stop Isabelle from studying medicine, because of the foregoing and below summarized fictitious and disruptive score assignment by Holyoke High School and Lynn Classical High School, Isabelle applied for the DEP (Summer 2011) to makeup certain conspired diminished scores and GPA. Lynn Classical High School in bad faith collaborated with Salem State University to remove the courses from Summer holidays 2011 to Fall school year 2011 which is main school year season when Isabelle may or may not have time to do the DEP courses. Salem State University refused to honor appointment to discuss reason for removal of the DEP summer course to fall school year and content of the package which was sent by the Guidance Counselor. Isabelle relocated to Brockton, MA and to enable her do the DEP courses, Isabelle applied for transportation to from Salem State University/ Brockton, MA; the application for transportation was denied for no just reason under NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT (2001) and related education legislation.
Case # 6
6. English/Teacher: Because in this urban school (predominantly non-white school) three absents earned student zero even if he/she made A/B+ during attendance days. Is this the practice in suburban schools? To make up three absents English teacher forged absent date to assign zero whereas the date claimed by the teacher, Isabelle was in her class and other classes in the school. Summer work which Isabelle is not supposed to do maybe because of fear of heavily armed and mounted police, Isabelle acted under force and started to read the large books (over 600 pages per book) and same heavy books/reading/assignment in other courses and in English (and) as the assignment has not been completed instead of entering incomplete or pending on the progress report, she entered another zero.
Case # 7
7. European History/Teacher: To get low scores the teacher under-scored Isabelle and we request comparative work and score but this teacher and others declined and irresponsive to our request for discovery. In other plan to get low scores, the teacher imposed heavy summer work and overloaded Isabelle with heavy on-going work without catch up program for new or migrant student (Isabelle).
Case # 8
8. Pre-Calculus class/teacher: The teacher is weak and unable to teach the course. Under this paid conspiracy, the target is Isabelle and to get low score, the teacher gave the class over sixty calculus questions and gave the students less than 1 hour to complete the questions which must be done by long demonstration before arriving at an answer. None of the students finished the questions and she refused to grant extra-time. In all schools here and there, this test must be scored as INCOMPLETE but she scored Isabelle zero in place of INCOMPLETE and she did not score several questions she was able to complete and had correct answers. Discovery shows that all teachers had preference for their preferred students.
Case # 9
9. Further conspiracy between Holyoke High School, Lynn Classical High School and Brockton High School: Honor Algebra II, AP British Literature, Honors Chemistry, AP US History - poor teaching, unfinished exams, incomplete grades because of the removal of Isabelle Ofume and siblings by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and follow-up incident which is now the subject of the matter, Ofume et al v. Department of Children and Families (DCF), Holyoke Police Department et al, (Brockton Superior Court) DCF and Holyoke Police Department interrupted the test, exams and completion of the courses. Parents petitioned Under this conspiracy, without the consent of parents and allowing the investigation by the Department of Education and FBI to complete their investigation, at close door, Classical High School relied on these incomplete tests, exams and courses to match the high scores which she earned at Classical High School and brought the scores to low scores. See
Case #10
10. Brockton High School: Refused to issue free meal letters to all Isabelle Ofume to impede her admission process such as matriculation test which Isabelle must take by waiver because Isabelle and parents fall under district, county, state and federal poverty level. Issuance of waiver slip or letter to Isabelle to enable her complete SAT/ACT registrations was denied and granted over two months after deadline. This registration is the last chance for Isabelle to complete her university admission process. Isabelle was starved by Brockton High School for over two months. See income conditions of Isabelle and her parents and siblings as to whether she’s qualified for reduced or free breakfast and launch. Lower court to highest law courts of the United States and other agencies granted waiver to Isabelle and her parents/siblings.
