c/o Dr. Phillip C. Ofume
P. O. Box 2416
Lynn, MA 01903
Tel. 857-266-2253/781-479-9027
Our Ref. Ofu.F./IHRRGC-LIMPT&A./02/12/CDN/97899 Date: February 28, 2012
Georgetown University (Admission Office), New York University (Admission Office), Howard University (Admission Office), Northeastern University (Admission Office), Fordham University (Admission Office), and Stonybrook University (Admission Office)
Further copies to:
Teacher Plouffe Academy, Brockton, MA: Ms. Michelle A. Nessralla (Principal), Mr. Kenneth Kevelson - Maths, Mr. Stephen P. Shaw (Assistant Principal), other Teachers, Administrators, Guidance Counselors of Plouffe Academy, Mr. David H. Brewster (IB Coordinator), Social Study Teacher and Spanish Teacher, Federal and State Hon. Secretaries of Education, Inspector General/Commissioners of Education, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Superintendents/Deputy Superintendents, UNHCR, UNHCHR, UNESCO, US universities, UNICEF, U.S. Human Rights Commission (State/Federal Departments of Education), Federal/State Human Rights Commission, President Barack Obama, Vice-President Joseph Biden, Governor Deval Patrick, etc.
Mr. President et al, Hon., Ladies and Gentlemen:
Our work is focused directly in school and its teachers/teaching/students/administration to save students and how to use after school specialist curricula move F students to A/A+/B+ without education base teaching and counseling assistance of parents or guardians. see,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=e50b7ed8b228eb18&biw=1366&bih=643 OR use keyword: LIMPT, INC. V. UNITED STATES on Google Search Engine.
Majority of the education legislations, policies and practices of the district, county and states of the United States is racist and overwhelmed with several secrets to make whites be educated to take control of the workforce. Immediately non-whites must start training and certifying their experts, professionals and others to teach and manage their own schools to confront whites at the labour markets. Expert research, investigation and outfit of the workforce show that that whites can not give education to non -whites. Across U.S. whites are destroying non-whites in classroom close doors.
HRRG, IHRRC, LIMPT, INC. & ASSOCIATES' per child examination and inspection, several sound and healthy non-white smart/talented child admitted in urban and part of mixed urban schools prior to grade 5 or 6 the extra-professional/ethical actions of white teachers, mounted police, administrators and cosmetic non-whites teachers/administrators in midst of over 98% white teachers, mounted police and administrators have rendered this child mid-insane and with multiple down-syndromes and related psychological problems which qualify this child to moved to mental and bad child treatment school and this can never regain his/her initial self and will continue to fail the test of labour force competitiveness. Secretly, Brockton Public Schools and others across the United States operate similar treatment school. This the secret of American whites in maintaining hold in education and workforce. This control is not by brilliance, smartness, talent and related qualitative ego but simple policed stealing of mass people commonwealth.
There is sharp rift between these schools and the sitting federal government and its education Acts and related legislation; flagrant disrespect for all federal education Act and other enactments in support of NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT (2001). "The Federal Department Education was mandated by Congress, in Section 1308 (b) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), to assist States in developing effective methods for the electronic transfer of student records and in determining the number of migratory children in each State. Further, Congress directed the Secretary, in Section 1308 (b)(2)(A) of the statute, to ensure the linkage of migrant student record systems. In accordance with the mandate, the Department has implemented the Migrant Student Information Exchange Initiative whose primary mission is to ensure the appropriate enrollment, placement, and accrual of credits for migrant children." The Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) . Due to severe forms of nonchalance, soon we will be in Court to call to order all these anti-federal law activists (Superintendents, teachers, principals/commissioners and Mass secretary of education).
The purpose of MSIX is to ensure greater continuity of educational services for migrant children by providing a mechanism for all States to exchange educational related information on migrant children who move from State to State due to their migratory lifestyle. It is anticipated that the existence and use of MSIX will help to improve the timeliness of school enrollments, improve the appropriateness of grade and course placements, and reduce incidences of unnecessary immunizations of migrant children. Further, MSIX will facilitate the accrual of course credits for migrant children in secondary school by providing accurate academic information on each student’s course history and academic progress.
