Friday, November 11, 2011



November 11, 2011

Greetings, Mr. Vice-President:

1.     Thank you for this piece of information. And we say thank you, great soldiers, 
armies who lost or hold their lives in an effort to fight JUST WAR and save the
oppressed. Thank you.

2.     Remember that the action of the oppositions are directed to brewing VOTERS ANGER. 2009-present, we have continually informed you and President Barack Obama what this strategy means. Directly, it was successful and deeply impacted November 2010 mid-term elections. Now comes election 2012, this measure has escalated and they have taken captive the following: media, communications, corporate and its deputies in almost all services including Veterans services, etc. Several people are now saying and affirmatively laying claim that since the birth of America, your government is the best America has had. Comparatively, our historical review supports the claim.

3.   We informed you and President Obama that Recovery.Gov and other recovery programs were successful and created jobs and other services which oversize intended job and other service seekers but sanctioned internally by the oppositions. As 2012 comes closer and closer, nothing or extreme minimum efforts are made by people in charge to stop these oppositions who are also core economic saboteurs and who are on duty for their own political and/or personal interests. 

4.      We demand that the focus of the sitting govt, leaders and others in control be ALL because
speeches and other leadership attention are mostly directed towards MIDDLE CLASS as if this
political bloc is the only ruled or governed. Do you know that more and more voters have been
forcibly moved to LOWER CLASS as they (oppositions) control UPPER CLASS. Reason these measures are good example of extra-legal democracy and may lead to bad government in America, we oppose this trivial push. In democratic elections soon as the focus shifts to MIDDLE CLASS and LOWER CLASS with erratic propaganda like this, incumbent has slim chance to prevail. It's bad news to prevail without control.

5.  One selected recent example from several examples under the strategy of VOTERS ANGER. Mr. Vice-President do you know that the lower class that falls under district, county, state and federal extreme POVERTY LEVEL in  urban and mixed urban schools (pre-k - 12), are forced to pay for school reduced or free breakfast and launch, pay for 
test/exams, pay for books, and other school supplies, use demand notices and collection letters as psychological torture and issued almost on parents on daily basis, etc.

6.     Do you know that same schools and employment agencies (labor ready, complete labour,
career centers, education and training centers, etc) have carefully and tactically profiled students and job seekers and sub-divided them into two major blocs such as Obama on first part and Conservative/Republican Party and other oppositions on second part and  followed behind by experts in propaganda and lying. They deny services to seekers suspected or known as " Obama People" and  informed them that Obama has stopped their funding because his government has no money. 

Again thank you, thank you great Veterans, in part  Happy Veteran Day, God Bless America.

c/o Dr. Phillip C. Ofume
P. O. Box 2416
Lynn, MA 01903
Tel.  857-266-2253/781-479-9027

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The Office of Presidential Correspondence


On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 8:05 PM, Vice President Joe Biden, The White House <> wrote:
Good evening,
I want to make sure you heard a piece of news from Capitol Hill today.
This morning, Holly Petraeus, who has been leading an office at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to protect military families, went to Capitol Hill to highlight some of the most abusive practices our service members face in today's financial marketplace.

She explained that military families are the targets of predatory lenders. She talked about how many service members and their families struggle to make ends meet -- especially during deployments. And she said that the CFPB will help combat the lenders who try to take advantage of people with deceptive, unfair, and abusive lending practices.

But here's the thing: The Senate still hasn't confirmed President Obama's nominee to lead the CFPB, a former Attorney General from Ohio named Rich Cordray. The bureau needs a director to fully ensure that the debt collectors, private student loan providers, and payday loan providers are properly supervised and that consumers are not put at risk of falling prey to the same kinds of abusive practices that helped cause the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

Rich has spent his career advocating for middle class families, and enjoys broad, bipartisan support from the elected officials, business leaders, and consumer groups who have worked with him.
Holly Petraeus is the daughter of a decorated general, wife of a four-star general, and mother of an Army soldier who served in Afghanistan.  I don't know if there's anyone who better understands what it means to be part of an American military family.
She just gets the stress and challenges that those who serve in uniform, as well as their loved ones, face.
And that's exactly why she joined the CFPB, to safeguard our military personnel and their families.
Republicans in Congress could be taking steps to grow the economy by passing the American Jobs Act. There is no reason why John Boehner should send his members home to their districts without passing a single measure President Obama has proposed to help put the country back on track. Nor is there any reason why the Senate should require 60 votes on these proposals. Republicans could be helping to ensure that every American family gets a tax cut. And Republicans should be working to protect consumers by confirming Rich Cordray.

We can't wait. That's why I want you to hear from Holly Petraeus. I want everyone to understand how much sense it makes for the Senate to put Rich Cordray to work.
Vice President Joe Biden

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