Cases # 11 to 12
11. They maybe ready to resolve the matter or do not know how to set up resolution, the straw is that the teachers are in control and lack respect for the superintendents and their deputies. To the Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent of Brockton Public Schools, detail information was put to them to crack the chain paid lobby conducted by Holyoke High School passing through Classical High School to Brockton High School. At Lynn Classical High School, first day in a meeting on behalf the Ofume family between our representatives and staff (Course syllabus Guidance Counselor ) of the Lynn Classical High School, suddenly the principal brain washed by the moneyed people at Holyoke High School, disrespectfully removed the Guidance Counselor from the meeting without apology to our representative. End of the meeting between the Guidance Counselor and the Principal showed that Holyoke High School and Holyoke Public School have captured and influenced the Principal of Lynn Classical High School and he ignored and disrespected federal education Acts and other regulations in support of NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT (2001) and the admission offered Isabelle by the Superintendent of the Lynn Public School, Dr. Catherine Latham. Under personal interest, the Principal of Classical High School without consent of Isabelle’s parents, demanded for disputed scores from Holyoke High School and used the schools to lower down each high scores, Isabelle earned at Classical High School.
12. The assignments which Holyoke High School gave to Classical High School and Brockton High School are to use the Holyoke High School scores which are under investigation by the federal and state Departments of Education and FBI to lower the emerging scores in their school (Lynn Classical High School), apply workload by past work or pre-arrival work to overload on-going work in the on-going classes and to rush her into tests and examination on courses which the teachers did not teach her, and thereafter to get several under scores to put her GPA down. Principal of Classical High School used the appealed results at Holyoke High School to reduce all the A/B+ to F/D. Petitioned to the Hon. Secretaries of the state/federal Departments of Education.
Cases 13 - 17
Legislative Body and Jurisdiction of Complaint
13. Holyoke High School, Classical High School and Brockton High School and Student, victim: Re. Ms. Isabelle Ifeoma Ofume Grade 12 (Canada and United States). September 2010 – present, we have written to all the recipients concerned in part mentioned above and schools without action taken in all the circumstances. All these schools remain in opposition to federal laws including charging and demanding school supply money from poor students who are below district/county/state/federal poverty level; No Child Left Behind Act (2001); several poor students are charged money for breakfast and launch which is tactical unofficial policy to deny them waiver for several matriculation and non-matriculation paid examinations and related rights under NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT; etc.
“The Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) …to ensure the appropriate enrollment, placement, and accrual of credits for migrant children nationwide and the goals of MSIX are stated under section 1308 (b) (2) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, requires the Secretary to ensure the linkage of migrant student record systems for the purpose of electronically exchanging, among the States, health and educational information regarding all migratory students.”
14. To deny urban and mixed urban non-whites rights to education, the Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) is flagrantly breached. For example, excellent Grade 1-10 results with A and B+ which Isabelle earned from one of the best schools in the United States and Canada (Riverbend High School, Fredericksburg, VA, Bedford South School, Bedford, Nova Scotia Canada B4A 4B6, ) were not accepted and in place the Principal and Vice-Principal of Lynn Classical High School who played role in Kleber Ofume’s case (2006) relied on the results (undecided complaint) falsified and issued by one of the worst and poorest high schools in the United States (Holyoke High School) to establish Isabelle’s scores and GPA and bring it down to level of denial in any U.S. universities. Holyoke High School’s results were falsified and imposed on Isabelle and collated from uncompleted courses, assignments, tests and examinations because of the disruption of her education at Holyoke High School by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and Holyoke Police Department ( HPD). The courses, assignments, tests and examinations were not completed before Isabelle and her parents and siblings relocated to Lynn, MA. Heartlessly, the teachers, counselors and administrators at Holyoke High School scored all the uncompleted courses, assignments, tests and examinations and issued zero. Principal of Classical High School added these F/Ds to downgrade all the completed courses, assignments, tests and examination at Lynn Classical High School which she A/B+. Isabelle spent about three months at Holyoke High School under poor teaching and assignments, tests and examinations by raw or untaught courses to get underscores and low scores. Rejecting results from best schools and prefer poor schools is questionable and actionable because the action stains the wellness of education and just assessment and evaluation of the process of learning and earning the benefits of education in the United States.