The Superintendent of Brockton Public Schools and Principal of Brockton High School who strong supporters of Arizona's childish and economic sabotage opposition said that is Obama's and failed to know that white President George W. Bush is one of the major supporters of NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT (2001). Under this senseless opposition, the Superintendent of Brockton Public Schools and Principal of Brockton High School rejected MSIX and student who did equavelent of MCAS (Grade 10 matriculation examination in Massachusetts) called SOL (Grade 10 matriculation examination in Virginia in one of the best High Schools in the United States is forced, bullied and harassed to repeat Grade 10 MCAS. Public opinion in the state of Massachusetts shows that MCAS is corrupt and racist test in Massachusetts internally adopted to stop non-whites' access to right to tertiary institution in order to allow whites take all university admissions as path to enable whites take and control majority of the jobs in the United States of America. In the focus High School Course Syllabus Content of Riverbend High School (Suburban High School) is stronger than Brockton High School. The Principal, Counselor and director of Azures House of Brockton High School harass and bully Isabelle daily and through entire month with the created word, "you are not going to graduate and provide you with diploma without doing your grade 10 MCAS and we are going to give you Certificate of Attainment." These adults do these bullying and harassment attacks each morning either by blocking Isabelle on her way to classes or force her to their offices. How is possible for student challenged like this focus through out the day inside and outside the classrooms?
Under this clound Congress of the United States must stay color and race activisms and sanction federal funding to all education and workforces sectors that are not implementing federal education/workforce Act and related legislation but the Congress and chief financial officers are about 100% whites and believe in WHITE SUPREMACY AND CONTROL. Whites do not want to give education to NON-WHITES because of the longstanding landing fear of sort that non-white turnout will reduce their jobs which are over 85% of the good, clean and lucrative jobs created in the United States of America. The only practical solution is to what HOWARD UNIVERSITY and others did in the early days.
Now non-whites must give their people and communities educations to enable them make workforce a BATTLE GROUND. Across US education sectors pre-k - tertiary levels DIVERSITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTIVITIES are nonsense. Majority of the staff in these project pleaded that we must stay sending our material to them because their employers (whites and their errand runners) will reprimand them. Under failure drive, the Chief Financial Officers, IRS and the secret service operatives directly and indirectly blocked all our access to right to funding and our bank account is $0.00, another corrupt agency (USCIS) enforced sanction on right to employment authorization document (EAD), underscoring, poisoning, bullying and harassing our students, mayors, courts, public schools and others, police, sheriffs and others enforced plans to render us homeless time to time to disorganize
In the United States ONLY the above mentioned education and workforce organizations and their associates are doing direct investigative research, investigation and inspection directly on education and workforce, thus "Remaking America" and other are underdogs, conference, actors and activists collaborating with the district, county, state and federal educational departments and their breeds to announce unrealistic periodic action to talk about poverty of non-white without mechanism to implement action-step in contest.
We are going to address Ms. Isabelle I. Ofume's US urban school designed crisis which has destroyed several smart/talented/gifted/honor/high honor/A/A+/B+ non-white students since the birth of education in the USA. Hereto attached are Isabelle's grades 9, 10 and 11 integrated and summaried transcripts. Majority of the Guidance Counselors and teachers of the schools afore-referenced are hostile, diehard traditional racists and they have been calling different people in these universities to block her admission.
Grades 1 through 10 in Canada and United States Ms. Isabelle Ifeoma Ofume attended some of the best schools. Isabelle is smart/gifted/talented/AP/Honor/High Honor/A/A+/B+ student. Early Childhood she indicated interest to study medicine with emphasis in Pediatrics and family medicine . She applied to study medicine at the aforementioned universities. She has completed Common Application, did and passed SAT and ACT, completed all the processes relating to federal financial Aid , etc. Because of Isabelle's parents, Dr. & Mrs. Phillip/ Maureen Ofume, bid for the President of Nigeria past and 2015 the opposition adopted economic sanction by homelessness and zero income and targeted their children as tool to impede this campaign and option as to departure from the United States remain disrupted. They created several lawsuit, controlled public schools and their teachers and other authorities with the assignments to underscore Isabelle and her siblings in the school. There is slim difference between what Isabelle suffers in Urban School what the colored people have been suffering decade to decade never easing.
In these poor schools under secret collaboration, core courses such as maths, english, sciences, etc. the Hon. secretaries and superintendents of education have deliberately overburdened the classes with poor teachers and poor resources to enable non-whites get low grades which will strain their chance to look up to tertiary institution or greater educational opportunity and be competitive at job market. There is secret sanction on efforts to train and certified non-white teachers. Certification and professional integrative test and examination for citizen and non-citizen are created to enable whites take majority of the job in America. We recommended external inspectorates and students' anonymous evaluation of all their teachers but swept under the rug. Out of the three tier school system (urban school, suburban school and mixed urban school) which we found in the United States, only white or suburban school is better school in the United State to limited extent that less than 5% non-white schools or urban and part of mixed urban school maybe graded with laissez-passer level or below 45%.
Beginning of grade 11 when Ms. Isabelle Ofume was forcibly moved from some of the best schools in US and Canada, under parents' standing state and federal poverty level severally, we wrote to the Hon. secretaries/commissioners and superintendents of education and governor Deval Patrick and deputy and President Barack Obama to transfer Isabelle to better school to match her excellence but no action was take. At Riverbend High School, Isabelle's major courses were AP and small numbers of her courses are honor courses in major part without sound teachers to take these courses. We investigated Holyoke High School and others and we found that AP and honor courses, students were integrated and squeezed in one classroom receiving the same lectures. The proof of Isabelle's strong academic performances are hereto summaried and attached and will be incorporated as the transcripts of grades 9 through 11 . result of Isabelle's first trial of SAT and ACT and if necessary grades 6 through 8 transcripts will be attached as followm up to the endless requests of these universities.
The teaching and learning lapses captioned and detailed below are not easing to contain anti-extra-educational activities such as highhanded underscores, poor teaching, exam/test on raw or untaught courses, harassment and bullying teaching, learning environment:
1.a. For allowing investigation in this complaint to crawl less than snail shows that District, State and federal education systems support the fraudulent and related uneven practices stated in these complaints because they don't want Ms. Isabelle Ofume to study medicine because several anonymous speakers said that the reason for this sanction on her rights to pursue desire career, medicine is that there is SECRET IN US MEDICINE because Isabelle is very exposed internationally and nationally.
1.b. Universities and colleges are cornered under race and color to forcibly heed the command of these education authorities. Before she was forced to attend these poor and highly low standard schools (Holyoke High School, Lynn Classical High School and Brockton High School) in Canada and USA Isabelle was smart/talented /gifted/Honor/High Honor/A/A+/B+ student and variously attended some of the schools in Canada and USA.
1.c. Isabelle was forced into these poor schools where non-whites students who are outstanding like Isabelle are destroyed and prevented from excelling to best universities in the USA and as path to block them from competing at labor markets or look up to their intended career. If the leaders in education are serious and with knowledge of american education history, allowing over 99% of white teachers and administrators to run urban and mixed urban school with over 98% non-white students becomes the worst lawmaking practice in the history global lawmaking activity. It shows that the secretaries and superintendents of education and US Congress are weak and know NOTHING in this lawmaking terrain because they failed to launch questions on consequence of OUTCOME in policies and practices.
1.d. From the post Whites/Blacks Slave Trade and Slavery, this the decision of the American Whites to stop non-whites because of fear that they will emerge to take their jobs,. To over power the action of these poor schools, Isabelle applied for DUAL ENROLLMENT PROGRAM which is the best action in education by President Barack Obama to keep up with realistic NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT (2001), but very shocking University of Boston denied her admission and salem University in collaboration with Lynn Classical High School removed her DUAL PROGRAM admission from summer holiday to spring when she will be in school and without time to do the courses and under this clique with the knowledge that during spring Isabelle and her family will be evicted out of Lynn. Under white to white alliance between these universities and these poor schools.
1.e. This color/race borne collaboration has affected several non-whites students. See US education and workforce, by force whites take over 85% of the lucrative jobs because of overwhelming control of education (teaching and administration). Urban/mixed urban schools are designed to destroy and stop non-whites from move to grade 12 which is another stage to look up to wanted point for the workforce.
1.f. All the universities listed above appear to be falling back to the same color alliance thing because the deans of admission continue to waste time to conclude Isabelle's admission pre-requisites. Harvard University, Law School realign under the racist command of ex-President George W. Bush to delay and used delay to make Dr. Phillip Chukwuma Ofume forfeit the chance to do Completion Courses as route to enable him do Bar Examination per the directions of the Massachusetts Board of Bar Examiners. Action of Harvard has caused American judicial system serious set back.