15. In-between time during the investigation following our present and past petitions on the poor teaching and failing grades of students, Holyoke High School made a sidewalk by bad faith collaboration with Classical High School and Brockton High School in defence to get further fund from the departments of education and others to the extent of trying to justify that the failing scores issued to Ms. Isabelle Ofume were made in good faith because it resurfaced in other two high schools. Before this frame up Holyoke High School removed grades 1-10 on which Isabelle maintained Honor/High Honor/A/A+/B+ and connived with the apartment owner (NEW ENGLAND FARM WORKERS COUNCIL) to seize several copies of these high grades and honors ( supct/html/042709.ZOR.html;
16. To use learning and failing grade history to justify the conduct of weak teachers and teaching at Holyoke High School which were experienced in grade 11 and part of grade 12 in poor urban schools, Classical High School and Brockton High School were lobbied and adopted into the business to do two harms, using failing grade to justify the low standard of education at Holyoke High School and convince state and federal Departments of Education that Isabelle who has maintained A/A+/B+/Honor/High Honor 1- 10 is a weak student. How will only the fraudulent action of teachers and administrators in these poor schools ( grade 11 and less than three months of grade12) downgrade these outstanding assiduities and convince any just court of law and investigator that such student is weak.
17. In the United States outlook of medicine and its practice appears like a reservation for only whites and the indentured part of the profession is for non-whites and few less educated whites. Do what we did by going from medical school to medical school and thereafter, medical workplace to medical workplace across the United States. The shock you will get is in issue, whether America is truly and genuinely multi-cultural/racial /ethnic/color federation in delivery of services from her Commonwealth.
General comment – mandate of urban/mixed urban schools:
With the believe that Holyoke is a place with predominantly non-white urban city without civil liberty group and parents that are not able to defend their children and where several bad things are active and the High School and other typical public urban schools are run by over 98% white teachers/administrators hired to implement learner disorientation and dropout and to block turnout and clean up opponents to white competitor in labor market.
Initially, Holyoke High School and its public schools were adopted to implement the action to stop Ms. Isabelle Ofume's interest in pursuing medical career. Canada through US grades 1 - 10 and part of grade 11 she has prepared herself to study medicine. To disrupt her interest, the tools are poor teachers/teaching; test/exams/assignment by untaught or raw courses; work overload compounded with two or more forms of work overload (past summer and other works without remediation) all which are design and put in place to get failing scores; after several poor teaching, one back or five to seven backward, are secretly selection and less than 24 hours notice is given to the students to do test/examination with back mind intention to get low scores. Only students who are teachers’ errand boys and girls get direct information of the topic to be tested or examined; etc. In urban and mixed urban schools, administrators and the Hon. Secretaries of the Departments of Education are aware of these internal activities.
Respectfully submitted,
Phillip C. Ofume, Ph.D. Chair, National & International Policy Research
Council; Head, Law Reform and Litigation and Security Policy Council;
Candidate in Exile - Nigeria's Presidential Election 2015; National
Chair, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association -Anti-Racism
Committee (p); Nominee for the National President of the American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA) 2012 ; National Coordinator, LIMPT, INC.
Godson Etiebet, Ph.D. Researcher, (Policy/Good Government) National
and International Policy Research Council Coordinator, Europe Section,
Cynthia H. Taylor, Ph.D./Alh. (Dr.) Farruk Mohammad Strategic
Development Researchers - International Policy Research Council,
Middle East Project
Tan Ochollu, D.Lit. Principal Researcher, (Strategic Development)
National and International Policy Research Council Director of Asia
Reid MacDonald, Ph.D. Coordinator, North America Section
Kris Kifindi Bunkheti, Ph.D. - Sept 2007 - present continued to be
detained/imprisoned by the PM of Canada Stephen Harper Researcher
(Language/Culture), National and International Policy Research Council
York University (Department of History - Engaged in Ant-slavery/Slavery/Abolitionist Controversies ) Toronto, Ontario Canada (p)
Jerome Tesfai, D. Min/Div Principal Researcher, Policy and Practice in
Government and Foreign Interveners - Africa Project
Francois Bourgeois/Pierre Bushel
International Human Rights Watch and Democracy - St. Etienne, France
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