1.g. Reason of the on-going investigations into these highhanded frauds and malpractices, on grade 12 work and part of grade 11 at Holyoke High School, Lynn Classical High School and Brockton High School where uncompleted school works were scored F because of the politically motivated removal of Isabelle by the Department of Children and Families (January 31, 2011 through January 9, 2011) when parent who is presidential aspirant of Nigeria past and 2015 was arrested and detained for some hours. Holyoke High School did not give any opportunity to complete these work and what they did under conspiracy is to assign F to destroy her grade. Restating that at Classical High School the skin head principal refused to use Accrual rules to match her grades. The Principal saw her good scores at Classical High School and as hater of colored people, he added F and cut 100% into two and made her scores worthless. See reason for the unlawful arrest (01/31/2011) :,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=f57f39a2893a535a&biw=1366&bih=643
2.a. Further restating that when Isabelle, parents and siblings were further forcibly and politically relocated to Lynn, MA the new high school, the principal of Classical High School joined Holyoke High School in this political persecution. The Superintendent of Lynn Public Schools, Dr. Catherine Latham applied accrual rules and Isabelle was admitted to Grade 11 but the Principal of Classical High School opposed Dr. Latham and without written/oral consent of parents, the principal demanded for all the uncompleted work at Holyoke High School and personally issued F and match with the A/A+/B+ which Isabelle got at Classical High School and drastically reduced Isabelle's Grade 11 scores to implement the plan of stopping her from studying Medicine.
2.b. At the Brockton High School, information reveals that some members of the Brockton Public Schools refused to take brides from the political opponents of Isabelle's parents, Dr. & Mrs. Phillip/Maureen Ofume. We assigned Dr. Ofume to accompany Isabelle through her admission process. When they arrived in the Office of the Superintendent, sign of bad activity at Brockton High School showed on face and process. How? To reduce the problem which Dr. Ofume and Isabelle will encounter at Brockton High School, Director of Operation was assigned to accompany them to the high school.
2. c. Brockton High School is divided into houses and Isabelle was sent to Azure House and the conduct of the Director of Azure House showed that she has been lobbied and incorporated into the politically design danger but the Director of Operation made effort to see that she followed official rules but she continue to argue with the director.of operation. Director of Azures House ignored the parents' consent to request for Isabelle's transcripts from one of the best High Schools in the United States (Riverbend High School, Fredricksburg) but she preferred the transcripts from Lynn Classical High School and Holyoke High School.
(3) The complaints stated in paras 1 and 2 above are being implemented at Brockton High School at matchless scope which makes US Urban and part of Mixed Urban schools a danger for non-whites. For example at Brockton High School on February 27, 2012 a receptionist (white) told a non-white (Black) grade 12 student publicly, "I saw your report card with straight F why are you wearing senior tag." Only this intimidation could force this studentto drop out of school. This school is over 4000 students and the administrators are not able to control the population and because of lack of control in teaching and learning police is mounted and if the secretary of education is smart the solution there is two or three high schools sizable to foster better teaching, supervision and learning to maintain average standard.
(4) Majority of the high scores which Isabelle had were matched without bearing and assigned F. Work done with pencil are erased and issued low scores; students who did not do any or merit work are scored passing grades to enable the teachers remain on job; students are divided to keep these activities secret and afloat; under over 98% whites teachers, administrators and mounted police and over over 85% non-whites students the danger the students face are securely sealed and swept under the rug; students are miscounseled and forced to abandon their dream courses and careers; poor students and others are deprived access to use school resources to enable the school save pocket monies; school supplies are rarely given to poor students; senior students are threatened to pursue high education with costs and severity of government collection mechanism which they say would impoverish them forever under lack of jobs for colored people; whites students are taken to secret and separate counseling place to empower them to focus; several students are branded terrorists and followed up and down with suspicion; violent books, teaching and other resources which could lower the self-esteem of students are recommended; several times cold/expired food are served in urban and mixed urban schools leading to incessant vomiting; multiple untaught homeworks are imposed on student as forms of physical and psychological tortures during school periods and holidays without rest; etc.
(5) Unassigned staff including the counselor of Azure house have constantly harassed students including Isabelle and if these students were type of radical students, the aggravation of these teachers or staff and counselor would lead to brawl.
(6) From time to time, these staffs (para 4 above) force students to come to their offices sometimes in the middle of an on-going teaching purposely to repeat pending case that may brew anger and make the student be confused and angry to loss focus of the lecture; path to get low score. American urban and mixed urban schools are worst than maximum concentration camps because of white teachers and administrators.
(7) For example, counselor of Azure house has mobilized some staffs who know how to bully/harass kids to join her in their bullying and harassment activities. They have harassed and bullied Ms. Isabelle Ofume to the level of breakpoint. She is able to hold her anger because she hail from non-violence family of CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS.
(8) These teachers and administrators are able to hold on to these cruelties (bullying and harassment) because of MOUNTED POLICE but police can not stop use of anger and physical confrontation which have stayed for long time. Persistently, on Feb 27 & 28, 2012 two of the counselor's associates called Ms. Isabelle Ofume to their office including the receptionist and the one in the office who used the harassment and bullying as tool to disrupt Isabelle's school activities. These staffs have no work to do and they have all day to bully and harass innocent students.
(9) All the teachers must be ready to tell the taxpayers and if care untaken tell the court how they summon courage to think that theey are immune to the extent of forging student's report card to further rate of failing to integrate scores and decided to replace passing score with F and with further harden courage to receive federal fund and ignore federal law and its jurisdiction.
(10) As part of our last reminder of intention to proceed to court, we are requesting all Ms. Isabelle Ofume's teachers to disclose their full names to parents, Dr. & Mrs. Phillip/Maureen Ofume because according to the report card in dispute, Mr. Dickens or Mrs/Ms. Jacobin is not sufficient.
(11) In further reminder, Hon. secretaries of Education (state/Fed) and Superintendents/Principals of Holyoke Public Schools (Holyoke High School), Lynn Public Schools (Classical High School) and Brockton Public Schools (Brockton High School) have been severally advised and put on notice to keep all questions and answers, score and marking sheets/schemes for all examination, test and other assignments relating to Ms. Isabelle Ofume's disputed work.
(12) At Brockton High School students who did not merit any score or did not submit any or quality work are scored high grade to get more "yes" students in other to maintain white low quality teachers and teaching under white to white gathering. Inside this district and interlocking bordering districts within the Massachusetts education jurisdiction, we have spotted highly poor maths (calculus, Algebra, etc) teachers at Plouffe Academy, Brockton High School, Classical high School, Holyoke High School, etc and in the same vein we have seen an unemployed well qualified Black Maths Graduate of Harvard University .
(13) Restating in further part, that at Brockton High School, students' confidential information are made public without parents' or students' written/signed consent. Under these activities,students' physical and 'psychological know-how is abused and repressed because of mounted police these students are forced to internalize their anger. You can see some of the reasons why Boko Haram in Nigeria oppose some of western education because it's repressive and torturous education. Majority of our children at Arnone Elementary School and Brockton High School cry back home and vow not to go to school because of the outrage of hate of the racist teachers, principal and administrators.
FURTHER CASE AT ARNONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, BROCKTON, MA (#20) Since the incident which is referenced above another smart/talented /gifted and best student (Black) in our program has been poisoned in this school on March 8, 2012. She was poisoned during launch and because of white to white in the school, hospital, police and public schools, etc incidents are tearful for parents because disclosure is mark top secret and parents abandoned in center of confusion on h to save the life of their child.
14.a. February 2012 case which we are working on is one grade 5 classroom at Arnone Elementary School, Brockton, MA. One Black and related smart/talented/gifted/A/ A+B+ students are harassed and bullied to force them to drop in grade and assiduity and drift to drop out from school. In this school and grade 5 classroom they are types of racist principal, vice-principal, teacher and administrators which we called ERATIC RACIST or type of racist which are swiftly combative, encycled themselves with mounted police and frequently dividing and ruling their preys to get support and remain on job and keep afloat racist policy and practice. This urban school is made up of about 85-90% (February 2012) non-white students. In this school teachers and administrators are over 98% whites with ruthless white racist principal and vice-principal. This arrangment is strong delay to providing education for non-whites.
14.b. Each time complaint is made against teachers and students secret agents, principal and vice-principal forcibly remove the parents or call mounted police to force parents or representative out of the school premises and take the child to secret room for intimidation to reconstruct his/her mind to say and restate what they want him/her to say before us and his/her parents. In the focused grade 5 teacher and classroom setting, students are heartlessly graded, excellent, good, midway, etc and sharply divided in conflict ranges to make sure excellent students will not offer quality and genuine remediation assistance to midway or bad students and good students because all the excellent and good students are facing the harm of transfer to bad students level.
14.c. Just to know how this dangerous and extra-professional teaching and learning practices work; out of several oppressed kids in this specific classroom, we selected two students (names reserved) and added extra-after school program to make them become platinum A/A+* students. Soon as one of these students attained this honourable level and pride of achieved excellence, the teacher and the substitute teachers who are normally non-whites hired for two reasons, because officials are visiting to deceive them that the school has a non-white teacher or hired when white teachers are absent.
14.d. To destroy our student and move him or her back to F grade, the teacher added one substitute teacher to herself and three mounted bad students (names reserved) to create a trouble shooting scenario and create allegation and accused our students and the teacher removed our student from the excellent students sitting spot into the middle of the sitting cycle of these falsely called noising or branded bad students. Our student cried for several days and refused to return to the school but after counseling, he agreed to return to school and we assured him that we will be taking him to the school and he will make his wonderful speech of defence in the presence of his teacher, principal and vice-principal.
14.e. On March 1, 2012 the principal and vice-principal attended the meeting and the teacher did not attend because she knew our students are smart and bold kids and good public speakers and he will say everything fact to fact. Our program across United States, in urban and mixed urban schools, majority of several non-white students are intimidated with low self-esteem because of outrage of teachers, administrators, and inter-students bullying and harassment. As our student was saying all what his teacher has been doing to him, not up to mid-way of his statement of fact, the principal and vice-principal stopped the meeting and told our representative to leave or they will call the police.
14.f. Our representative left and we moved the complaint to the secretary of education, superintendent and commissioner of elementary and secondary schools but because of the power given to the principal and vice-principal of Arnone School, the teacher continues to reduce our student's scores, the teacher mobilized students called bad students against our student and made our student to sit facing the wall instead of facing the teacher and the black or white teaching board. When the teacher has fully enjoyed this punitive sitting position, she continued to allow our student to sit in the midst of these "noising students" and now they have open up severe forms of harassment and bullying to force our student to loss focus of the teaching. This teacher is damaging the educational focus of these " students" because they are adopted secret agents for the teacher and teacher and as gratification, she allows them to remain on computer playing violent games and other activities when the teaching is going on. She prevents our student and other students from using the computer to do school research and assignment.
14.g. In the other hand, we placed our focus on the teacher's teaching and objective attention on students' work, comprehension, assessment and qualitative evaluation because we found that the teacher is paid salary without doing any work particularly that for over two months the teacher has not seen, corrected, scored and recorded the work of students in her classroom and returned the works to parents. Same manner across the urban and mixed urban schools under similar condition cited at Arnone School, teachers are seen to be focusing on harassment, bullying and writing incident reports against non-white students than teaching, reading students' work, reviewing teaching, comprehension and syllabus, scoring and returning students' works to parents.
Poisoning of students' food continues at Arnone School continues because the principal, secretary of education, superintendent of public schools and commissioner of elementary and secondary schools neglected, refused and failed to implement our recommendations cited in the above mentioned weblink.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=e50b7ed8b228eb18&biw=1366&bih=643&pf=p&pdl=3000
Phillip Ofume, Ph.D. Chair, National & International Policy Research
Council; Head, Law Reform and Litigation and Security Policy Council;
Candidate in Exile - Nigeria's Presidential Election 2015; National
Chair, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association -Anti-Racism
Committee (p)
Godson Etiebet, Ph.D. Researcher, (Policy/Good Government) National
and International Policy Research Council Coordinator, Europe Section,
Cynthia H. Taylor, Ph.D./Alh. (Dr.) Farruk Mohammad Strategic
Development Researchers - International Policy Research Council,
Middle East Project
Tan Ochollu, D.Lit. Principal Researcher, (Strategic Development)
National and International Policy Research Council Director of Asia
Reid MacDonald, Ph.D. Coordinator, North America Section
Kris Kifindi Bunkheti, Ph.D. - Sept 2007 - present continued to be
detained/imprisoned by the PM of Canada Stephen Harper Researcher
(Language/Culture), National and International Policy Research Council
York University (Department of History) Toronto, Ontario Canada (p)
Jerome Tesfai, D. Min/Div Principal Researcher, Policy and Practice in
Government and Foreign Interveners - Africa Project
Francois Bourgeois/Pierre Bushel
International Human Rights Watch and Democracy - St. Etienne, France
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